Posts Tagged ‘ash’

Rare ‘red sprites’ burst out of supercell storm in Texas

     Very rare ‘Red Sprites’ shoot out of the tops of supercell thunderstorms near Amarillo, Texas. Source Article from

Is CNN telling us something? CNN slammed for headline with ‘terrorists’ in quotes

     CNN was immediately slammed when viewers noticed one small detail about the network’s story about Wednesday’s attack in Tel Aviv, Israel — the word “terrorists” was set off by quotation marks. The fatal attack, carried out by two Palestinians who opened fire in a popular complex in Tel Aviv, left four Israelis dead and […]

Challenging A Wall Street Giant On Pay

Print Friendly Above: BlackRock protest, Aimee Tebay, pictured at the Nurses protest at Bord Altranais at Blackrock. A prominent shareholder activist is fed up with money manager BlackRock over the firm’s practice of rubberstamping obscenely large executive compensation packages at thousands of U.S. corporations. Investor and philanthropist Stephen Silberstein has set up a CEO pay […]

Unsafe at any dose? Diagnosing chemical safety failures – from BPA to DDT

     Piecemeal, and at long last, chemical manufacturers have begun removing the endocrine-disrupting plastic bisphenol-A (BPA) from products they sell. Sunoco no longer sells BPA for products that might be used by children under three. France has a national ban on BPA food packaging. The EU has banned BPA from baby bottles. These bans and […]

Minister: Iran to make significant growth over the next 4 years

Kuala Lumpur, May 20, IRNA – Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Security Ali Rabiee said on Friday that based on predictions made by research centers, Iran will register the highest economic growth among Middle East countries between 2016 and 2020. Growth rate of Iran’s GDP is expected to reach nearly 5% over the the […]

Rome Meeting: ‘Nonviolence And Just Peace’ A Turning Point Against War


Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano erupts again

     Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano erupted on Sunday (March 27) sending a cloud of gas and ash 2,000 meters into the sky. [Courtesy of] Source Article from

‘I suffer from severe psychological issues and I need the help of mental health professionals,’ says Trump

     Miami—Following a series of attacks by his opponents on inconsistent policy statements he has made in the past, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump reportedly shot back at his challengers with a pointed and stinging rebuttal during Thursday’s GOP debate, saying, “I suffer from severe psychological issues, and I desperately need the help of mental health […]

Gates Foundation will pay students to engage in GMO banana ‘trial’

     Twelve students will be paid to eat genetically modified (GMO) bananas as researchers at Iowa State University start moving forward with a long-delayed project. The project which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation would pay each student $900. Thes tests are to be carried out on the students without any previous […]

Robert Califf approved as the next FDA commissioner – the FDA now officially belongs to Big Pharma

     Robert Califf’s ties to Big Pharma run deep and the Obama nominee just sailed through the U.S. Senate. It is hard to believe only four senators opposed the confirmation of Robert Califf, who was approved today as the next FDA commissioner. Vocal opponent Bernie Sanders condemned the vote from the campaign trail. But where […]

Methane explosion in Russian coal mine kills 4, dozens trapped

     At least four miners were killed after a structural collapse at a coal mine in northern Russia, and the rescue operation was further complicated by a second explosion when emergency workers were trying to reach dozens of miners trapped underground, officials and media reports said Friday. About 110 coal miners were underground at the […]

Atlanta airport gives ultimatum to TSA over severe delays

     The general manager of the Atlanta International Airport is threatening to privatize security and baggage screening duties, since the shortage of TSA staff is causing severe delays at the world’s busiest airport. Last year, the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport in the US state of Georgia handled 22.7 million passengers, more than Beijing, Dubai or […]

Blackwater, after suffering heavy losses, abandons Taiz, Yemen

Syrian Free Press (Leith Fadel, AMN) ~ The U.S. based Blackwater Group has reportedly abandoned the Ta’iz front in western Yemen after suffering heavy casualties over the last two months while fighting alongside the Saudi-led Coalition forces and the Hadi loyalists. Local activists have reported this news after they intercepted a communication between Blackwater officers […]

Government Admits They Will Use Smart Home Devices For Spying

Director of national intelligence, James Clapper, has revealed that US intelligence agencies are using various “smart home” devices in order to spy on citizens.  The growing list of smart devices such as thermostats, cameras, and other appliances that are connected to the internet, provide authorities with the ability to spy on its citizens. The Guardian […]

Anti-Putin opposition leader Kasyanov caught in Strasbourg with his pants down and blames Kadyrov

The Saker I am convinced now that Kadyrov is a political and PR genius. To trap the liberals in their own webs, he has posted on his Instagram account a video taken by a hidden camera of Kasyanov, an apparatchik from so called “PARNAS” party, in Strasbourg meeting with the official representatives from NATO countries […]

Monsanto & Gates Foundation Put Pressure On Kenya To Lift GMO Ban

Kenya’s ban on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is on the verge of being reversed. The African country may soon allow the use of genetically modified cotton and maize seeds following pressure from agribusiness giant Monsanto, USAID, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Kenya banned GMO imports in 2012 and the upcoming approval has been […]

Syrian troops regain control of strategic area in Aleppo

Damascus (Tasnim) – The Syrian army, backed by popular forces, seized control of a key area in the northern province of Aleppo. According to Tasnim dispatches, the Syrian troops on Sunday managed to retake Takfiri groups’ most important stronghold in the area of Khan Tuman after dealing a heavy blow to the militants in surprise […]

South Australia hit by 140,000 lightning strikes

     Trees came crashing down and some homes leaked as a thunderstorm and 140,000 lightning strikes lashed the state last night. The State Emergency Service responded to 45 calls overnight, about a dozen of which were around the Gawler region north of Adelaide, where 14.2mm of rain was recorded. State duty officer Sara Pulford said […]

US Government remains silent about American journalist murdered for exposing Turkey’s ties to ISIS

     Wow. If this was an ISIS propaganda video, the American government would be exploiting it to the hilt in every mainstream media outlet across the country… but when a Western ally kills an American journalist for uncovering ties between that ally and ISIS… crickets. Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change reminds us it has […]

Reporter for CNN suspended for criticizing US decision to ban refugees from Syria and Iraq

     A CNN correspondent has been suspended for two weeks after publicly criticizing the US House of Representatives’ decision to suspend a program allowing Syrian and Iraqi refugees to enter the United States. Elise Labott, a CNN global affairs correspondent tweeted: “House passes bill that could limit Syrian refugees. Statue of Liberty bows head in […]

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