Max Azzarello RIP

This is Max Azzarello, the man who set himself on fire last week outside the courthouse of the Donald Trump “Hush Money” trial.

Max says he did 1,500 hours of research to learn that we live in a secret kleptocracy, saying,”That’s when the government gets taken over by con artists whose only job is to steal from the public.

“Wanna learn the biggest secret in the world? In March 2023, sketchy billionaire Peter Thiel (Former CEO of PayPal & first outside investor of Facebook) started a bank run. I did 1,500 hours of research and I learned all their rotten secrets. The big one is the cryptocurrency is history’s first planetary multi-trillion Ponzi scheme.

“That’s an economic doomsday device and when that Ponzi goes insolvent, as all Ponzis must, we’ll get the worst economic collapse in world history. And every powerful person you can think of is in on it.

“Wanna know why everything gets worse and more expensive? That’s because we live in a secret kleptocracy. That’s when the government gets taken over by con artists whose only job is to steal from the public.

“And I hope you know this is wonderful news, because now that the public knows about the secret kleptocracy, they get to abolish their criminal government.

“Start a f* revolution! Start a f* revolution! Start a f* revolution! You’ve got nothing to lose!”

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The post Max Azzarello RIP first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV.


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