Posts Tagged ‘kingdom’

Ché Ahn’s Churches Are Funding Candidates Who’ll Serve As ‘The Legislative Body Of The Kingdom Of God’

Dominionist pastor Ché Ahn appeared at an event in Oklahoma last night that was organized by the Christian nationalist program “FlashPoint,” where he bragged that several members of his congregation are on the ballot for the November elections in California. Ahn, a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation and head of Harvest International Ministries ​based […]

‘The globalist cabal want to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist on earth’ — Archbishop Viganò

‘These murderers will soon find themselves answering for their crimes, if not before the tribunal of the world, then certainly before God,’ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote. Editor’s note: The following is the full text of a message from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for the “First Health Holocaust Remembrance Day.” (LifeSiteNews) — Dear Friends, I […]

Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom

Put aside for a moment whatever you may think of Ramaswamy being a WEF plant, as well as the fake two party paradigm political stand-off. When taken at face value, this clearly documented fall from grace for Disney shows a deep level of cultural rot. There is a dark, perverse obsession with the sexualisation of children via […]

Insights from the Hermit Kingdom’s 2022 Vaccine Safety Data

In 2021, Western Australia became the world’s accidental vaccine safety control group. With its closed borders and strict quarantine rules, the ‘Hermit Kingdom’ managed to maintain near-zero Covid while administering almost four million doses of Covid vaccination, resulting in an “exponential increase” in adverse event reports. In 2022, the Hermit Kingdom control group ended, as […]

Tomorrow At Kingdom Carleton We Will Celebrate The Fall Festival

Tomorrow here at Kingdom Carleton we will celebrate the Fall Festival.At Kingdom Carleton we do not celebrate pagan yankee holidays.Many of you do not know “Thanksgiving” is a Pagan yankee Holiday. The “puritan” yankees were pagans.Thanksgiving is a yankee holiday. The father of yankee pagan evil is Oliver Cromwell, a criminally insane mass murdering self […]

The United Kingdom wants the Ukraine war to continue with our own soldiers in the meat grinder

UK armed forces are to be sacrificed in Ukraine.  The UK itself is occupied by a foreign army – so-called refugees staying in hotels across the country and other establishments taken over by government.  These are Middle Eastern troops from Albania, Iraq, Afghanistan under UN command (world government) with no loyalty to England or Wales […]

Nintendo Files Patents for Link’s Abilities In ‘Tears of the Kingdom’

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is one of the best selling games of the year and Nintnedo has been busy filing patents in Japan to protect the various systems that make the game such a joy. Abilities such as Fuse, Ultrahand—which lets the player build things using items from the world—Riju’s lightning […]

The Real Last Kingdom- Bamburgh Castle (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

Infanticide in the animal kingdom, why do males kill their cubs, and how do females respond?

Home » Environment, North America, World » Infanticide in the animal kingdom, why do males kill their cubs, and how do females respond?     One thing that seems cruel in the animal world is infanticide, the killing of young. Lions, gorillas, chimpanzees, hippos, dolphins, and many other animals exhibit this behavior. Many articles have […]

The Shadowy Kingdom Of Gewissae, Britain’s First Kings

Gewissae was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom that ruled much of southern Britain from the fifth to the seventh centuries as the island began forging a new identity in the aftermath of Roman occupation.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

What is Shambhala? Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala

Shambhala, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “place of peace” or “place of silence,” is a mythical paradise spoken of in ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of the Zhang Zhung culture which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet. According to legend, it is a land where only the pure of […]

Ek’ Balam: Haunting Ruins of an Abandoned Maya Kingdom

One of the most fascinating archaeological sites in Central America is Ek’ Balam. Ek’ Balam is found in Temozón, Yucatán, Mexico in the Northern Maya lowlands, several miles northeast of Chichen Itza. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Americas Read Later  Source

The Kakatiya Dynasty: A Small Kingdom With A Fierce Heart

Medieval India was a land divided. Each region was ruled by its own regional kingdoms and dynasties. Over time, a handful of larger kingdoms began to exert control over smaller kingdoms, forcing them to become vassal states.  Read more Section:  News History Famous People Read Later  Source

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss: Liz Truss Will be Next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Britons can expect more globalist governance from Liz Truss, from the green agenda to the immigration, the PM looks to be just Thresa May 2.0.

Intl. conference to explore Mannaean kingdom

TEHRAN–The National Museum of Iran will be hosting an international conference to discuss the kingdom of Mannaea, CHTN reported on Wednesday. Entitled “The Kingdom of Mannaea and Its Neighbors, in the Context of the Iron Age Archaeology of Western Iran”, the meeting will be held on Saturday. Janoscha Kreppner, a professor of Middle Eastern archaeology […]

Shadow of Covid  lingers over the erstwhile Kingdom of Cooch Behar     

The princely state of Cooch Behar merged with the Dominion of India on August 8, 1949 and became a part of the State of West Bengal on January 1, 1950. To go to Cooch Behar, one has to cross Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri districts, which were also once part of other neighbouring hill kingdoms and annexed […]

The Himyarite Kingdom’s Bloody Conversion to Judaism: Passion or Ploy?

The Himyarite Kingdom was established in 110 BC and lasted until 570 AC. It is most often remembered these days as the “Jewish Kingdom”, thanks to the fact that for some time its predominant religion was Judaism.  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia History Famous People Read Later 

MAGA Pastor Kent Christmas Says ‘The Kingdom of God’ Is the Only Legitimate Authority on Earth

Right-wing pastor Kent Christmas used the Sunday sermon at his Regeneration Nashville church to rail against the Biden administration, declaring that the “authority of the kingdom of God” is the only legitimate power on Earth and therefore everything else “is an illegal authority.” Christmas is an anti-vax, vehemently anti-LGBTQ right-wing activist who regularly uses his […]

MAGA Pastor Kent Christmas Says ‘The Kingdom of God’ Is the Only Legitimate Authority on Earth

Right-wing pastor Kent Christmas used the Sunday sermon at his Regeneration Nashville church to rail against the Biden administration, declaring that the “authority of the kingdom of God” is the only legitimate power on Earth and therefore everything else “is an illegal authority.” Christmas is an anti-vax, vehemently anti-LGBTQ right-wing activist who regularly uses his […]

MAGA Pastor Kent Christmas Says ‘The Kingdom of God’ Is the Only Legitimate Authority on Earth

Right-wing pastor Kent Christmas used the Sunday sermon at his Regeneration Nashville church to rail against the Biden administration, declaring that the “authority of the kingdom of God” is the only legitimate power on Earth and therefore everything else “is an illegal authority.” Christmas is an anti-vax, vehemently anti-LGBTQ right-wing activist who regularly uses his […]

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