Posts Tagged ‘zombie’

BingAI, Bacteriorhodopsin, April 8 Solar Eclipse & Graphene Zombie Apocalypse

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM Here at CIN we learn so much from our readers, especially those from the NWO […]

Scientists Warn that Ancient Arctic Zombie Apocalypse is Approaching

Scientists have issued warnings about the potential threat of ancient “zombie viruses” emerging from the Arctic permafrost due to climate change, posing the risk of a new pandemic. Known as Methuselah microbes, these dormant diseases are found in the permafrost across Canada, Siberia, and Alaska, covering a significant portion of the northern hemisphere. Climate change […]

Experts Say That Arctic ‘Zombie Viruses’ Could Trigger New Pandemic

Scientists are now warning that so called climate change could cause ancient ‘zombie viruses’ in the Arctic permafrost to melt and potentially trigger a new pandemic. Should we be afraid?….thats climate change and pandemic both […] The post Experts Say That Arctic ‘Zombie Viruses’ Could Trigger New Pandemic appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Scientists Fear That ‘Zombie Deer Disease’ Could Spread To Humans

US researchers have sounded the alarm over a spike in cases of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) among wildlife across North America warning that the deadly virus could spread to humans. The disease dubbed the ‘zombie […] The post Scientists Fear That ‘Zombie Deer Disease’ Could Spread To Humans appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The Zionist Zombie Pedoist Usury One’s Harmonize With Edward’s Piker Battalion Band’

‘The Zionist Zombie Pedoist Usury One’s Harmonize With Edward’s Piker Battalion Band’ In the year of 1290 in Merry England of old-lived a wise King, a warrior very bold- He warned the Usury khazarian pedophiles raping & murdering the English young-To stop their evil, not do it again or he would put them on the […]

Non Semitic red Russia Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Soul-less Zionist Zombie Demonstrating In Support of Rothschild’s Occupation of Palestine & Holocaust of Thousands of Indigenous Semitic Palestinian Children Dies After Being Struck By Megaphone By Pro-Palestinian Freedom Fighter In California

A red Russian Khazarian demonstrating in support of Rothschild’s private Fiefdom in illegally criminally occupied Palestine continuing Holocaust of thousands of innocent Palestinian Descendants of Biblical Judeans Children has died after sustaining a head injury during a fight with a pro-Palestinian freedom fighter during a rally on Nov. 5 in Kalifornia. The incident happened at […]

Zionist Zombie Virus Pig S#it Propaganda Headline–“The Israel-Palestine war is Washington’s fault The US has continually sidelined Palestinian grievances and buried any chance for a two-state solution – and with it, any chance for peace”

This headline is how Zionist Zombie Virus Host and takers of the 30 shekels push pig s#it propaganda. Allow me to dissect the headline. The Israel-Palestine war is Washington’s fault Yes, And the UK, and Russia’s fault, and the Rothschild run UN’s fault, “The US has continually sidelined Palestinian grievances and buried any chance for […]

An Evil Anti-American Commie Zionist Zombie Has Gone Home To Hell

“Half-Staff Alert! Fly the United States Flag at Half-Staff Immediately Until Sunset on the Date of Interment (unknown at this time) in Honor of Senator Dianne Feinstein”. My brother called me and said he bet the evil treasonous bitch is begging for air conditioning at this point. An enemy of America and humanity at large […]

The Coming Zombie Apocalypse

For a long time, the advent of a zombie apocalypse has been foretold, but what does it mean? David Adleman, The Public Lawyer, joins me to discuss what is meant by the term and what is likely to happen. Source Source

Some interesting insights into the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ phenomenon

From Max Igan As always Max covers much other info in the video however the Zombie topic is the major focus. Things are certainly getting bizarre. Video link below Building The Perfect Slave EWNZ note: Since posting this this morning I see a post on topic from Prof Mark Crispin Miller (NYU) so am adding […]

Elon Musk is an Evil Zionist Zombie Which Hates Humanity

No one who had a soul and was not pure evil could not be this close to the putrid soul-less evil of the red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel terrorist Nitwityahoo and not at LEAST bitch slap him. When I was growing up, my father used to warn me to be careful who I associated […]

Zionist Zombie Pig S#it Headline-Trump Was Right: Sweden Finally Cracks Down On Illegals With Mandatory Reporting

Ok! Let us investigate who was really right, Sweden or the Trickster Trumpster IsraHell’s Bitch? The Ratschild’s have used the very evil Khazarian Jew cult members to start wars and make war on humanity. Now that more and more humans are becoming aware they are not descended from biblical Israelites and Judeans, but are a […]

Bill Maher Calls Out ‘Barbie’ for Pushing a ‘Preachy, Man-Hating Zombie Lie’ About ‘The Patriarchy’

Comedian Bill Maher is calling out the feminist box office smash “Barbie” for pushing what he calls a “preachy, man-hating zombie lie” pertaining to the movie’s incessant references to “the patriarchy.” Source

A Jew is a Soul-less Zionist Zombie Virus End Of Times Pedophilia Death Cult Member

There are only three possibilities allowed by the Jew Cult. Humans will have them face down on the ground with your foot on their neck. OR The Jew will have their dick up your ass. OR You will eradicate the cult. The Jew will allow no other options to humanity. In other ancient times the […]

Brass Balls of a Bare Assed Monkey Zionist Zombie Lies and Propaganda Yellow “journalism” Head Line of the Day-UKRAINE carried out Nord Stream pipe blast, German police suspect – despite suspicious Russian naval activity in the area

Leave it to the Brits to tell whoppers with a straight face. They even say the Pedo No Chin Charlies ole butt ugly cow is “chic”. Maybe a chicken legged withered old cow with a baboon’s ass for a face, but “chic”? The Pedo Non Chin Charlie’s butt ugly cow looks in horror as the […]

Zionist Zombie Treasonous to America DeSantis dines with Miriam Adelson, other major GOP donors in Israel

“PULL” is a term for setting off the explosives in a controlled demolition Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis dined with Miriam Adelson — former President Trump’s top financial backer in 2020 — and other major GOP donors in Jerusalem on Wednesday, according to two sources who attended the dinner. Why it matters: DeSantis, considered Trump’s top […]

Ron Treasonous to America Zionist Zombie DeSantis Flies To Israel To Destroy Free Speech In Florida

I pass this along as DeSantis is a terrorist who helped torture innocent men, is treasonous to America and a snake in the grass. But I add some qualifiers. A Jew is not Semitic. Jew is not a race or sub race of the human race. Jew is a member of the End of Times […]

VOCI – Zombie Apocalypse, With Fritjof Persson

The Connection Between “Covid”, 5G, and the Graphene Oxide Found in the Jabs – by Claire Edwards The post VOCI – Zombie Apocalypse, With Fritjof Persson appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Fauci Calls Wuhan Lab To See If They Can Make Him Some Of That Gnarly Zombie Fungus From ‘The Last Of Us’

WASHINGTON, D.C. — After a recent all-night HBO binge session, Dr. Anthony Fauci reportedly called up his friends at the Wuhan Institute to see if they could make him a batch of that gnarly zombie fungus from the series The Last of Us. Source

Scientists have revived a ‘zombie’ virus that spent 48,500 years frozen in permafrost

Warmer temperatures in the Arctic are thawing the region’s permafrost – a frozen layer of soil beneath the ground – and potentially stirring viruses that, after lying dormant for tens of thousands of years, could endanger animal and human health. Read the article on Source

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