Posts Tagged ‘jet’

Boy Awarded $174,000 After Flu Vaccine Causes Permanent Brain Damage

The family of a 10-year-old boy who was left permanently brain damaged after receiving a flu vaccine have been awarded $174,000 in damages.  The British government have compensated Josh Hadfield for his impairment after he received a Pandemrix influenza vaccine when he was four years old in an effort to combat the alleged H1N1 flu […]

Protests over shootings block roads in U.S. cities, arrests made

Protests against the shootings of two black men by police officers shut down main arteries in a number of U.S. cities on Saturday, leading to numerous arrests, scuffles and injuries in confrontations between police and demonstrators. Undeterred by heightened concerns about safety at protests after a lone gunman killed five police officers in Dallas Thursday […]

Indonesia to Build Military Bases on Natuna Islands as South China Sea Dispute Destabilizes Region

nsnbc : Indonesia will build several military bases in the Natuna Islands to safeguard the country’s sovereignty. The decision was made against the backdrop of growing tensions over territorial disputes between China and other Southeast Asian nations in the South China Sea and Indonesia’s ambitions to become a global maritime hub. Mount Rani, Natuna Islands. […]

Why Pentagon wants to punish sailors after Iran seizes US vessel

Washington’s position on the incident involving the detention of two US Navy vessels in Iranian territorial waters has proved to be quite controversial. In an interview with Sputnik, Iranian expert Fouad Izadi shared his views on the US reaction to the incident. On Wednesday, the US announced it would punish nine sailors who were involved […]

Why Pentagon wants to punish sailors after Iran seizes US vessel

Washington’s position on the incident involving the detention of two US Navy vessels in Iranian territorial waters has proved to be quite controversial. In an interview with Sputnik, Iranian expert Fouad Izadi shared his views on the US reaction to the incident. On Wednesday, the US announced it would punish nine sailors who were involved […]

The Rule of Law and the Politics of Fear: Lawyer Dennis Edney

30 fake universities named & shamed in China

Apparently, faking an entire educational institution isn’t all that difficult. And authorities say they’re becoming harder to spot. No less than a dozen provinces and regions – including Beijing and Shanghai  – were mentioned in a list by, an education information website, according to Xinhua. Some 30 fake universities were mentioned, compounding an already […]

US looking to deploy Israeli missile system on Russian borders

     The US military has tested an Israeli short-range missile for possible use in its European network of missile systems to deter Russia, says a US Army general. Major General Glenn Bramhall of the US Army’s Air and Missile Defense Command made the comments on Monday, as he visited the occupied Palestinian territories. Bramhall said […]

Iran’s Shamkhani in Russia to discuss Syria

Shamkhani arrived in the Russian capital on Monday to meet with senior Russian officials and exchange views about the latest efforts to resolve the more than five-year-old conflict in Syria. The visit comes after defense ministers of Iran, Russia and Syria held a trilateral meeting in Tehran on June 10 and discussed regional developments and […]

NYT whitewashes abuse of Palestinian workers in Israel

By Barbara Erickson TimesWrap –Palestinians are pouring over the border from the West Bank to Israel daily, The New York Times tells us in a recent front-page story lavish with photos. The job seekers, many of them illegal, face tough commutes and low pay, but they continue to come in the tens of thousands, desperate for work. In this […]

How to Overcome the 4 Most Common Thoughts that Create Mental Agitation

Christina Sarich, Staff WriterWaking Times Your mind is always busy. You really notice just how busy it is when you finally sit down to meditate. Those racing thoughts are perfectly normal. In fact, Eastern teachings liken the mind to a monkey that has been bitten by a scorpion jumping from tree to […]

CCTV Catches Young Boy Trespassing To Cuddle Neighbour’s Dog

A young boy is spotted by security cameras sneaking into a neighbour’s garage for a quick dog cuddle. Hollie Breaux Mallet from Louisiana was reviewing CCTV footage of her garage when she noticed a little boy playing on a bike entering her premises and exchanging hugs and kisses with her pet dog Duchess.  Breaking News reports: […]

Thailand Celebrates 70th Year of King’s Reign – Anxious About His Health

nsnbc : Thais celebrate the 70th year of the reign of King Bhumibol Adulyadej as most citizens grow increasingly concerned about his health. King Bhumibol Adulyadej is, think about constitutional monarchies what you will, by most Thais venerated as a unifying person who has kept the peace in the country. People are carrying bespectacled photos […]

Grandpa Lampshade: Thoughts of the Day – Fiesta Time!

Radio Aryan June 8, 2016 Grandpa Lampshade’s thought for today is – Fiesta time! That’s right, the Mexican fiestas at Trump rallies are now escalating to full-on assaults. We’re talking about the direction this is all going in and what it means for all of us. Why does Trump keep having rallies in hostile venues? […]

‘Many wounded’ by car bomb at southeast Turkey police station – security

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Aspartame is a hidden schedule II narcotic

(NaturalNews) You’re probably thinking, “Did I read the headline right?” or maybe, “Is the headline right?” The answer to both questions is “yes.” Artificial sweetener aspartame is indeed a Schedule II narcotic, because the methanol in aspartame affects dopamine levels in the brain, which can lead to addiction. Methanol, or wood alcohol, is […]

Mainstream Media Says Microchipping Kids Coming Soon, Will be ‘As Commonplace as the Barcode’

‘As commonplace as the barcode,’ claims a new report from NBC News, discussing the microchipping of children — and potentially adults, as well — as an inevitable technology in our future. by Claire Bernish NBC’s report seems innocuous enough, capitalizing on ‘every parent’s worst nightmare’ scenario — their child suddenly is nowhere to be found […]

Stop Consuming Culture and Create Your Own

Stephen Parato, ContributorWaking Times Are you creating the life you want? Or are you just absorbing a version of reality that has been projected upon you? Are you living life on your own terms? Or are you letting your hopes and dreams become the desires of someone else? Are you maximizing your own state of […]

Erdogan’s ‘autocratic ambitions’ blasted by German Bundestag speaker

READ MORE: Turkey + EU = Censorship? 5 times Erdogan tried to get Europe to silence his critics Lammert, who heads Germany’s lower house of parliament and is a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), told Süddeutsche Zeitung that attempts to strip deputies of parliamentary immunity were part of “a whole series […]

Photos: Iran holds 12th int’l conference on Mahdism Doctrine

Iran holds The 12th edition of the International Conference on Mahdism Doctrine in the Iranian holy city of Qom.     By IRNA Source Article from

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