Posts Tagged ‘semitic’

May 2 – Zionists Move to Ban Christianity as “Anti Semitic”

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Christianity is antisemitic Criticism of Israeli genocide also deemed “antisemitic”  The House vote was 320 to 91 with 70 Democrats and 21 Republicans voting against the bill. The GOP opposition largely came from the right flank of the conference. The bill would next need to be taken up […]

Non Semitic Khazarian Jews Would Walk on all Fours Necked, Backwards Through Streets of Jew York, Swastikas Painted on Each Cheek of Their A$$es & a IsraHELL Flag Sticking Out of Their Butt To Keep World Attention On Their Cult

A “Jew” is a self identifying member of the Babylonian Talmud’s Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult Religion. Most all Jews today are Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrels who’s ancestors mass infected with the Zionist Zombie Virus in the Steppes of Modern Day Ukraine & Russia in the year 0740 AD. The Judaic cult […]

Objecting To The Non Semitic Jew Cult Members Raping Children, Robbing, Mass Murdering is “Anti-Semitic”

If one could have a sit down conversation with Lucifer who along with some of his command got their butts in deep trouble with the upper brass for trying to help the with pigs fornicating sheep monkey “humans” by giving them knowledge, betcha he would be very disgusted with “humanity”. ‘The With Pigs Fornicating Sheep […]

UNITED STATES CORPORATION’s Congresscritters declares Semitic Palestinian’s slogan ‘anti-Semitic’

Mossad Jeffery’s customers in the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’s House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to condemn the chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as “hate speech”. The slogan calls for a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Israel has argued that this implicitly denies its right […]

Every Evil A$$ Hole Cheering The Holocaust of the Semitic Indigenous Palestinians Is an Accessory To Mass Murder & War Crimes

Truth can not be hate speech except to degenerate evil lying assed despicable bottom feeding revolting pieces of hammered pig shit soul-less animals who hate the truth. It is FACT and easily proved that Jew is not a race or a sub race of the human race, but a cult religion.The Babylonian Talmud Pedophile’s End […]

Trump Says Israel Has To Finish Holocausting the Indigenous Semitic Palestinians Quickly As It’s ‘Losing A Lot Of Support’

Trump came out and basically said he would have slaughtered tens of thousands of Indigenous Semitic Palestinian descendants of the Biblical Judians same as the Non Semitic Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrels have done, but he would have censored everything so people would not have been able to know what was really going on. […]

Anyone Giving Support For Rothschild’s Holocaust of The Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of Biblical Judians in Illegally Occupied Palestine, is a Soul-less Demonically Possessed Virus Host Animal, Not Human

Zionist woman from NY discusses plans to build Jewish settlements in Gaza after Israeli occupation forces ethnically cleanse Palestinians from it, while she takes part in blocking humanitarian aid convoys from entering the starved population of Gaza… — Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) March 24, 2024 This soul killing virus must be eradicated so […]

Cancun Cruz Don’t Like To Talk About Helping Holocaust Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Children or Mossad jeffery Child Rape Blackmail Videos

Before the deep freeze in Texas about four years ago I aware of Cancun Ted Cruz, but really did not care one way or the other besides being disgusted by his lies he brayed to the four winds like a mangey flea ridden desert jackass to keep getting reelected. But then while the electrical grid […]

Is Opposing Israel Anti-Semitic? – Questions For Corbett

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed The genocide in Gaza continues and world reaction is turning against the state of Israel. But does this mean the world is growing anti-semitic? Join James for an important exploration of the situation in Palestine and why there can be no exceptions made for anyone when […]

Non Semitic Khazarian Jew Cult Members and Semitic Indigenous Palestinians argue ‘What would Jesus do?’

Quote from RT article: “Both Israel and the Palestinians have invoked Jesus Christ to support their cause as the brutal conflict in Gaza hits the five-month mark. Palestinian diplomat Riham Barghouti first invoked the memory of Jesus of Nazareth at a session of the UN Human Rights Council earlier this week, when condemning the Israeli […]

Trump Comes Out In Favor Of Holocausting Every last Semitic Palestinian. Child In Occupied Palestine

The Trickster Trumpster frontrunner for the GOP ticket for 2024 presidential election, said he supported Israel’s brutal ongoing Holocaust operations in Gaza of the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the biblical Judians in an interview with “Fox & Friends” this week. The Trickster Trumpster agreed when a host described him as being “firmly in Israel’s […]

Non Semitic Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrel Invasive Species Soul-less Animals Celebrate Holocausting Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of Biblical Judians

Hundreds of videos filmed and shared by Israeli terrorist lyingly called soldiers in Gaza show the terrorist bulldozing houses and mocking Palestinian victims. Some of the Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel soul-less animals who’s anscesters mass infected with the Zionist Zombie Virus (mass converted to the Babylonian Talmud inspired Pedophile’s End of Times Death […]

Israel’s Holocaust Of Semitic Palestinians in Gaza Will Cost US Tax Slaves $53 Billion More, Israeli Rothschild’s Central Bank Says

Rothschild’s “central” “bank” of Israhell which serves Rothschild’s private Fiefdom located in occupied Palestine, estimates it will cost American tax slaves an additional 53 billion dollars for the Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Invasive Species Jew Cult members to finish Holocausting all the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judeans in […]

Idiots Who Still Think “Jews are a Race & Not A Cult Religion, Some “God” Gave the red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrels Palestine, Also Think The Butt Assed Necked Emperor’s “New Cloths” are Wonderful

(truth offends me) The Zionist Zombies have run a scam on humanity for generations indoctrinating people Jew is a Sub race of the human race.This is GRADE A USDA APPROVED UNADULTERATED PIG SHIT. A Jew is one who self identifies as a member of the Babylonian Talmud inspired Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult religion. […]

Khazarian Jew Cult Members Who Know They ARE NOT Semitic, Still Trying To Claim Semitic Descent.

Headline:The Antisemitism Hoax Has Officially Collapsed. Jews Don’t Know It Yet, But It’s Over. Exert from a “good Jew” website article. “-The official definition of “antisemitism” before October 7, 2023 was “hating Jews for no reason.”The post-7/10 definition of “antisemitism” is “saying Jews should stop killing babies.”-” The “good Jews” are trying had to do […]

Musk backs Israeli Holocaust of Tens of Thousands of Indigenous Semitic Palestinian Descendants of Biblical Judians Children in Gaza

“Israel has no choice but to “destroy Hamas,” Elon Musk said on Monday after meeting with the country’s leadership in West Jerusalem. The owner of X (formerly Twitter) traveled to the Middle East after critics in the US accused him of anti-Semitism.” Well yes they do have another choice Musk.The Invasive Species Non Semitic Turkmen […]

‘The red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen mongrel Khazarian’s Morning prayer’

‘The red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen mongrel Khazarian’s Morning prayer’ Oh Lord of the Dark side, Oh my evil “god”-Help me place today more innocent Humanity beneath the sod- Of this stolen place, this stolen Land of Palestine-Oh let the children wander by my back door so I can in glee bind- Them tight before […]

OH MY!!! By today’s standards, all of the Old Testament prophets were terribly anti-Semitic.


Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrel Invasive Species IsraHELL Ship Belonging To Jew Terrorist “Galaxy Leader” Liberated By Yemen Semitic Closest Descendants of Biblical Hebrews Which Exist, Houthi Freedom Fighters

“All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to […]

Palestinians Say They Can’t Coexist With “Israel” & WHY THE HELL SHOULD THEY HAVE TO???-Palestine Belongs to the Semitic Palestinians, Not the Non Semitic Invasive Species red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Mongrel Khazarian Jew Cult Members

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