Posts Tagged ‘boneless’

Repton, The British Valhalla To The Great Viking Heathen Army And Ivar The Boneless?

Was Ivar the Boneless, son of Ragnar Lothbrock, buried at  Repton in Derbyshire county, England? At first glance the small village of Repton, with its gentle village green does not seem at all remarkable, but over the past 50 years archaeology has gradually revealed its secrets: that Repton was both an Anglo-Saxon royal centre and the […]

Traces Of Viking Ivar the Boneless’ Dynasty At Waterford, Ireland

The first Viking raids recorded in Ireland date to 795 AD, and then they rapidly appear in the historic record. Traditionally the early Viking activity in Ireland falls into three phases, the first being a period of lightning hit-and-run raids which took place from the 790’s until the 820’s.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview […]