Posts Tagged ‘bigger’

Biden Says Global Warming Is A Bigger Existential Threat Than Nuclear War

Last year President Biden deaclred that global temperature rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next two decades is more frightening than a nuclear war. “The only existential threat humanity faces even more frightening […] The post Biden Says Global Warming Is A Bigger Existential Threat Than Nuclear War appeared first on The People's […]

Want a Bigger Boner? Get 20% Off Penis Pumps at This Sex Toy Site

Tired of pinching pennies to just stroke your penis with Mach 3+ power? Fed up with male sex toys that cost more than a week’s worth of organic groceries? We hear you. We, too, have grown bored with Old Righty. That’s why we’re bringing you a few of the best deals from The Enhanced Male’s […]

Brazilian Women Have Bigger Balls Than Most US “males”

In Brasil — Salohi Nakamoto (@Salohi_Nakamoto) September 9, 2023 Source

Linus Tech Tips / Linus Media Group misleading users, bigger problem than initally exposed?

Linus’ tech channel is a multimillion corporation, which is the go to place for many people who make decisions from this corporation’s advice/tests. No corporation is immune from fraud, and fraud can take place under many guises. Are they just simple mistakes or deliberately concealed errors in order to be the ‘first to market’ with […]

Elon Musk’s ‘Project Omega’ Could Be Bigger Than Tesla, SpaceX, and PayPal Combined

Award-winning futurist Eric Fry believes that “Project Omega” could be even bigger than Tesla, SpaceX, and PayPal combined. Source

60 Percent Of Americans Say China A Bigger Threat Than Russia: Poll

The Chinese regime’s flags and American flags are displayed in a company in Beijing on Aug. 16, 2017. (Wang Zhao/AFP via Getty Images) The poll, which was conducted between March 9–13, asked 1,795 American adults about their views on a range of political topics. One question asked respondents to identify who they consider the greatest […]

60 Percent Of Americans Say China A Bigger Threat Than Russia: Poll-40% With Their Heads Out of Their A$$es Knows USA Bigger Threat To Americans Than China & Russia Joined Together

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Biden Says Climate Change Is A Bigger Threat To Humanity Than Nuclear War

US President Joe Biden has claimed that climate change is a bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war. Biden made the comments on Tuesday during a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in New York City…..just four […] The post Biden Says Climate Change Is A Bigger Threat To Humanity Than Nuclear War appeared first on News […]

Bongino: Something Bigger Is Going On With Biden Docs

Bongino: Something Bigger Is Going On With Biden Docs Date: January 20, 2023Author: Nwo Report  Posted BY: Teresa | NwoReport Inquiring minds are looking at the astounding facts concerning the recent discovery of classified documents in the possession of President Joe Biden. Remember, a short time ago, the FBI raided former President Trump’s Florida home, […]

Ex-editor of The Atlantic says Twitter Files are “a much bigger deal than many realize”

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) In a series of tweets, Benjamin Carlson, former editor of The Atlantic, outlined seven key takeaways from the Twitter Files revelations that show just how important they are to our understanding of the world in 2023.For one, the Twitter Files have changed history. What many thought were established facts about covid, for […]

Scientists Discover a Giant Manta Ray Population, 10 Times Bigger Than Any Other

Scientists Discover a Giant Manta Ray Population, 10 Times Bigger Than Any Other Nature16 November 2022 By David Nield   (Michele Westmorland/Corbis Documentary/Getty Images)   With so many species under threat due to human activity and climate change, it’s encouraging to hear about one population that’s doing very well for itself: a group of more […]

New Evidence Shows Exploding Biden&Biden Scandal 1000 X Bigger Than Watergate

READ HERE: “I’ve Delivered”: New Disclosures Demolish President Biden’s Denials On Hunter Dealings   Source

Micronesia Last Of Bigger Nations To Have COVID-19 Outbreak

The outbreak comes less than two weeks before Micronesia planned to end its quarantine restrictions and reopen its borders to the world on Aug. 1. Source

Juror Who Acquitted Sussmann: ‘There Are Bigger Things’ Than Lying to FBI

A juror in the trial of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann told the media after he was unanimously acquitted Tuesday that she did not think the case should have been prosecuted because lying to the FBI was not a big deal.

Trump Says ‘Radical Left’ Is A Far Bigger Threat To The US Than Russia or China

Former US President Donald Trump has declared that the greatest threat to the US isn’t Russia, China or any other foreign state, but rather its the “radical left” politicians that are currently running America. Trump made his comments during a Republican rally in Washington Township, Michigan on Sunday where he also said “We’re living through […]

Returning Home — Taking Respite and Preparation for More and Bigger Struggles!

A message from Workers Peasants Unity 11.12.2021 (a rough translation of the Page 1 article of Ei Muhurte Kichhu Bhavna Dec21-Jan22) 381 days. More than 725 martyrs. So, what did we see in the year-long battle? “Modi-Shah-BJP-RSS are unbeatable. Whatever they say are final. Modi ne kiya hain toh kuch soch samajh ke hi kiya […]

We Are Headed For a Collapse BIGGER Than 2008

by Admin · Published December 9, 2021 · Updated December 9, 2021 John Perez decodes the globalist attack on cryptoWatch this video Source

Dr Shankara Chetty warns of the bigger plan

November 11, 2021 Dr Shankara Chetty is a world expert on the science and treatment of covid 19. He is also acutely aware of the covid-19 agenda which he describes in detail —- “This plan is to make sure that we can control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting […]

The Parental Revolution Is Bigger Than Critical Race Theory

“Voters will tolerate a certain level of woke bulls— in their lives,” Jeff Roe, one of Youngkin’s main strategists, told me Monday, “but draw the line when it screws with their kids.” “If they opened up the schools in the fall of 2020, Terry McAuliffe wins,” said Rory Cooper, a Republican strategist who lives in […]

Beyond Pegasus: The Bigger Picture of Israeli Cyber Spying

We have been told to live in mortal fear of online hackers, and, as the “cyber pandemic” narrative ramps up, the fear-mongering over Chinese, Russian and even North Korean cyberwarriors is going into overdrive. Strange, then, given this climate of non-stop cybersecurity hysteria, that we rarely hear mention of one of the world’s confirmed cyberhacking […]

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