Posts Tagged ‘24’

The Story Of The Golden Boy – Why YOU Are So Important

At CE we’re often asked, “What can I do to change the world? How can I help?” And often, our response seems overly simplistic. People believe that in order to make a difference you have to look outside of yourself and make some grand gesture, but the truth is, change starts from within. Each of us has […]

U.S. House passes Iran sanctions, financial services measures

The U.S. House of Representatives passed two pieces of legislation linked to the international nuclear agreement with Iran on Thursday, one year after the landmark pact was announced, defying President Barack Obama’s veto threat. Voting largely along party lines, the Republican-controlled House voted 246 to 179 to pass a new set of sanctions on Iran, […]

Bernie Sanders sold out: And now for the Killary wars to come

     The worst disservice Sanders has done to his supporters, other than to lead them on a wild goose chase for real change, is to virtually ignore his rival’s vaunted “experience.” He need not have mentioned Hillary Clinton’s Senate record, since there was nothing there; her stint as law-maker was merely intended to position her […]

Alberta Wildfires Costliest Disaster In Canadian History

Print Friendly Above Photo: The Fort McMurray wildfire in Canada, shortly after the blaze ignited on May 1.Credit: jasonwoodhead23/flickr The Fort McMurray wildfire, driven by drought and climate change, was the costliest natural disaster in Canadian history, ringing up $3.58 billion in losses, according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada. The wildfire, which ignited May 1 in eastern Alberta […]

Protests over shootings block roads in U.S. cities, arrests made

Protests against the shootings of two black men by police officers shut down main arteries in a number of U.S. cities on Saturday, leading to numerous arrests, scuffles and injuries in confrontations between police and demonstrators. Undeterred by heightened concerns about safety at protests after a lone gunman killed five police officers in Dallas Thursday […]

Brexit – No vote changes nothing

     The morning’s headlines proclaiming the unthinkable didn’t make sense: the UK was leaving the EU; Cameron was resigning. The world had ended and been born anew. I’ll admit it, I was temporarily stunned. Jacob Rothschild had called for a Remain vote. What else was there to talk about? I hadn’t seen that one coming. […]

Cincinnatti Zoo Gorilla Boy is BLACK

By Phillip Marlowe Lordy, this is so rich! Turns out, the 4 year-old who jumped into the Gorilla enclosure, forcing the Cincinnati Zoo people to shoot the Gorilla named “Harambe,” was a black kid. Because they thought the little boy in the enclosure was White, black militants and idiot “social justice warriors” (SJW) were coming out of the woodwork, […]

3 Strong Reasons Why Aliens Won’t Talk to Us — And Why the ‘Elite’ Must Go

This morning I had my usual cup of coffee first thing and my traditional bowl of porridge to kick the day off, and then did my usual thing of checking out Facebook and the news on my phone… This is where it all went wrong! Immediately on FBI was presented with the most disgusting acts […]

Israeli troops open fire at shepherds, farmers in Gaza

Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -Israeli occupation forces opened fire on Wednesday morning at shepherds and farmers near eastern borders of the Gaza Strip. Official Palestinian sources reported the Israeli shooting at the Palestinians in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, but reported no casualties. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Eyewitness said that […]

Curfew imposed as anti-govt protesters storm PM’s office, Green Zone in Baghdad

     At least three people are reported dead and scores injured after Iraqi state forces used live bullets and tear gas against anti-government protesters attempting to storm the Green Zone area of Baghdad. A curfew has now been imposed. People in the mostly young male crowd shouted, “This is the revenge of the people!” and […]

Minister: Iran to make significant growth over the next 4 years

Kuala Lumpur, May 20, IRNA – Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Security Ali Rabiee said on Friday that based on predictions made by research centers, Iran will register the highest economic growth among Middle East countries between 2016 and 2020. Growth rate of Iran’s GDP is expected to reach nearly 5% over the the […]

Brazilian Senate Impeaches President Dilma Rousseff

nsnbc : The Brazilian Senate, on Thursday, voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. The vote came after months of allegations about her involvement in corruption, creative bookkeeping as well as her role in the economic decay of the country that has led to popular turmoil. 55 voted for and 22 against the impeachment. Rousseff has, in other words, been […]

Brazilian Senate Impeaches President Dilma Rousseff

nsnbc : The Brazilian Senate, on Thursday, voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. The vote came after months of allegations about her involvement in corruption, creative bookkeeping as well as her role in the economic decay of the country that has led to popular turmoil. 55 voted for and 22 against the impeachment. Rousseff has, in other words, been […]

Brazilian Senate Impeaches President Dilma Rousseff

nsnbc : The Brazilian Senate, on Thursday, voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. The vote came after months of allegations about her involvement in corruption, creative bookkeeping as well as her role in the economic decay of the country that has led to popular turmoil. 55 voted for and 22 against the impeachment. Rousseff has, in other words, been […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Saudi Arabia lays down conditions for signing oil production freeze agreement

     Saudi Arabia has made it a condition for oil production freeze agreement that all OPEC members and large oil producing countries should take part in it, Russia’s Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday. “Saudi Arabia has made it as a condition for signing freeze production agreement that all OPEC member countries and major […]

U.S. & Saudis committing ‘absolutely horrific’ war crimes in Yemen

     The United States is a major backer and supporter of the Saudi-led war against Yemen. The U.S. supplies the weapons, and provides most of the targeting and military tactics. See this, this, this, this, this and this. (And see this for background on the Yemen war.) The Saudi and American military are committing war […]

FBI orders local police into silence about capabilities of cell phone surveillance gear

(NaturalNews) More and more, the federal government is behaving like a Stalinist entity that views We the People as adversaries to be subdued, rather than as citizens to be served. According to a document released by the FBI under a Freedom of Information Act request filed by The Washington Post, the federal law […]

Dr. Duke Discusses the Ted Cruz Sex Scandal and How the Media Covers Stories in Line with the Jewish Agenda!

Dr. Duke Discusses the Ted Cruz Sex Scandal and How the Media Covers Stories in Line with the Jewish Agenda! Today Dr. Duke talked about how the media is using psychological conditioning techniques in an effort to thwart the electoral success of Donald Trump. For instance, they repeatedly ask him questions about his support from […]

IRL Shitposter Photobombs BLM Protest

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