Posts Tagged ‘confusion’

“Gender” Confusion

Years back the wife rescued a kitten. Everyone she asked but me said it was female. I said I believed it was male but as you know no self respecting wife can ever believe her husband is right about anything. The ramification of admitting that is possible is earth shattering to the female mind. So […]

The Confusion Of Nicodemus: Born Again Or Born From Above?

There is a long-standing disagreement about the meaning of the phrase “born again” among many Christian theologians, scholars, and Bible commenters which has arisen out of its use in the Gospel of John, specifically when Christ uses it speaking to the Israelite Pharisee, Nicodemus, in John 3:3. The most common English translation reads, “Jesus answered […]

Confusion And Hope At Gaza’s Border With Egypt As First Foreign Passport Holders Depart

There are thousands of foreign passport holders stuck in the Gaza Strip, including an estimated 400 Americans who want out. Source

Malaysia Premier urges world to avoid confusion in dealing with conflict in Palestine

Malaysian Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, on Thursday called on the international community to avoid confusion and discrimination in dealing with the conflict and human suffering in Palestine, Anadolu Agency reports. Addressing the East Asia Summit in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, Anwar said any form of racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia cannot be accepted and should […]

Democrat Sen. Alex Padilla Warns JCPA ‘Plagued by Vague Terms,’ Will Lead to ‘Confusion’

Democrat Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA) raised additional concerns about the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) at a Thursday hearing following Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) caving to the left’s legislation, which would allow media organizations to form cartels to negotiate with Big Tech companies.  Padilla, during Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, told members that he supports the “stated objective” of […]

Rothschild’s Bitch Tulsi Gabby Sows Lies and Confusion For the Sheeple

Tutsi Gabby who’s soul was sold for 30 fiat shekels to the Ratschilds is trying to sow confusion in the minds of the American sheep. The lying witch said: “Our democracy is in grave danger. Government institutions – from DOJ, DHS to the IRS – are blatantly being weaponized against political opponents of those in […]

Babelse Verwarring: The Confusion Around The Tower Of Babel Finally Solved

The Tower of Babel is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. Many proposals as to the historical or literary origins of this narrative have been made over the years.  Read more Section:  News History Read Later 

BL Words Of Confusion

EURO FOLK RADIO BL Words Of Confusion Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Covenant, Jew and Gentile … for starters. Share this: Source

Confusion in Taiwan After Vaccine Deaths Exceed Deaths caused by the Virus Itself

    Taiwan death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19. Taiwan’s death toll from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death toll from COVID-19 for the first time. On October 7th, the death toll after vaccination in Taiwan reached 852, while the death toll after the COVID-19 was diagnosed was 844. The number of deaths after vaccination […]

Biden’s confusion: American foreign policy sliding back to Cold War framework

Indications are not lacking in American foreign policy (FP) that the man who took Oval Office in January on an anti-pandemic agenda is bereft of fresh innovative ideas to create world peace and regain American economic strength to lead the world. Where is Biden’s world leadership heading for, if it only withers in engendering wars, […]

Neanderthal Public Relations: From Misconceptions To More Confusion

In the mid-nineteenth century AD, researchers and explorers began finding bones in the remote caves of Europe. At first, they believed these to be no different than modern human skulls, but as the specimens began to stack up, anthropologists became interested, realizing that these remains were distinct from modern humans. Then began the tragic intellectual […]

Hope Triumphs Over Confusion: Astrology Forecast 17th – 23rd May, 2021

Print Friendly or Save as PDF May 17th, 2021 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World There’s a real mixed bag of astrological activity this week, and at times the cosmic waters are quite muddy. Nevertheless, the energy of Jupiter’s recent arrival in compassionate Pisces is still settling in, providing an underlying optimism […]

Only the VACCINATED will be saved? Confusion after St. Vincent PM says only those with Covid jab can flee VOLCANO on cruise ships

As a volcanic eruption cast a pall of ash over the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, tens of thousands fled – but eyebrows were raised after the island nation’s PM said they weren’t going anywhere without a Covid shot. The La Soufriere volcano on the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent erupted on Friday, sending […]

Israel election: Officials fear COVID regulations may stir confusion, slow vote count

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Trump’s doctor’s comments on symptoms, care spark confusion, again

AP — For the second day in a row, the Navy commander in charge of US President Donald Trump’s care left the world wondering: Just how sick is the president? Dr. Sean Conley is trained in emergency medicine, not infectious disease, but he has a long list of specialists helping determine Trump’s treatment at Walter […]

‘It’s a knife in our backs’: Confusion and anger in Poland over law on religious slaughter

When Ali Ditta first moved to Poland in 2005, there wasn’t a halal meat industry Ditta, a Londoner who had been living in Belgium, had a hard time persuading Polish farmers that halal was a good business prospect. But he gradually recruited a few Muslim employees and placed them in slaughterhouses to meat compliant with […]

FBI archive tweets Protocols of the Elders of Zion PDF, sparking anger and confusion

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Election Results Reveal Mixed Outcome for Progressives, Confusion in California

The slew of primary elections on June 5 produced mixed results for progressives, and cases of confusion in the mega-state of California. On the winning side, the Golden State’s lieutenant governor, Gavin Newsom, led all 27 candidates in the gubernatorial field with 33 percent of the vote. Newsom, a strong supporter of unions and advocate […]

US secrets, lies and confusion in the North of Syria

Brett McGurk The denial expressed on 17 January by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson concerning the declarations of the commander-in-chief of CentCom, General Joseph Votel, on 23 December, and of the spokesman of the anti-Daesh Coalition, Colonel Thomas Veale, on 13 January, has sowed confusion. The denial did not satisfy Turkey who, after having warned […]

Zionist Statements Reflect Confusion after Failed Attempt to Assassinate Hamas Commander in Southern Lebanon

 January 15, 2018 After the Lebanese security agencies launched intensive investigations into the blast which targeted the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas’ commander Mohammad Hamdan in southern Lebanon, several pieces of evidence indicated that the Zionist enemy is behind the operation. The Zionist officials denied the reports about the enemy’s involvement in the blast, reflecting a […]

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