Posts Tagged ‘outcome’

Toobin: SCOTUS ruling is a ‘gift to Trump’ regardless of outcome

Legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said the Supreme Court’s decision to weigh former President Trump’s claims of presidential immunity was “a gift” to him, regardless of the outcome. “#SCOTUS ruling is a gift to Trump, even if the Justices ultimately rule against him on immunity. A decision in late June makes a DC trial on 1/6… […]

Unvaccinated Patient Denied Transplant Faces Tragic Outcome: Doctor Speaks Out

Originally Published on Vigilant News One of the most heinous actions during all of COVID is still underway in Trudeau’s Canada: unvaccinated citizens, even ones with natural immunity, are being denied life-saving transplants. That’s what happened to mother of four and grandmother of two, Sheila Annette Lewis. In 2019, Sheila was diagnosed with a terminal […]

Turkey’s runoff elections: a precognitive outcome?

May 15, 2021 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Lea Akil  The current political scene in Turkey is significant as neither the incumbent President or his opposition rival were able to secure a majority in the first round of elections, leading to a runoff. Voter support for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan fell below the majority required […]

Anti-prediction on the anticipation regarding the outcome of Yoon Suk-yeol’s visit to the United States

A genre the author refers to as “anti-predictions” may be found in his various works. They describe the most dismal developments in the hope that others who read them would approach the situation in a different way. In this vein, the author anxiously anticipates the key results of Yoon Suk-yeol’s visit to the United States. […]

How Entangled Is Vladimir Putin’s Fate With The Outcome Of The Russia-Ukraine War?

“There is no going back after this,” one commentator said. Source

Egypt: outcome of UN Climate Change Conference

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, from November 6, just ended. However, it did not meet the official deadline (due to end on November 18) and was extended until November 20 due to Western obstruction. It was only then, after desperate debate and discussion, that a general document […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

China will decide the outcome of Russia v. the West

Is Putin the face of the future or the final gasp of the past? Source

Assessing the outcome of the Biden Putin summmit

December 14, 2021 Let’s begin by stating the obvious: those who now claim that the Biden Putin summit did not produce anything tangible and was, at best, a waste of time are plainly wrong, mainly because they misunderstood what was really at stake (and what still remains at stake following the Summit). What is the […]

Wall Street Is Not Only Rigging Markets, It’s Also Rigging the Outcome of its Private Trials

When it comes to sycophants, Wall Street has no shortage of them willing to shill for its egregious private justice system called mandatory arbitration – a system which systematically guts the guarantee of a jury trial under the Seventh Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Think about that carefully, the industry that is serially charged with rigging […]

Reducing transmission not an outcome measured in trials of Pfizer VX (NZ MOH)

OIA request from NZ’s esteemed Ministry of Health admitting Pfizer did not measure transmission as an outcome in their trials. (NZ Min of Health). READ AT THE LINK Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Election Outcome in Georgia Leaves Many Asking: “And What Now?”

Now the votes are counted in the Georgian municipal elections there are no surprises, and the reactions are what you would have expected. Georgians didn’t have much of a real choice between the two main political parties on Election Day, or during the runoff held on October 30. Those who came out to cast their […]

What is the Outcome of Biden’s Six-month Reign?

As Joe Biden’s arrival in the White House was accompanied by high hopes, and not only by his supporters, the discussion of the results of the first six months of his administration was the focus of many media and analysts. Thus, CNN notes that the “honeymoon” in power for Biden is over. He is expected […]

The NZ govt vax challenge outcome – Magic Talk Radio with Peter Williams & Sue Grey

Five minutes in hear more on the Vax Challenge with Sue Grey speaking about the case outcome. Photo: Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Derek Chauvin trial verdict live: Jury deliberating as wait continues for outcome in George Floyd case

Derek Chauvin refuses to testify in George Floyd murder trial The jury is now deliberating in the murder trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, after the prosecution and defence delivered their closing arguments on Monday. Mr Chauvin is currently standing trial for the murder of unarmed Black man George Floyd, who died in […]

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