Posts Tagged ‘footprint’

Fossil fuel footprint: Corals reveal industrial pollution’s deep sea impact

New study uncovers historical pollutants from burning fossil fuels in Mediterranean corals, highlighting human influence on marine ecosystems. Source

eWeek highlights digitalization’s growing environmental footprint

Image Credit: Shutterstock/KPixMining As the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development eWeek 2023 convened last week, the conference highlighted digitalization’s environmental costs on the planet. The digital transformation the world has seen is causing raw material depletion, an increase in water and energy use, and more pollution and waste, the speakers said. From online […]

Australian Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions to Carbon Footprint

Green social credit score scheme accelerates. Source

Green Social Credit: ‘Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker’ Pushed by China’s Alibaba At World Economic Forum

China’s Alibaba is developing an “individual carbon footprint tracker”, the firm’s president said at the World Economic Forum in Davos.


[embedded content]… Ortega wins NICARAGUA — Less than a week before Nicaragua’s presidential election, social media giant Facebook deleted the accounts of hundreds of the country’s top news outlets, journalists and activists, all of whom supported the ruling left-wing Sandinista government, a top Washington target for regime change.In 2019, Facebook’s Ben Nimmo played a key role […]

New Credit Card Will Shut Off When Your ‘Carbon Footprint’ Gets Too High

    It’s being touted as “climate action in your pocket”, and the Doconomy site says “Our non-plastic, biodegradable DO card tracks the CO2 emissions generated from our transactions and then displays that data through a simple app.” The site goes on to say that this is a partnership not only with credit giant Mastercard […]

6 ways to reduce your carbon footprint through dietary changes

What can you do to address the climate crisis? Many changes benefit the planet, from recycling to bringing your cloth bags to the store.  A frequently overlooked way to reduce your carbon footprint is through dietary changes. You can make a sustainable difference by choosing your meals wisely, and you don’t have to overly restrict […]

Cain Celebrated By Environmentalists For Reducing Humanity’s Carbon Footprint By 25%

Cain Celebrated By Environmentalists For Reducing Humanity’s Carbon Footprint By 25% U.S.—For millennia, most people looked at Cain as a villain for killing his brother Abel. However, some historians and environmental experts are now suggesting Cain has been unfairly treated by the history books. “When you think about it from an environmental standpoint,” said scientist Juni Pedersen, “Cain […]

The enigmatic genetic footprint of Palestine

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

IMF Wants to Use “Digital Footprint of Customers’ … Online Activities” to Assess Creditworthiness

By Robert Wheeler For years, researchers have warned of a system in which the government controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives. Every citizen would have to rely entirely on the government to survive in this system. This system has been openly discussed for many years by the “ruling class.” Aka: those who have been […]

IMF: Use “digital footprint of… online activities” to Assess Creditworthiness

For years, researchers have warned of a system in which the government controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives. Every citizen would have to rely entirely on the government to survive in this system. This system has been openly discussed for many years by the “ruling class.” Aka: those who have been allotted social credit (or […]

Keeping the Empire Running: Britain’s Global Military Footprint

A few nostalgic types still believe that the Union Jack continues to flutter to sighs and reverence over outposts of the world, from the tropics to the desert.  They would be right, if only to a point.  Britain, it turns out, has a rather expansive global reach when it comes to bases, military installations and […]

Shrinking The Footprint Of Police: Six Ideas For Enhancing Safety

Above photo: Defund the Police demonstrators in Hollywood on June 2 2020. By Ringo H.W. Chiu for Associated Press. Overview Spurred by the brutal and senseless murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black Americans, people are demanding that we redirect money away from police budgets into sustainable community-driven solutions. Policymakers, communities, residents, and organizations […]

America’s Growing Military Footprint is Sparking an Anti War Resurgence

As if NRA-driven gun sales, white supremacist militias, anti-woman violence, armed ICE raids, and mass incarceration weren’t enough, capitalism is now giving us another reminder of its inherent violence in the form of a big new boost to spending on the military and overseas interventions. Trump’s new discretionary budget will shovel 61 percent of the […]

No Foreign Bases: Challenging the Footprint of US Empire

No Foreign Bases: Challenging the Footprint of US Empire The United States cannot be a moral or ethical country until it faces up to the realities of US empire and the destruction it causes around the world. The US undermines governments (including democracies), kills millions of people, causes mass migrations of people fleeing their homes, […]

Giant Humanoid Footprint Discovered In South Africa

Next Story Below is a video of Michael Tellinger showing the world closeup video footage of what appears to be a giant footprint that’s been etched into granite rock in South Africa. This video has been circling the web for a few years now, and despite all of the efforts to debunk it, continues to […]

Six-Million-Year-Old Footprint Found on the Island of Crete Challenges Human History

Christina Sarich, Staff WriterWaking Times The human footprint is unique, and it is easy to distinguish from other animals’ prints. Any tracker or hunter knows this. A newly discovered humanoid footprint found on the Island of Crete dated almost 6-million-years-old, is now shaking the very foundations of the human historical narrative. The footprint doesn’t […]

This 290-Million-Year-Old HUMAN Footprint Has Experts Baffled

The rock—which belongs to the Permian Period 299 to 251 million years ago—was discovered in New Mexico and features a human footprint, left behind—apparently—nearly 299 million years ago. But, there weren’t any humans on Earth at that time, were there? AncientCode| Many authors would agree with the fact that countless discoveries that have been made in the […]

US Expands Military Footprint in Syria to EIGHT Bases, ‘Modifies’ Kobani Air Base

Vanessa Beeley21st Century Wire “The US is setting up its military bases in the territories that were liberated from Daesh by our fighters during the fight against terrorism,” ~ Senior Representative of the US armed, proxy, SDF forces. With very little fanfare from the western media, the US is quietly creating a hostile military footprint inside Syria. By establishing a chain […]

Hyundai Motor seeks bigger footprint in Iran

Financial Tribune- South Korea’s Hyundai Motor Group is looking for a stronger presence in Iran’s auto market through better services and improving relations with car buyers, says the chief executive of Kerman Motor Company.  “Following Kerman Motor’s success in assembling and distribution of Hyundai i10 and i20 and last year’s deal to assemble the Accent […]

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