Posts Tagged ‘balls’

Why do dogs lick their balls?

Source: Autism is practically non-existent in unvaccinated populations such as the Amish. If we apply the 2018-2020 trend to 2024, the ratio is 1:24. Even worse in boys: possibly 1:20. Compare with 1:20,000 in the 50s. 1000x more! The CDC stopped counting for a reason: the panic might give votes to candidates like Bobby Kennedy Jr. […]

Balls of Steel

READ HERE: There are 120 members in the Israeli Knesset, but one man towers above them all. His name is Ofer Cassif, and he is, perhaps, the most despised man in Israel. His crime—if you can call it that—is that he put his moral convictions into practice by signing a petition in support of […]

Brazilian Women Have Bigger Balls Than Most US “males”

In Brasil — Salohi Nakamoto (@Salohi_Nakamoto) September 9, 2023 Source

Brass Balls of a Bare Assed Monkey Zionist Zombie Lies and Propaganda Yellow “journalism” Head Line of the Day-UKRAINE carried out Nord Stream pipe blast, German police suspect – despite suspicious Russian naval activity in the area

Leave it to the Brits to tell whoppers with a straight face. They even say the Pedo No Chin Charlies ole butt ugly cow is “chic”. Maybe a chicken legged withered old cow with a baboon’s ass for a face, but “chic”? The Pedo Non Chin Charlie’s butt ugly cow looks in horror as the […]

It really does take balls to win a women’s beauty pageant these days…

It really does take balls to win a women’s beauty pageant these days… Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for January 16, 2023… Strange Sounds And the relentless erasure of real women continues… Interesting words by TRANS owner of Miss Universe a few days ago… ‘From now on it’s gonna be run […]

The Urgent Need To Reinstate Dueling!-No Balls Political Whore Wants a War, OK, Pistols, 10 Paces Each, Turn, Fire, War Over

Every time I look at the “news” sites, some ball-less political whore who made damn sure they never put themselves where bullets zing and dying mutilated men scream is trying to start a war. This is easily fixed. But furthermore, people run their mouths and stick their noses in everyone else business because the Corporate […]

The Urgent Need To Reinstate Dueling!-No Balls Political Whore Wants a War, OK, Pistols, 10 Paces Each, Turn, Fire, War Over

Every time I look at the “news” sites, some ball-less political whore who made damn sure they never put themselves where bullets zing and dying mutilated men scream is trying to start a war. This is easily fixed. But furthermore, people run their mouths and stick their noses in everyone else business because the Corporate […]

Man Pretends To Enjoy Tea Beverage With Little Slimy Balls Floating In It

PASADENA, CA — While out with friends, local man Kevin Bann put up a valiant effort to feign enjoyment of an orange watery substance with little slimy balls floating in it. His friends have confirmed he is “very cool” and “with the times.” Source



Zelensky Who Can Dance in High Heels & Play Piano With Dick & Balls tells Hands All Over Little Girls Biden to give Ukraine fighter jets and make a deal with Poland over the MIG-29s as Legs Kamala Who is Good at Spreading Her Legs for Political Gain heads to Warsaw

Hmmmmm!!!!Says presidential material to me! Hmmmmmmm!!!!Says presidential material to me! But perhaps the Secret Service should clear all the kids out of any crowd before they allow Hands loose on the crowd! Legs has the tools to cut political deals.And Knows how to use them! The Putinister is a Khazarian Jew Communist KGB agent who […]

Mysterious Carved Stone Balls Found in Scottish Isle Tomb

A 5,500-year-old tomb discovered on a Scottish island will soon be reclaimed by the sea. Archaeologists racing to excavate the site, “before it’s lost forever,” have discovered two enigmatic carved stone balls at the site. Over the last two centuries archaeologists in Scotland have only discovered about 500 of these mysterious balls. Dating back to […]

Tear drops and wrecking balls: a music review by Fraser Beath McEwing

April 22, 2021 by Fraser Beath McEwing Read on for article While most of my reviews cover the SSO Masters Series (the substantial concerts that are sponsored by Abercrombie & Kent) every so often I am tugged by the heartstrings to an SSO Symphony Hour performance supported by Credit Suisse. Benjamin Northey These are typically […]

Ghostly genes, Gal Gadot and stone balls: Best archaeology stories of 2020

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Bitchy Liberal Femoid Finally Meets a White Man With Balls

Liberal gets owned on Trump’s jew-love. Sub my bitchute. Sub my Telegram.

Leather Balls of Ancient Horsemen Used In 3000-year-old War Games

Researchers believe that they have found the oldest balls ever uncovered in Eurasia. The set of leather balls were found in graves of Central Asian horse riders in northern China. They are offering evidence that ball games were played some 3000 years ago. It is believed that not only were ball games important but played […]

Is it only alternative media with the balls to talk about Israel and their recent massacre in #Gaza?

Is it only alternative media with the balls to talk about Israel and their recent massacre in #Gaza? Redacted Tonight Watch Redacted Tonight, where American comedians, in America, reporting on American news are called foreign agents. Still waiting for the BBC to join that list. As well as numerous ex MSNBC, CNN and state Governors […]

Fracking Buffoonery: Greg Clark ‘Balls It’ in Kirby Misperton, Rumours of Boris as Replacement

Greg Clark, British Conservative MP for Tunbridge Wells and Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), has been sitting on the Barclays (trading as Third Energy) application to frack Kirby Misperton in North Yorkshire, England going on eight weeks now. Ian R Crane, a prolific anti-fracking activist and ex-oilfield executive says Greg […]

Thunderstorms with hail the size of golf balls hit areas in and around Newcastle, Australia

     Thunderstorms and hail the size of golf balls have lashed parts of the Hunter, with the severe weather not expected to ease until Friday. The hail fell in Newcastle shortly before 4.30pm and lasted about 15 minutes. The western reaches of the Hunter experienced hail about 4pm. In Gresford, there were reports of hail […]

‘Pretty crazy’: Hail as big as billiard balls batter Evansburg, Alberta

     Hail the size of billiard balls fell from the skies over Evansburg Sunday, causing a damaging racket. Environment Canada had issued a severe thunderstorm watch for a large area west of Edmonton, and shortly before 5:30 p.m. the storm struck — battering homes and vehicles for nearly half an hour. ‘It was insanely loud’ […]

America’s Two-legged Civilization Wrecking Balls

Smiling groids, wearing the usual over-priced basketball shoes they love so much, clean out a CVS pharmacy during the 2015 Baltimore Looter Fest sparked by Freddie Gray — a two-bit drug-dealer who died from banging himself around inside a paddie wagon to make a police brutality claim — which he pulled off once already (his final effort did earn his family a cool 6.4 mil). Looks like the above nappy-go-lucky Negroes got themselves a nice haul of […]

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