Posts Tagged ‘retarded’

Barbie Unveils First Black Retarded Doll: “We’re More Inclusive Now”

Barbie has unveiled the newest blind, black and retarded doll as part of a push to be “more inclusive” towards minorities. The new dolls were made available to purchase earlier this week on July 23. […] The post Barbie Unveils First Black Retarded Doll: “We’re More Inclusive Now” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Stupid Commie S#it From Idiots Too Retarded To Pour Horse Piss Out Of A Boot With Instruction To Do So Printed On The Bottom Of The Heel

“Although the Allies in World War II clearly needed to stop Hitler and to aid Russia in its advance on Germany”. Aid Russia? A Khazarian Jew run Holocaust machine! I am not a fan of National Socialism, it is just a milder form of communism, but by the treasonous communistic whores in DC sending the […]

Confused Shitlib Fails Hard to Justify Her Retarded Worldview


Mentally Retarded Mulatto Vampire Claims George Floyd Was Claustrophobic

This one’s a keeper. Sub my bitchute. Sub my Telegram.

Wrecking Some Retarded Femoids

Wrecking femoids is fun. Sub my bitchute. Sub my Telegram.

Jacob Blake’s Retarded Groid Father Tells Anderson Cooper He Doesn’t Like Brussel Sprouts

The CNN liberal-globalist shills are have a hard time making their caged monkey zoo animals do and say what they want. Here’s the father of Jacob Blake making a totally random retarded comment to Anderson Cooper. He don’t like brussel sprouts, yo! Cooper had to fight back a laugh there. These imbecile groids are not […]

Jacob Blake’s Retarded Groid Father Tells Anderson Cooper He Doesn’t Like Brussel Sprouts

The CNN liberal-globalist shills are have a hard time making their caged monkey zoo animals do and say what they want. Here’s the father of Jacob Blake making a totally random retarded comment to Anderson Cooper. He don’t like brussel sprouts, yo! Cooper had to fight back a laugh there. These imbecile groids are not […]

Jacob Blake’s Retarded Groid Father Tells Anderson Cooper He Doesn’t Like Brussel Sprouts

The CNN liberal-globalist shills are have a hard time making their caged monkey zoo animals do and say what they want. Here’s the father of Jacob Blake making a totally random retarded comment to Anderson Cooper. He don’t like brussel sprouts, yo! Cooper had to fight back a laugh there. These imbecile groids are not […]

Jacob Blake’s Retarded Groid Father Tells Anderson Cooper He Doesn’t Like Brussel Sprouts

The CNN liberal-globalist shills are have a hard time making their caged monkey zoo animals do and say what they want. Here’s the father of Jacob Blake making a totally random retarded comment to Anderson Cooper. He don’t like brussel sprouts, yo! Cooper had to fight back a laugh there. These imbecile groids are not […]


What goes through the mind of kikes when they do stuff like this? There is no logical reason for them to do it. The optics are terrible even to people who are not “Nazis,” the guy himself is in no way a threat to their power… So why would they do something like this? The […]


report by Daily Stormer Are you letting your kids watch jewish “entertainment”? If so, not only are you a failure as a parent, but you’re a also a retard. Daily Caller:  Disney Channel will introduce a gay storyline between two young boys this Friday when the premiere for the second-season for the popular series “Andi Mack” airs. The […]

Are Trump Fans Retarded?

This Johnny Gat video takes a look at what Trump has been up to, as well as a good look at the jabronis who got the asleep masses to believe that Trump is the next Hitler, resulting in civil unrest that only benefits certain people. Source Article from

Your Metadata Taken by the NSA Will Now be Shared With All Agencies: The Same Data They ‘Haven’t’ Been Collecting for Years

In recent years this country has undergone some massive shifts regarding the average American’s personal privacy. by Ryan Cristian Primarily, after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the Bush administration began an effort to remove any barriers that impede different parts of the government from working closely and sharing information, primarily in regards to terrorism, […]

Major Irish firm CRH divests from Israel’s cement industry

Adri Nieuwhof Activism and BDS Beat 11 January 2016 CRH has admitted that cement from its Israeli affilitate was probably used in the apartheid wall.  Issam Rimawii APA images One of Ireland’s largest companies has divested from Israel after coming under sustained pressure from Palestine solidarity activists. In a statement, the Dublin-based building materials firm […]

Trudeau Wins! Crack-Smoking Ex-Mayor Fails to Save Canada’s Conservatives – Veterans Today

While many had criticized Trudeau, a member of Parliament since 2008, as inexperienced, the 43-year-old appealed to voters fed up with the Conservative policies of the long-running Harper administration. Harper’s reputation also suffered after he pursued policies which many found to be Islamophobic. The results end a peculiar election season. “It’s an embarrassment of riches for comedians,” Toronto radio host Steve Patterson told Reuters. In […]

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