Posts Tagged ‘dynasty’

The Chaldean Dynasty and the Rise of the Neo-Babylonian Empire

Empires are formed and fall, dynasties rise to prominence and crumble in poverty and ruin, ethnicities disappear from the fate of the Earth – these are the inevitable aspects of the histories of ancient empires.  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source

Triumphs and Turmoil: Unraveling the Legacy of the Severan Dynasty

More often than not, the fate of the vast Roman Empire rested upon the shoulders of its emperors. Without a good leader at the helm, the entire mechanism of such a powerful realm could quickly collapse. But the reality of leadership meant that emperors could seldom rule in peace as their reigns were often plagued […]

Lost to Time: The Han Dynasty’s Forgotten Great Wall (Video)

The Great Wall of China is one of the most remarkable structures in human history. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Videos Read Later  Source

Ming Dynasty Baby Buddha Statue Questions Australian History

Two filmmakers detected a rare Ming Dynasty Buddha in Australia, which could “rewrite history.” Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Egyptian Tombs Reveal 60 High-Ranking Burials from the 18th Dynasty

Right at the turn of the year, a Spanish archaeological mission made a tremendous discovery in the modern city of Luxor in Egypt, which includes the site of the ancient city of Thebes. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Traces Of Viking Ivar the Boneless’ Dynasty At Waterford, Ireland

The first Viking raids recorded in Ireland date to 795 AD, and then they rapidly appear in the historic record. Traditionally the early Viking activity in Ireland falls into three phases, the first being a period of lightning hit-and-run raids which took place from the 790’s until the 820’s.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview […]

Wei Dynasty Terracotta Figurines Enrich Our Knowledge of Ancient China

Datong, Shanxi province has now yielded a large number of terracotta figurines, dated 1,500-years-old in the latest round of archaeological finds – all from the tombs of the upper class. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

The Kakatiya Dynasty: A Small Kingdom With A Fierce Heart

Medieval India was a land divided. Each region was ruled by its own regional kingdoms and dynasties. Over time, a handful of larger kingdoms began to exert control over smaller kingdoms, forcing them to become vassal states.  Read more Section:  News History Famous People Read Later  Source

Huge, Exquisite, Song Dynasty Stone Murals Found in China

Two massive stone mural carvings dating to the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127 AD) that were found in central China’s Henan province have been hailed by archaeologists as a remarkable discovery. These are the largest such carvings to be found in China. State media agency Xinhua reports that the carvings were found at the Zhouqiao archaeological […]

Khazaria, Rothschild Dynasty, New World Order, Ukraine and Implementation of the Nephilim Agenda

During a podcast Clif High made a tantalising comment: “In 1666 Sabbatai Zevi, he was a Khazarian and he was their messiah … [Zevi] said that it was okay for any of the Khazars to pretend to be a Jew but practise their true religion, which is this variant of Satan worship that has been […]

The Rothschild Dynasty is the Head of the NWO Beast

How the NWO Will Spread to Europe This Awareness indicates that the conquest of the United States is not necessarily the beginning of the New World Order for Europe. The United States would need to be conquered if the New World Order were to be set up, but the purpose of conquering the United States is […]

The Twin Tragedy of Tutankhamun: Death of a Dynasty

Tossed away callously in a dark corner of the lavish Treasury in the subterranean tomb of Tutankhamun was possibly the most poignant remnant of the boy king’s short life. Positioned next to the glittering canopic shrine that Howard Carter referred to as “the most beautiful monument”, was an uncovered and undecorated oblong beetle-ridden wooden box, […]

New Evidence of Human Sacrifice in Silla Dynasty’s Wolseong Palace

Archaeological excavations at the ancient Silla palace of Wolseong in Gyeongju, South Korea have produced new evidence confirming that human sacrifices took place there during the structure’s construction phase, in the fourth century AD. Korean folk history has long claimed that the Silla Kingdom , which ruled a united Korea for much of the first […]

Rothschild Dynasty is Seeking to Fulfill Kalergi Depopulation Agenda

The Venetians were once the most powerful maritime force in Europe, with an Empire that traversed the Eurasian continent. By aligning with mercenary armies of Khazars, Mongolians and Turks, they slashed and burned their way through one community after another, killing millions of people and seizing their wealth. In the process, they established trade routes […]

800-Year-Old Kakatiya Dynasty Statues Found Abandoned Near Indian Temple

In the village of Duddeda in the southern Indian province of Telangana, amateur historians stumbled upon an astounding collection of ancient statues dating from the Kakatiya Dynasty,  the Deccan Chronicle reported . While exploring the grounds of a local temple, representatives of the New Telangana History Group (NTHG) found a severely neglected set of five […]

Cluster of Yuan Dynasty Tombs with Stunning Brick Murals Found in China

Archaeologists working in Jinan, Eastern China, have concluded excavations of a series of tombs in advance of development in the area. Among the most exciting aspects of the dig was the discovery of several Yuan Dynasty tombs, some of which featured well-preserved and colorful murals and carved brick artistry.  All in all, 35 tombs were […]

Greek Descendants of the Seleucid Dynasty in Today’s Kyrgyzstan

A tetradrachm coin showing Seleucus I Nikator. Credit: Classical Numismatic Group/Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0 The Seleucid Dynasty, founded by Seleucus I Nicator (“the Victor”), a general who served under Alexander the Great, has descendants in today’s Kyrgyzstan — 2,300 years later. Kubanychbek Kendirbaev, a history researcher and director of Seleucia — a Public Charitable Fund […]

The Goryeo Dynasty: Buddhist Unifier of the Korean Peninsula

The Goryeo dynasty was a Korean dynasty that existed between the 10 th and 14 th centuries. The Goryeo dynasty was established following the unification of Korea’s Later Three Kingdoms and ended when it was overthrown by the Joseon dynasty. The history of the Goryeo dynasty is closely intertwined with events that took place in […]

The Argead Dynasty and the Founding of the Kingdom of Macedonia

The Argead dynasty was a royal dynasty that founded and initially ruled over the Kingdom of Macedon. This dynasty traces its origins all the way back to the mythical hero Heracles,  via Temenus, his great-great-grandson. The dynasty’s association with Temenus also means that the Argeads could claim that their ancestral homeland was the Peloponnese. The Argeads […]

Armenia’s Greatest Military Leader: Vardan Mamikonian And His Dynasty

Vardan Mamikonian was an Armenian military leader who lived between the 4 th and 5 th centuries AD. He is best-known for leading the Armenians against the Sassanians at the Battle of Avarayr in 451 AD. Although the Sassanians emerged triumphant, it was a Pyrrhic victory for them. In the long run, it was a victory for […]

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