Posts Tagged ‘warned’

A Reminder – William Cooper Warned Israel Was Created To Usher In ‘One World Government’

William Cooper, the author of Behold a Pale Horse, explained in detail what the true purpose of Israel’s founding in 1947 was really about. “Israel was created as the instrument to bring about…a war that will be so terrible, where nuclear weapons will be used, so that [people] will get down on their knees and […]

“Stupid No Longer”: Trump Says No More Foreign Aid Without Guarantees, Warned NATO Countries Who Refuse To Pay Fair Share

While the Biden administration reels from its own Justice Department concluding that the president is too senile to be prosecuted for mishandling classified documents, the left is lashing out over recent comments made by former President Donald Trump about NATO and US foreign aid. Former President Donald J. Trump greets his supporters after speaking at […]

Banks warned by Biden Admin that Christians who Buy Bibles are Extremists

An agency of the federal government “flagged” Bible purchases as an indication of “extremism” in communications with banks following the events of January 6, 2021. “We now know the federal government flagged terms like ‘MAGA’ and ‘TRUMP,’ to financial institutions if Americans completed transactions using those terms,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-OH, wrote on X. “What […]

In 2014, 300 scientists warned Anthony Fauci would start a global pandemic.

In 2014, 300 scientists warned Anthony Fauci would start a global pandemic. Following the high-profile escape of three bugs from U.S. labs, these 300 scientists sent a letter to President Obama, urging him to shut down Anthony Fauci’s gain-of-function research. Obama issued a moratorium and shut down 18 of the worst projects by Anthony Fauci. […]

OpenAI Researchers Warned Board of Artificial Intelligence Discovery Could Threaten Humanity

Reported by: Reuters Nov 22 (Reuters) – Ahead of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s four days in exile, several staff researchers wrote a letter to the board of directors warning of a powerful artificial intelligence discovery that they said could threaten humanity, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters. The previously unreported letter and AI algorithm […]

Shellenberger: Why Democrats Became The Totalitarians They Warned Us About

Authored by Alex Gutentag and Michael Shellenberger via Public Substack, How did the Left go from defending the free speech rights of neo-Nazis to demanding censorship, falsely accusing their opponents of being fascists, and seeking their incarceration? When Donald Trump became president, Democrats predicted the worst. “Trump’s shocking victory, his ascension to the Presidency, is […]

Censored Doctor Warned of COVID Vaccine ‘Decimation of Population’ Years Before Present Excess Deaths Wave Being Ignored by Media

Above image: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi The raw numbers don’t lie. Nearly 20% more people are dying each year than normal around the world, including the US. The least affected is Africa, where vaccine uptake was the lowest. COVID only accounts for less than a third of these global deaths. Meanwhile NBC reports that Covid vaccine […]

Report: New York Jews Warned to Avoid Pro-Palestinian Protest Near Famous Jewish Neighborhood

Jews were urged to avoid a pro-Palestinian protest scheduled for Saturday afternoon near Crown Heights, Brooklyn–a neighborhood with a significant Hasidic Jewish population and the location of Chabad-Lubavitch’s headquarters–according to a report. Source

MORE WAR: US Diplomats warned by State Dept. to avoid calling for ceasefire in Israel-Hamas conflict

(NaturalNews) Many people around the world are praying that the violence in the Middle East will end soon, but U.S. diplomats are being warned not to publicly call… Source

US Confirms Egypt WARNED Israel about the Massive Hamas Attack Days Before but Israeli Authorities Ignored Them

Egyptian intelligence officials warned their Israeli counterparts of a possible terror attack days before Hamas slaughtered at least 1,300 people, according to the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee — who said Wednesday he doesn’t know how Israel and the US missed the signs. “We know the Egyptian intelligence service handed this off […]

Egypt Warned Israel 3 Days Before Attack, House Foreign Affairs Chair Says

Rep. Michael McCaul said “we’re not quite sure” how both American and Israeli intelligence missed signs of the deadly Oct. 7 attack. Source

Prince Warned Humanity About WEF’s Depopulation Agenda in 1996 

Lyrics embedded deep in a Prince album track released 26 years ago eerily prophesied a future that has come to pass since the Covid-19 pandemic was unleashed on an unsuspecting public. Exposing the New World […] The post Prince Warned Humanity About WEF’s Depopulation Agenda in 1996  appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

SUPPRESSED: Since 1993, dozens of government agencies and organizations have warned against, or called for ban on, wireless technology

(NaturalNews) One of the first entities to ever speak out against wireless technology and the dangers it poses to human health was the U.S. Environmental… Source

Petrodollar be warned: Three Persian Gulf energy powers just joined BRICS

AUG 28, 2023 The BRICS revealed its geopolitical priorities when it added three Persian Gulf states to its once exclusive roster of members. Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE have been strategically included to put an end to the petrodollar. MK Bhadrakumar The leitmotif of the BRICS Summit meeting in Johannesburg on 22-24 August has been, expectedly, […]

Ambassador Sabbagh: Syria Warned that Incorrect Track of OPCW on Alleged Douma Incident Will Lead to False Conclusions

Posted on February 9, 2023 by martyrashrakat Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360°  FEBRUARY 8, 2023 February، 2023New York, SANA Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, said that Syria has repeatedly warned that the incorrect and unprofessional track adopted by The OPCW Fact-Finding Mission in Syria on Douma alleged incident will lead to false and […]

Pope Benedict Warned Against ‘Western Self-Hatred’ and Depopulation

Pope Benedict XVI warned in a 2006 book that “Western self-hatred” had become “pathological”, and that the decline of marriage, the family, and depopulation could be the death knell for European identity. Pope Benedict, who was able to be laid to rest by his successor, Pope Francis, on Thursday after becoming the first pontiff in […]

Event 201: organizers of WEF-Gates pre-Covid simulation warned of ‘similar pandemic in the future’

Most notably, Event 201 was organized by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The World Economic Forum. In the simulation, this coronavirus pandemic resulted in a death toll of 65 million people becoming the deadliest pandemic in history, even worse than the 1918 Spanish flu. Source

‘People are gonna think you’re stupid’: Trump warned Pence not to ‘wimp out’ before Jan. 6, Pence writes

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly told former Vice President Mike Pence not to “wimp out” — that is to say, not to certify the results of the 2020 election — in the final weeks of their administration, according to an excerpt from Pence’s new book published on Wednesday. “If it gives you the power, why […]

CIA Which Helped Israel Attack America on 9-11 “Warned” of An Attack On Nord Stream In Advance, Then Claims Russia Blew Up Their Own Way Of Transporting Their Cash Cow To Europe

CIA which helped Israel attack America on 9-11 “warned” of an attack on Nord Stream in advance, then claims Russia blew up their own way of transporting their cash cow to Europe Hands all over little girls biden threatened to blow up the pipe line also. Pres. Biden: "If Russia invades…then there will be no […]

Mel Gibson Warned About Chinese Takeover in 1987

Long before his infamous incidents where he ranted about jews, Mel Gibson was speaking out about China taking over Australia. It’s only gotten worse, and it’s all being done in collusion with our kosher controllers. [embedded content] Share now! Source

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