Posts Tagged ‘Armenia’

Israel & Palestine, World War 3 Update: Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Caucasus, Syria, China


Using Armenia to Destroy the International North South Transportation Corridor

The continued fires being lit in the Caspian Region between Armenia and Azerbaijan represent something much larger than either small country and have everything to do with destabilizing the largest, and arguably most strategic, mega-project in Eurasia connecting the Russian Arctic to Iran and India. Efforts to light geopolitical fires across Russia’s underbelly have been […]

The World does NOT care about Armenia as Thousands Flee from Azeri Genocide

Shocking scenes have been emerging from the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh this week, after last week an Azerbaijan military offensive targeting a breakaway region killed at least 200 people and wounded many more. An exodus of tens of thousands of ethnic Armenians is underway from their 2,000-year ancient homeland of Artsakh, which in modern times […]

Armenia. Turkish control over NATO growing stronger. has a new post available …. ***Further blows to Armenia on deck; State Dept spokesman admits GLOBOHOMO looking for a deal on Zangezur/Siunik corridor.***  Armenia (with its projection of “we will not fight”) in deep trouble as Azerbaijan leader, having taken Karabakh, skips no beat, talks publicly about unfairness of Soviet borders leaving Azerbaijan’s Nakhichevan […]

Armenia gets Soros treatment has a new post available …. As Armenian govt of “Soros graduates” prepares to host U.S. war game, withdraw from post-Soviet collective defense treaty, abandon Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan, & definitively flip away from Russia towards USA and Turkey (LOL, can’t make it up!!!!!). Top pro-Russian blogger Mika Badalyan & seven friends / associates arrested by […]

Armenia praises Iran’s contribution to regional stability

TEHRAN- Armenia’s Security Council secretary has lauded Iran’s contribution to regional security and stability. Source

Armenia: Canada to Send Two Experts for EU Mission Seeking Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh

Canada is sending two officials to support a European mission that is aiming to prevent another war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The unarmed European Union mission in Armenia is a project involving a hundred civilian monitors who keep tabs on the security situation at the border with Azerbaijan. Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly has announced […]

Turkey-Armenia gate opens for first time in decades to allow aid

A border gate between long-feuding Turkey and Armenia has been opened for the first time in 35 years to allow aid for victims of the devastating earthquakes in southern Turkey, state-owned Anadolu news agency and a diplomat said. Turkey's special envoy for Armenia, Serdar Kilic, tweeted photos of trucks passing through the Alican checkpoint at […]

IRNA: Didn’t Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan hold military exercises against Armenia’s territorial integrity?

Iran’s IRNA news agency has run an article, entitled “Answers to the questions of President Elham Aliyev,” in which it gave comprehensive answers to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s questions about Azerbaijan’s relations with neighbouring countries, particularly Armenia and Iran. The article reads as follows: Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has recently raised some questions about the […]

Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias in Armenia to deepen ties

Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias is paying an official visit to Yerevan on Tuesday to meet with Armenian state officials. Dendias will first meet with his Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan before extended talks are held, followed by joint statements to the press at approximately 13:20 (Athens time). The Greek minister will then be received… […]

First the CIA goads Azerbaijan to attack Armenia, then Pelosi shows up in Yerevan to plead for the US to defend them, not Russia.


The defence of Greece begins in Armenia

It has long been clear that Turkey aims to create an intermediate, loose, yet distinct geosystem in Central Asia – a geosystem that will move and act autonomously, taking advantage of the competition of the Euro-Atlantic West and the looming collectivisation of Eurasian states, with the Russia-China system at its core. What is happening in […]

Armenia: Nancy Pelosi Condemns Recent Illegal Attacks of Azerbaijan

The speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, on Sunday condemned recent “illegal” attacks by Azerbaijan against Armenia, where she is visiting after border clashes this week between Baku and Yerevan. “We strongly condemn these attacks on behalf of Congress,” said Ms Pelosi, during a press conference from the Armenian capital, accusing Azerbaijan […]

Armenia: Nancy Pelosi Condemns Recent Illegal Attacks of Azerbaijan

The speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, on Sunday condemned recent “illegal” attacks by Azerbaijan against Armenia, where she is visiting after border clashes this week between Baku and Yerevan. “We strongly condemn these attacks on behalf of Congress,” said Ms Pelosi, during a press conference from the Armenian capital, accusing Azerbaijan […]

World must now save Armenia, Putin’s next target for his new empire

    He needs a decisive – and crucially, quick – victory. This could come sooner than expected. But it probably won’t be in Ukraine. Instead look south-eastward, to the South Caucasus and another of Russia’s backyards where this week fighting has flared up again between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the deadliest since a fragile ceasefire […]

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Will go to Armenia to Show American Support

    Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, announced on Friday that she intends to travel to Armenia over the weekend in a show of support for the country, which has been locked in a deadly fight with Azerbaijan. A cease-fire there has been in effect for two days following fighting with […]

Deaths, injuries in renewed clashes between Azerbaijan, Armenia

September 13, 2022 08:37 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  The decades-old hostilities over the disputed area of Nagorno-Karabakh are back as they were instigated by Azerbaijan. An Armenian soldier firing artillery during the ongoing fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over Nagorno-Karabakh (AFP) Russian news media reported that clashes between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops started […]

Will Christina Quinn Impose US-style Democracy on Armenia?

The US has made no secret of its wish to push Armenia from Russia’s sphere of influence, and in order to boost its efforts Washington plans to make some staffing changes at its embassy in Yerevan. Specifically, it intends to strengthen its core of “experienced personnel” who have already been trained in anti-Russian activities in […]

Armenia lifts Turkish trade ban as officials hint at a thaw in their relations

Armenia has lifted an embargo on Turkish imports and is to allow direct flights to Istanbul as the two countries prepare for talks on normalising their relations. Representatives from Turkey and Armenia are due to meet in Moscow next month as officials on both sides hinted at a thaw. The border between the two countries […]

Who is Capable of Settling the Conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

One year after the second Karabakh war, the border between the two republics is again turbulent. Periodically, the media and official representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan report about the violation – by the enemy, of course – of the ceasefire, defined by trilateral Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan statement of November 9, 2020, and sometimes even about […]

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