Posts Tagged ‘texican’

Occupation of Republic of Texas Guvnor Jew A-BUTT Says Any Texican Who Does Not Commit Treason Against America For IsraHELL “is an enemy of Texas”

I consider myself a patriot of the illegally criminally militarily occupied for 158 years and counting Republic of Texas. My mother’s father’s folks were Republic of Texas folks.In 1851 my first cousin Baker Barton a Texas Ranger when Texas Rangers were real Texicans, died in a hand to hand battle with Indians on the Nueces […]

House of Representatives Too Stupid To Pour Rancid Horse Piss Out Of A Texican’s Cowboy Boot With Directions to Do So Printed on Bottom Of the Heel-Passes Resolution Stating ‘Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism’

By God, them Mossad Jeffery Child Rape blackmail Videos Mossad has of Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac Political Prostitutes raping little children work liken a charm! Either that or the 30 shekel political whores are too stupid to comprehend how to pour rancid horse piss out of a Texican’s Cowboy boot with the instructions […]

ME FIRST!!! Ted Cruz Who Escaped to Sunny Cancun While Texican Children Froze to Death, Who’s Wife Is Pro Over Run Western World With 3ed World Illegal Invasion Terrorist, Blasts Fellow Political Whore Biden For Bailouts Of Corrupt Banks

ME FIRST ted Cruz who ran to sunny Cancun like the coward he is from the Killer Freeze in Texas a couple of years back AS THE Occupied Republic of Texas ship the TEXAS GOES DOWN, SCALAWAG SHIP’S OFFICER CRUZ TAKES THE FIRST LIFEBOAT FOR HIMSELF,HIS LUGGAGE AND PLENTY OF BLANKETS TO KEEP HIS CHAMPAGNE […]

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