Posts Tagged ‘feet’

Justice minister boasts that Facebook and Twitter deleted large amounts of Palestinian content due to Israeli pressure

     Facebook and Twitter have recently deleted thousands of posts, pages and accounts in response to demands from the Israeli ministry of justice, Quds Press reported on Wednesday. “We succeeded to achieve our goals as around 70 per cent of our demands [to delete Facebook and Twitter content] were fulfilled,” Israeli Minister of Justice Ayelet […]

Department of Energy: Warning Messages for Future Humans to Avoid Radioactive Waste Dumps

Department of Energy: Warning Messages for Future Humans to Avoid Radioactive Waste Dumps June 7th, 2016 Wikipedia: Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: For the case of the WIPP, the markers, called “passive institutional controls”, will include an outer perimeter of thirty-two 25-foot (7.6 m)-tall granite […]

Research suggests cannabis use may be hidden risk in cardiovascular problems

     A healthy 21-year-old man had a heart attack after smoking marijuana, and the doctors who treated him believe the drug is what caused his heart attack, according to a new report of this case. In fact, experts say that there have been other cases of cardiovascular problems related to smoking pot, and that growing […]

Another dead whale washes up on Lincolnshire beach in the UK

     The body of a five metre long whale has washed up on a beach in Mablethorpe. The grim discovery comes just four months after five sperm whales beached and died on the east coast, including three in Lincolnshire near Skegness. Scientists are still trying to work out what caused the members of the sperm […]

Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People

Geo-engineering is an umbrella term for deliberate climate intervention that includes spraying the sky with aerosols to reflect solar radiation away from Earth in order to cool the planet and to save the environment and humanity from the effects of supposedly man-made global warming.  by Cassandra Anderson There is evidence that this program has already […]

Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano erupts again

     Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano erupted on Sunday (March 27) sending a cloud of gas and ash 2,000 meters into the sky. [Courtesy of] Source Article from

Extremist cell behind attacks in Brussels and Paris is being ‘annihilated’

From: Punctuated with gunfire and explosions, a new series of anti-terrorism raids unfolded Friday in the Belgian capital as the French president declared that the extremist cell behind Tuesdays bombings in Brussels and the attacks last November in Paris was being annihilated. The raids here came as French and German […]

Gates Foundation Will Pay College Students To Eat Genetically Modified Bananas

Iowa State University researchers plan to move ahead this year with a long-delayed project in which a dozen students would be paid to eat genetically modified bananas. The trial is controversial, because natural-food proponents claim genetically modified foods can be dangerous. Many mainstream scientists, including those running the ISU project, disagree. […]

NWO Document Reveals Nightmare Government Plans To Control Your Family

A chilling document released by the US Department of Health and Human Services reveals a New World Order (NWO) plan to control every aspect of family life – completely transferring the rights of the parent over to the State. “To support ongoing relationship building with families, programs and schools should conduct periodic home visits so that […]

Iran’s Foreign Minister slams US & Saudis for talk of deploying forces to Syria

     As Saudi Arabia considers deploying ground forces to Syria, Iran’s foreign minister has stressed the importance of pursuing a political solution, especially in light of ceasefire reached during the Munich talks. Early Friday morning, world leaders reached a last minute ceasefire agreement aimed at ending the violence in Syria. Expected to be implemented within […]

Iran’s Foreign Minister slams US & Saudis for talk of deploying forces to Syria

     As Saudi Arabia considers deploying ground forces to Syria, Iran’s foreign minister has stressed the importance of pursuing a political solution, especially in light of ceasefire reached during the Munich talks. Early Friday morning, world leaders reached a last minute ceasefire agreement aimed at ending the violence in Syria. Expected to be implemented within […]

Icy swamps replace knee-deep snow in Moscow after what meteorologists say is "abnormal" warming

     Muscovites have been taken aback as knee-deep snow has been replaced virtually overnight with torrents of dirty water and icy swamps. Add in some biting winds, and the Russian capital has turned into one massive skating rink. A heavy rainfall hit Moscow overnight, coinciding with a sudden warming and temperatures rising to plus two […]

Apple ‘secretly working’ on virtual reality device

The California-based company has reportedly employed “hundreds of staff from a series of carefully targeted acquisitions” and those “poached from companies that are working on next-generation headset technologies including Microsoft,” the newspaper said, citing sources familiar with the matter. On Tuesday, Apple CEO Tim Cooksaid VR “is really cool and has some interesting applications.” Earlier, […]

Fugitive Mafia Bosses Captured Hiding In ‘luxurious’ Underground Bunker

Two cold-blooded Ndrangheta Mafia bosses have been captured in southern Italy hiding in a ‘luxurious’ camouflaged underground bunker dug into a mountain. The pair, who fed their live victims to pigs for revenge, had been on the run for more than a decade. The Mirror reports: One of the bosses, Giuseppe Ferraro, 47, handed over […]

Dangerous Mexican Volcano Threatens To Erupt

Thousands of people are on evacuation alert as one of world’s most dangerous volcanoes shows signs of a possible catastrophic eruption. Vast clouds of black smoke and ash have been bellowing from the Popocatépetl volcano 35 miles from Mexico City. The Mirror reports: The Popocatépetl volcano , located 35 miles from Mexico City, is showing […]

Now its Israel’s turn to open its nuclear program to IAEA inspection, or face sanctions

     Iran has currently met its obligations to the IAEA under the 2015 US-­led agreement with the UN and now IT is the time for Israel to submit its nuclear program to UNSC inspection or face international sanctions. The imperative is for: 1. The Negev Nuclear Research Center at Dimona to be fully opened to […]

Update: 40,000 dairy cattle now lost after storm Goliath in Texas and New Mexico

     While Ireland battles with widespread flooding, snow and wind in the US has caused havoc on dairy farms. Storm Goliath tore through Clovis, New Mexico, where Glanbia are involved in cheese manufacture, and Lubbock, Texas last weekend. The storm dumped 22 inches of snow driven by wind speeds of 100km/h, causing havoc on dairy […]

Fighting Cancer And Inflammation With Roasted Garlic And Apple Cider Vinegar

Sometimes we need a small plate or a good snack between our meals. We can also serve our guests with that. When we speak about snacks, a lot of people usually think about chips. Cookies, popcorn or some other processed foods. In fact, snacking doesn’t have to be your unhealthy time for you. It should […]

Fighting Cancer And Inflammation With Roasted Garlic And Apple Cider Vinegar

Sometimes we need a small plate or a good snack between our meals. We can also serve our guests with that. When we speak about snacks, a lot of people usually think about chips. Cookies, popcorn or some other processed foods. In fact, snacking doesn’t have to be your unhealthy time for you. It should […]

Black Lives Matter OR Property Rights Matter? The Problems with Protesting at the Mall of America

Jamar Clark was shot on November 15th, 2015 by Minneapolis Police Officers Mark Riggenberg and/or Dustin Schwartz. The death of Clark has left many questions surrounding the death unanswered. Was he handcuffed? Did he go for a weapon? Was it recorded? And why hasn’t the video been released? The lack of answers to these questions lead to protesters […]

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