Posts Tagged ‘egypt’

Attacks on Christians in Egypt Were Preventable, Group Says

Homes torched in Al-Fawakher village, Samalut, Egypt, on April 23, 2024. (Screenshot from video on X) CAIRO, Egypt (Morning Star News) – Attacks on two predominantly Christian villages in Egypt last week came after days of rising tensions, which the state’s security services did nothing to quell despite being notified of impending danger to… Source

Ancient Greek Pyramid predates Egypt.

Ancient Greek Pyramid predates Egypt.

Officials in Egypt Abet Kidnappers of Christian Woman, Father Says

Irene Ibrahim Shehata was kidnapped in Asyut, Egypt on Jan. 22, 2024. (Coptic Solidarity) (Christian Daily International) – Authorities in Egypt have abetted the kidnapping and forcible conversion to Islam of a Coptic Christian woman, according to a widely published expert on the Middle East and Islam. Irene Ibrahim Shehata, a 21-year-old medical student at… […]

Egypt’s Sinai construction does not provide safety for Palestinians, it supports Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Gaza

Israel has been clear about its plans to force Palestinians from Gaza, and Egypt is now reportedly building an area to receive them. Palestinians need a respite from Israel’s brutality, but mass displacement into the Sinai would be a catastrophe. Source

DEDOLLARIZATION IN MOTION: Egypt moves to decrease reliance on U.S. dollar, seeks trade settlements with BRICS states

(NaturalNews) Egypt is actively pursuing negotiations to decrease reliance on the U.S. dollar for trade settlements with other BRICS states, according to the… Source

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Egypt, Nigeria, S. Africa, Ukraine, Russia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, December 18-December 25, 2023

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack The ongoing record of those ‘died suddenly’ events … do you consider this normal? … EWNZ NZ actor Levi Holley (48, C); Egyptian photog Sherif Sonbol; S. African singer Eric Moyo; Russian actors Alexei Chernykh, Sergey Pepelyaev; Indian comic Bonda Mani; Malaysian singer Surj; & more READ AT THE […]

Egypt and Jordan will go to war in Gaza after Houthi domination of the red sea


Egypt Floats Plan To End Israel-Hamas War. The Proposal Gets A Cool Reception.

Word of the proposal came as Israeli airstrikes heavily pounded central and southern Gaza. Source

Israel’s Latest Weapon Against Palestine Is Egypt’s Debt


Oldest Pyramid is in Greece not Egypt

Oldest Pyramid is in Greece not Egypt Ancient Greek Minoans were way older than ancient egypt.

Egypt says NO to Israel’s push for Gaza’s 2+ million residents to be forced into the Sinai Peninsula

(NaturalNews) It is a completely unrealistic war aim for Israel to expect to rid the entire Gaza Strip of Hamas, according to the government of Egypt.Officials… Source

Confusion And Hope At Gaza’s Border With Egypt As First Foreign Passport Holders Depart

There are thousands of foreign passport holders stuck in the Gaza Strip, including an estimated 400 Americans who want out. Source

Egypt’s Border Crossing Opens To Let A Trickle Of Desperately Needed Aid Into Besieged Gaza

Over 200 trucks have been positioned near the crossing for days. But Egypt’s state-owned Al-Qahera news said just 20 trucks crossed into Gaza. Source

U.N. Chief Guterres Demands Egypt Open Gaza Border for Aid – Not Palestinians

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited the closed-down Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza on Friday, demanding Egypt allow trucks full of humanitarian aid into the Hamas-controlled territory but failing to urge Cairo to accept Palestinian refugees. Source

Egypt Opens Gaza Border Crossing to Humanitarian Aid, but Still Rejects Refugees

The Egyptian government agreed on Thursday to open the Rafah crossing into Gaza for humanitarian aid convoys, although Egypt still refuses to accept any Palestinian refugees from Gaza. Source

Gaza Awaits Aid From Egypt As Israel Readies Troops For Ground Assault

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told ground troops to “be ready” to invade — though he didn’t say when. Source

Israel Says It Will Let Egypt Deliver Some Aid To Gaza As Doctors Struggle After Hospital Blast

The announcement to allow water, food and other supplies came as rage over Tuesday night’s blast at al-Ahli Hospital spread across the Middle East. Source

Jordan, Egypt unwilling to take Palestinian refugees, king says

Jordan and Egypt will not accept Palestinian refugees amid the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Jordanian King Abdullah II said Tuesday. “This is a situation that has to be handled within Gaza and the West Bank,” he said in a meeting with the German chancellor, The Associated Press reported. “And you don’t have… […]

US Confirms Egypt WARNED Israel about the Massive Hamas Attack Days Before but Israeli Authorities Ignored Them

Egyptian intelligence officials warned their Israeli counterparts of a possible terror attack days before Hamas slaughtered at least 1,300 people, according to the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee — who said Wednesday he doesn’t know how Israel and the US missed the signs. “We know the Egyptian intelligence service handed this off […]

Egypt Mulls Allowing Refugees Entry As Over 600,000 Gazans Move South; FBI Warns Of Hamas Attacks On US Soil

After giving the northern Gaza strip an evacuation ultimatum on Friday, Israel has so far withheld from launching a “significant” ground operation, with some speculating that requests from the US to evacuate all US citizens out of Palestine ahead of the invasion is what is holding Israel back. Meanwhile, Iran’s foreign minister on Saturday said […]

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