Posts Tagged ‘idiots’

Great Idiots In History: Benocide Shapiro

I heard Ryan Dawson coin the name Benocide. What an unpleasant little shit Benocide Shapiro is if he really did slur Rachel Corrie R.I.P. I saw this Tweet on X: I instantly made this sketch. It’s hardly Vermeer, or Bob for that matter, but portrays an image that came to mind… If Shapiro did […]

An Explainer Of Jan. 6 And Its Aftermath-Idiots Allowing Themselves to Be led To The Slaughter By Instigators Working For The Rothschild’s Sodom & Gomorrah On the Potomac Child Raping Political Whores from Both Wings of the Same Carrion Slurping Vulture

January 6 was a handful of 30 shekel Judas Goats leading a herd of well meaning but very ignorant sheep through the slaughterhouse doors for the benefit of the little children raping political whores of Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac and their Master. The Ole Dog! Source

Of Fake “gods”, Idiots and 30 Shekel W#ores

Musk reveals stance on aliens The SpaceX tycoon has said that humanity is likely “the only consciousness that exists” “People often ask me do I know about aliens or something like that,” he continued. “The crazy thing is that I’ve seen no evidence of aliens whatsoever. Most likely, at least in this part of the […]

Idiots Who Still Think “Jews are a Race & Not A Cult Religion, Some “God” Gave the red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrels Palestine, Also Think The Butt Assed Necked Emperor’s “New Cloths” are Wonderful

(truth offends me) The Zionist Zombies have run a scam on humanity for generations indoctrinating people Jew is a Sub race of the human race.This is GRADE A USDA APPROVED UNADULTERATED PIG SHIT. A Jew is one who self identifies as a member of the Babylonian Talmud inspired Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult religion. […]

Western ‘idiots’ want World War III — former Russian president


Former Russian President Says Western ‘Idiots’ Want World War III

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned that the conflict in Ukraine could lead to World War III because of the “idiots” who are occupying leading roles in the West On Sunday Mededev, who currently serves as […] The post Former Russian President Says Western ‘Idiots’ Want World War III appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Stupid Commie S#it From Idiots Too Retarded To Pour Horse Piss Out Of A Boot With Instruction To Do So Printed On The Bottom Of The Heel

“Although the Allies in World War II clearly needed to stop Hitler and to aid Russia in its advance on Germany”. Aid Russia? A Khazarian Jew run Holocaust machine! I am not a fan of National Socialism, it is just a milder form of communism, but by the treasonous communistic whores in DC sending the […]


This is how the police deal with climate protesters in Nevada. That’s how you do it. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 28, 2023 Weather patterns and climate are always changing. Most humans do not live long enough to notice the changes. Those who think and observe, research, realize weather patterns have always been […]

ACH (2176) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Che Guevara And The Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him

In today’s show originally broadcast on June 8 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Che Guevara And The Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him.” We discussed: the importance of the book “Exposing The Real Che Guevara And The Useful Idiots That Idolize Him” by Humberto Fontova; […]

Video: More Idiots Allowed To Damage Priceless Art In Latest ‘Climate Protest’

More ‘climate change activists’ were allowed to vandalise a valuable artwork in Milan, Italy Sunday in the latest display of pointless attention seeking adolescent petulance. Three youths and an older woman from a group that calls itself ‘Last Generation’ managed to throw flour all over a Andy Warhol piece, before being incomprehensibly allowed to return […]


No one world wide can or will produce a scientifically verified Identified, Isolated, Stand Alone Reproducible sample of the not proved to exist “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. So there is no vaccine for the NOT PROVED TO EXIST “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. So there is no “test” to diagnose “infection” with the NOT SCIENTIFICALLY PROVED TO EXIST alleged “SARS-COV-02” […]

The Idiots Are Back

Update (1820ET): Shortly after 1800ET, just as Californians begin to head home for the day, the California Independent System Operator issued a level-1 energy emergency alert shortly after tapping all its available power supplies. Despite earlier warnings to reduce usage, Californians – in all their self-righteous virtue – decided to charge their EV anyway, pushing demand above […]

The Idiots Are Back

Update (1820ET): Shortly after 1800ET, just as Californians begin to head home for the day, the California Independent System Operator issued a level-1 energy emergency alert shortly after tapping all its available power supplies. Despite earlier warnings to reduce usage, Californians – in all their self-righteous virtue – decided to charge their EV anyway, pushing demand above […]

The Idiots Are Back

Update (1820ET): Shortly after 1800ET, just as Californians begin to head home for the day, the California Independent System Operator issued a level-1 energy emergency alert shortly after tapping all its available power supplies. Despite earlier warnings to reduce usage, Californians – in all their self-righteous virtue – decided to charge their EV anyway, pushing demand above […]

The Futility of Dialogue with Idiots and Liars

August 26, 2022 Source The entire crisis could have been avoided with much less loss of life if the NATO powers had responded to Russia’s long-held security concerns. Two weeks ago, the Strategic Culture Foundation proposed an urgent, simple test: stop the artillery shelling on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. The ZNPP – Europe’s largest […]

Tony Blair’s Christmas Message: “The Unvaxxed Are a Bunch of Idiots!”

Former prime minister Tony Blair angrily lashed out at unvaccinated people on Wednesday, declaring them “idiots” for refusing to take the experimental shot. The former Labour PM told Times Radio that he thinks unjabbed individuals need to be bully and harassed into receiving the jab. “Frankly, if you’re not vaccinated at the moment and you’re […]

Tony Blair Says People Who Are Eligible But Choose Not To Get Jabbed Are Idiots

Former UK prime minister Tony Blair has lashed out at people who have chosen not to get jabbed against covid, branding them “irresponsible idiots”. Blair, the notorious war criminal also says he has backed the Governments decision not to impose further Covid restrictions before Christmas but described the move as a “gamble”. MSN reports: Speaking […]

Keep Complying, Idiots

Jordan Peterson says he spoke to a senior government adviser who told him Canada’s COVID restriction policies are completely driven by opinion polls and not science. “In relation to the COVID restrictions, I talked to a senior adviser to one of the provincial governments a couple of weeks ago,” said Peterson. “He told me flat […]

Extinction Rebellion Idiots Block Roads Yet Again

Climate change protesters representing ‘Insulate Britain’ blocked a major motorway around London for the second time in three days, and once again stopped actual insulation engineers from getting to work. Genius. “Twenty-five climate change protesters have been arrested after parts of the M25 were blocked off by activists for the second time in three days, […]

Former Chief Science Officer and VP at Pfizer to FDA: “You reckless idiots!” Do NOT Take So-Called “Vaccines” (Clot Shots)

Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Science Officer and VP at Pfizer for 16 years, makes a powerful presentation. — Pfizer/Moderna mRNA shots are NOT safe. — Scientists of conscience at these companies should resign in protest, to wake up the world. (View at Bitchute) Senator Rand Paul: Time to Resist. They Can’t Arrest Us All […]

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