Posts Tagged ‘bloody’

Austin’s ‘no genocide’ in Gaza remarks met with bloody-handed protests

April 11, 2024 Source: News websites By Al Mayadeen English Pro-Palestinian demonstrators have stormed Capitol Hill and interrupted Lloyd Austin’s speech, calling for the end of the genocide in Gaza. In a show of solidarity with Gaza, pro-Palestine protesters interrupted US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, cutting his speech off in a Senate committee hearing […]

Liberation struggles, slave revolts, and revolutions are bloody but necessary

7 Nov 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English Robert Inlakesh The Palestinian people have the right, given 75 years of massacres, ethnic cleansing, land theft, torture, and abuse, to fight their occupier through any means necessary. Palestinians should enjoy the same rights and standards as the rest of humanity. This statement seems self-evident, but many who […]

‘Bloody Dangerous:’ Jeremy Clarkson Blasts Electric Cars over Safety Concerns

In a recent critique, television star and car enthusiast Jeremy Clarkson has voiced serious concerns about the safety of electric vehicles, calling them “bloody dangerous.” His concern goes beyond cars to other devices powered by batteries, like electric bikes. Clarkson writes, “People have died, and that’s not surprising when you learn that a fully charged e-bike […]

The Shocking Truth About the Bloody Rituals of the Maya (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

How Spin and Lies Fuel a Bloody War of Attrition in Ukraine 

In a recent column, military analyst William Astore wrote, “[Congressman] George Santos is a symptom of a much larger disease: a lack of honor, a lack of shame, in America. Honor, truth, integrity, simply don’t seem to matter, or matter much, in America today… But how do you have a democracy where there is no […]

Ozzy Announces He Is Retiryouknow, The Thing With Sabbath And The Flibberyloo, An-n-n-Tony Andi Wit The Bloody Timeof Our Lives

LOS ANGELES — In a touching message to fans, Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne has announced he is “retiryouknow, the thing with Sabbath and the flibberyloo, an-n-n Tony andi wit the bloody timeof our lives, mate.” Source

United Nation Council To Investigate Iran’s Bloody Crackdown On Peaceful Protests

The U.N. Human Rights Council voted to condemn the bloody crackdown on peaceful protests and to investigate alleged abuses, particularly those committed against women and children. Source

In a bloody 24 hours, four Palestinians killed by Israeli forces

Israeli forces and settlers launch several separate attacks on Palestinians across the West Bank and Jerusalem as Operation Break the Wave shows no signs of winding down. Source

Ukrainian Archbishop Slams Russia’s ‘Big, Bloody, Unjust War’ on Ukraine

Ukrainian Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk said Thursday that the Ukrainian people “don’t just believe in victory, we live and work for it.”

The Himyarite Kingdom’s Bloody Conversion to Judaism: Passion or Ploy?

The Himyarite Kingdom was established in 110 BC and lasted until 570 AC. It is most often remembered these days as the “Jewish Kingdom”, thanks to the fact that for some time its predominant religion was Judaism.  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia History Famous People Read Later 

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Afghanistan: the Sad Outcome of the Bloody US Aggression

Major General Christopher Todd Donahue has marked a place for himself in the history books as the last American soldier to secretly escape from hostile Kabul under the cover of night. It happened on August 15, exactly one year since the “brave yankees” fled Afghanistan after two decades of brutal and bloody occupation, leaving the country […]

Remembering Bloody August of 2011

On the night of 4 August, 2011, Mustafa Naji Al-Morabit, his mother Fatima 'Omar Mansur, wife, Ibtisam, and three children: Mo'taz three, Mohamed six and Naji nine years old, were all asleep in Mustafa's house in the Western part of Zlitin, a coastal city some 180 km east of Tripoli. At precisely 06:30, a rocket […]

Blood, Tears, and Oil: The Bloody History of the Walled City of Baku

Today Baku is most well known for being the capital of the Azerbaijan Republic. Thousands of tourists every year flock to Baku to visit the Walled City of Baku and the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and its Maiden Tower.  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source

Police Investigating Bloody Wrestling ‘Death Match’ Performed in Front of Kids

Police are investigating a “death match” wrestling event staged in front of kids that turned into a bloody brawl.

Bloody Passover In Ukraine

Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Bloody Passover In Ukraine February 13 2022 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________More +BN Vids! The Jewish Curse Revealed Here! Biden’s Slew Of Jews Here! Telling Jews About Jesus Here! +BN Classics! Invasion Of The Nation Snatchers Here! The Four Curses On Judaism Here! +BN Vids Archive! HERE!___________________________________Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation!Br Nathanael […]

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