Posts Tagged ‘stupid’

Controlled Opposition or Stupid As S#it???

The below was a post by someone who claims to be intelligent, awake, enlightened who has thousands of followers. “If you are a Zionist Christian in the USA, don’t vote for Trump. You are on the side of his enemies (the ELohim worship cult / the pharisees /the rabbinical councils). All that shit you THINK […]

Sometimes You Have To Laugh at Stupid S#it to Keep from Crying Headline-New evidence shows the CIA has turned on the American people

From the rolling around on the floor laughing my ass off till I shit & piss myself. “The CIA’s job isn’t to turn its “intelligence” apparatus against Americans, but shockingly, that’s exactly what seems to be happening. Let’s rewind a bit. The January 6th rally was meant to be a pivotal moment, a gathering of […]

“Stupid No Longer”: Trump Says No More Foreign Aid Without Guarantees, Warned NATO Countries Who Refuse To Pay Fair Share

While the Biden administration reels from its own Justice Department concluding that the president is too senile to be prosecuted for mishandling classified documents, the left is lashing out over recent comments made by former President Donald Trump about NATO and US foreign aid. Former President Donald J. Trump greets his supporters after speaking at […]

Sheep Who Have No Clue About Their Last Life, Or Ones Before, Can Happily Do The Same Stupid Self Damaging S#it All Over Again

A friend and I were discussing sheep and lives yesterday. I asked him, in all the wars we have fought, sometimes together, sometimes against each other, has it ever brought lasting freedom, peace or economic benefits to our people? We agreed they have not as the sheep after you fight a bloody war for them, […]

Americans Are So Stupid If Some Benevolent Soul Did Not Tattoo This Side Up On Their Females Belly’s, They Would Not Have Children

The Closet homosexual atheist Communist Lincoln killed the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union in 1861 replacing it with a Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship thinly disguised as a contstitutional republic in 1861. The American sheep still bleat of America being the “Home of the brave and the land of the free. The Americans fighting in a war […]

The Ages Old Debate, are THE With PIGS FORNICATING SHEEP MONKEYS Really That Stupid, Or Just Ball-less Cowards

Chemtrails, what Chemtrials, I don’t see nothing, you must be a tin foil hatter nut case! Everyone knows stone aged Arabs who could not fly single engine planes flew jumbo jets into the World Towers and Kerosene fire which burn around 1800 Degrees F. melted huge steel beans which only began to melt at 2400 […]

Stupid YouTuber Merch Is Everywhere Now

YouTubers have been pushing merch for a few years now. In 2023, though, it seemed to reach a fever pitch. Right now you’ve got Binging with Babish slinging knives, the Shahidi brothers joining forces with Kyle Forgeard of the Nelk Boys on Happy Dad seltzer, Logan Paul and KSI with their Prime, and a whole […]

‘Stupid son of a bitch’: Joe Biden mocks Fox reporter in hot mic moment


House of Representatives Too Stupid To Pour Rancid Horse Piss Out Of A Texican’s Cowboy Boot With Directions to Do So Printed on Bottom Of the Heel-Passes Resolution Stating ‘Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism’

By God, them Mossad Jeffery Child Rape blackmail Videos Mossad has of Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac Political Prostitutes raping little children work liken a charm! Either that or the 30 shekel political whores are too stupid to comprehend how to pour rancid horse piss out of a Texican’s Cowboy boot with the instructions […]

Anyone Still Pimping For Trump Is Too Stupid To Walk & Chew Gun At the Same Time, Or Took The 30 Shekels To Sell Humanity Out

If anyone out there is offended by my saying anyone still pimping for Trump is too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time or has taken the 30 shekels to sell humanity out to the evil ones, allow me to rephrase that. Anyone still pimping for Trump is too stupid to pour […]

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Stupid Is As Stupid Does  Thu 8:19 pm +01:00, 23 Nov 2023  5 posted by NPP The climate emergency. I cannot believe people acquiesce to this nonsense. But, have hope, it’s so stupid, the narrative it will fail. Queen Charles, Sir Kueer Stammerer, Ratty Sunake, Bollox Johnson, the BBC, the UN, Agenda2030… are they all […]

Stupid Commie S#it From Idiots Too Retarded To Pour Horse Piss Out Of A Boot With Instruction To Do So Printed On The Bottom Of The Heel

“Although the Allies in World War II clearly needed to stop Hitler and to aid Russia in its advance on Germany”. Aid Russia? A Khazarian Jew run Holocaust machine! I am not a fan of National Socialism, it is just a milder form of communism, but by the treasonous communistic whores in DC sending the […]

Politicians Too Stupid to Survive

Democrat Who Wanted Cops Abolished Beat Up By Blacks Comment:  All Politicians are prostitutes for money as are ALL HW stars, media heads, medical researchers, university scumbags, etc. By infostormer  – September 8, 2023 1 A Democrat politician in Minnesota is whining after she got carjacked and beat up by blacks. The funny part about […]

“Biden fears being perceived as ‘stupid’ – biographer”

I fear it is a bit too late in an evil wasted life filled with bribery, perversions & pedophilia, treason and outright stupidity for Hands all over little girls Biden to be worrying about not going down in history as perverted, treasonous, too stupid to pour rancid horse piss out of a boot with the […]

‘Gun laws are stupid’: The Europeans pushing for looser gun controls

Possessing firearms is the “measure of a free and open society”, one UK-based firearms advocate told Euronews. Source

Kiev’s much vaunted ‘Counteroffensive’ a BIG Fraud to keep aid rolling in from stupid European cowards and the MIC-ruled US-UK Empire

READ HERE: Zelensky, Pentagon Acknowledge Counteroffensive Had To Be “Paused” Amid Losses   Source

This is how STUPID things have gotten – ‘Woke Alerts’ Notifies Consumers When Companies Go Woke

‘Woke Alerts’ Notifies Consumers When Companies Go Woke By: Evita Duffy-Alfonso April 14, 2023 A new and free notification system known as “Woke Alerts” informs consumers when a company promotes the radical, left-wing agenda, compromising the values of traditional American consumers. [*]Woke Alerts subscribers will receive text messages whenever a company “cave[s] to the woke agenda,” wrote […]

Entire US Congress Are Stupid Idiot Clowns & Fools Who Voted To Declassify Non Existent “COVID-19” Origins Intel

‘211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever’ 211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever Either that or the Rothschild 30 shekel whores in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac are Knowingly lying their […]

Biden Jokes About People Thinking He’s “Stupid” Then Makes Another Stupid Verbal Gaffe

During an event in Springfield, Virginia, Joe Biden joked about people thinking he was “stupid” before making yet another embarrassing verbal gaffe. The president made the remarks while addressing the state of the economy. “I uh, I said that, uh, when I was seeking the nomination I said, ‘Take a seat, everybody!’ and there wasn’t […]

Stupid science: “Racism causes Alzheimer’s” claims the same HHS that says all vaccines are safe and effective

(Natural News) The Biden regime’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has identified what it says is a major factor contributing to the rise in autism: “entrenched systemic racism.” In a 2022 update to the agency’s website, HHS argues that people with darker-than-peach skin are more likely to experience brain degradation due to “structural… […]

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