Posts Tagged ‘statues’

New York City Considering Removing Statues of George Washington, Others

New York City is considering a measure that would essentially remove statues of Founding Fathers such as George Washington, all while facing a migrant crisis costing taxpayers billions. According to a list found in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, officials will consider a bill that would: …require the Public Design Commission (PDC) to […]

Romans Cleverly Used Interchangeable Heads on Their Statues

Museums are filled with the captivating spectacle of bodiless heads and headless bodies dating back to Roman times. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Archeologists Unearth Ancient Roman Statues From Bath Site Dating Back 2,300 Years in Tuscany

Archaeologists in Italy have uncovered more than two dozen beautifully preserved bronze statues dating back to ancient Roman times in thermal baths in Tuscany, in what experts are hailing as a sensational find. “From the bottom of the pool at the lowest point of its monumental construction, 24 masterpieces of bronze statues between the 2nd […]

700-Year-Old Moai Statues Irreparably Damaged by Fire on Easter Island

A shocking case of possible arson, still officially being called a forest fire, has caused irreparable damage to the ancient moai statues on Easter Island. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Americas Read Later  Source

Yangtze River Drought Reveals Ancient Chinese Statues At Previously Submerged Island Reef

The Buddhist relics are estimated to be 600 years old and were last revealed by receding water levels in 2020. Source

Explaining the Weirdly Alien Looking Statues of Pharaoh Akhenaten

In the history of Ancient Egypt, Akhenaten occupies a very special place. Of all the pharaohs over the many centuries, he was by far the most controversial one. His radical policies, major religious reforms, and social changes, all caused a lot of instability in the Ancient Egyptian state. His reign and the changes he put […]

Decapitated Statues of Greek Deities Finally Reunited with Their Heads

Excavations at western Anatolia’s ancient Greek city of Aizanoi (also spelt Aezani) continue to unearth stunning artifacts and architectural wonders. The latest in the series of fascinating finds comes in the form of two exceptionally beautiful 5000-year-old Greek statue heads, whose bodies had been found earlier in a different area. Aizanoi was continuously settled from […]

‘Astounding’ Roman Statues Found Under Medieval Church in Britain

Archaeologists digging at the site of a Norman-era church north of London received quite a surprise recently. Their ongoing excavations unearthed the well-preserved remains of three large Roman statues that must have been buried there for more than 1,000 years. The find included three detached statue heads – of a man, woman, and child – […]

Statues of Historical Figures Who OPPOSED Slavery Now Face Removal

Statues and busts of historical figures who OPPOSED slavery now face being removed in England and Scotland because such men “might now be called racist” anyway. Yes, really. A statue of William Pitt, an abolitionist who once branded slavery a “curse of mankind,” could be removed by Edinburgh council. Britain’s youngest Prime Minister and a […]

Egyptian Sphinx Statues Found In English Garden Fetch £200,000

A pair of 5,000-year-old Egyptian sphinx statues have sold for just under £200,000 ($270000) at auction. The owner was “shocked” having paid only £300 ($407) for the “garden ornaments”. Sphinxes are mythical creatures from the Ancient Egyptian religious imaginarium. Illustrated in arts with the head of a human, falcon, cat or a sheep, sphinxes all […]

800-Year-Old Kakatiya Dynasty Statues Found Abandoned Near Indian Temple

In the village of Duddeda in the southern Indian province of Telangana, amateur historians stumbled upon an astounding collection of ancient statues dating from the Kakatiya Dynasty,  the Deccan Chronicle reported . While exploring the grounds of a local temple, representatives of the New Telangana History Group (NTHG) found a severely neglected set of five […]

Discovery of Kouros Statues Puts Euromos Temple of Zeus Lepsynos on the Map

Archaeologists working in the province of Muğla, Turkey are celebrating an exciting archaeological find. During routine excavations and restoration work at the Temple of Zeus Lepsynos in the ancient city of Euromos in  Turkey they have unearthed a pair of 2,500-year-old  marble statues . Known as kouros, the  statues were not found alone. They were discovered along […]

House Votes To Replace All Confederate Statues With Statues Of Chairman Mao

WASHINGTON, D.C—Confederate statues are once again on the chopping block as the House pushes to have them removed. Following their removal, Democrats have vowed that these confederate monsters will be replaced by statues of Chairman Mao.  “This sacred space has been defiled for too long. We ought not to forget history. We must learn from […]

Queen Victoria, Elizabeth II statues defaced during Canada Day protest

Statues of Britain’s Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II were torn down outside Manitoba province’s legislature in Winnipeg on Canada Day on Thursday. Queen Victoria, who was monarch during the colonial era, was left covered in red-painted handprints with a sign that read: “We were children once. Bring them home”, while a smaller statue of […]

The Ain Ghazal Statues: Jordan’s Unique and Graceful Neolithic Figures

‘Ain Ghazal (hereafter Ain Ghazal) is an archaeological site located in Jordan that dates to the Neolithic period, and flourished from around the 8th to 6th millennium BC. Ain Ghazal was discovered during the 1970s, but only excavated in the following decade. The excavation of the site continued until the late 1990s, and, consequently, archaeologists have been […]

Diverse Birmingham Set to Remove “Problematic” Street Signs and Statues

New footage of the moments before she was shot dead by a police officer during a knife attack shows Ma’Khia Bryant yelling, “I’m going to stab the f**k out of you bitch!” – yet again vindicating the officer’s response. Leftists have continually lied about the incident in Columbus, Ohio, at first claiming Bryant was unarmed […]

Deprived of an audience, Paris orchestra plays to the statues of the Musée d’Orsay

At the Musée d’Orsay, empty of spectators because of Covid-19, the Orchestre de Paris has recorded a concert that will be broadcast on 1 May. This is an opportunity for conductor Pablo Heras-Casado to fulfil his “mission” by bringing “the museum and music into the home”. Sandra Bernhard, music programmer at Musée d’Orsay: “The idea […]

Civil Rights Pioneer Bob Woodson: MLK Statues Will Be Targeted Next

Appearing on Steve Malzberg’s weekly Saturday commentary show Eat the Press, civil rights pioneer Bob Woodson lashed out at the radical left, claiming civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s statue would likely be targeted next and if he were alive today he’d be selected for “anti-bias” reeducation. The show opened with a quote […]

Britain has kept Stone Age statues, says Jordanian Rights Centre

The head of the Mesha Centre for Studies and Human Rights in Jordan has revealed that Britain has still not returned thirty Stone Age statues that were taken for restoration in 1990. According to Daifallah Hdeithat, the statues were supposed to be returned to Jordan within two years. “The terms of the restoration agreement provided […]

Two Statues in New York City Honor Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg participates in taking a new family photo with her fellow justices, at the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, June 1, 2017. Photo: Reuters / Jonathan Ernst / File. – Two statues honoring the late Jewish Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg were unveiled in her home […]

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