Posts Tagged ‘stronger’

Lab Origin: The Case is Even Stronger Now

I had previously made the case that the totality of circumstances surrounding SARS-CoV-2 origins is sufficient for probable cause to believe the virus originated in a lab. In addition to the circumstances surrounding the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the evidence we lack for a zoonotic origin makes our case even stronger. Outside the narrow lens of […]

GOP pollster: Republicans would be stronger if they used Haley’s language on abortion

Conservative pollster Frank Luntz lauded presidential candidate Nikki Haley for her response to a debate question on abortion policy on Wednesday. Haley, the former U.N. ambassador, said a Republican president shouldn’t attempt to pass an abortion ban but should instead leave it to states. She also said Republicans don’t have near enough votes in Congress… […]

Armenia. Turkish control over NATO growing stronger. has a new post available …. ***Further blows to Armenia on deck; State Dept spokesman admits GLOBOHOMO looking for a deal on Zangezur/Siunik corridor.***  Armenia (with its projection of “we will not fight”) in deep trouble as Azerbaijan leader, having taken Karabakh, skips no beat, talks publicly about unfairness of Soviet borders leaving Azerbaijan’s Nakhichevan […]

Vilnius Summit: “A Stronger and Expanded NATO Makes for a More Dangerous World!”

As I was recently departing Batumi, Georgia, on the Black Sea, the announcement was made, “Please Passengers, the train is about ready to leave the station, so please leave the train”, in English. Of course, something was lost in translation. However, the same could be said about the status of Ukraine in the wake of […]

A stronger Turkey would not be in Russia’s best interests, right?

Russian-Turkish relations have been on an upswing, some would say unparalleled, since the early 2000s. The latter occurred or may be associated with the change of power in Russia and Turkey, as well as the arrival of two charismatic leaders, Putin and Erdoğan, respectively, and, more importantly, with certain transformations in geo-economic and geopolitical processes […]

Breitbart Business Digest: Stronger GDP Revisions Point to More Inflation

The third GDP revision raises concerns about the persistence of inflation but also provides powerful support to our view that the economy is unlikely to enter a recession this year. Source

Washington shakes Turkey stronger than an earthquake

According to the Turkish authorities, the latest earthquake has become the largest natural disaster in the country since 1939. Even so, whereas back then 32,968 people died during the natural disaster in Erzincan and about 100,000 more were injured, today the death toll already exceeds 43.5 thousand people. And every day this sad statistics only […]

Biden Assures American Public Ukraine Has Never Been Stronger

WASHINGTON, DC — People across the nation breathed a sigh of relief as President Joe Biden used his State of the Union address to assure the American people that Ukraine is making tremendous progress and is stronger than it has ever been before. “These are uncertain times,” Biden said to the assembled members of Congress […]

Israeli election results: Netanyahu stronger than ever, and he’s bringing the far-right with him

Israeli exit polls indicate a decisive win for Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing bloc which will bring the Jewish Power party’s fascist leader Itamar Ben Gvir into the ruling coalition. Netanyahu is now poised to lead the most extreme and fundamentalist government in Israel’s history. Source

Iran seeks stronger guarantees from the US; IAEA stops ‘politically motivated probes’

Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, said on Wednesday that Tehran needed stronger guarantees from Washington to revive the 2015 nuclear agreement, adding that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) must abandon its “political motivated probes” into Tehran’s nuclear activity. After indirect talks between Tehran and Washington that lasted 16 months, Josep Borell, EU Foreign Policy […]

Amir Abdollahian says Iran seeking ‘stronger guarantees’ to save JCPOA 

TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said on Wednesday that Tehran is reviewing the U.S. response to the European Union draft proposal aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, officially called the JCPOA, but stressed the importance of “stronger guarantees” from the American side.  “We have received the American side’s last text, and […]

Scientists in China Build Magnet That is Over a Million Times Stronger Than Earth’s Entire Magnetic Field

The High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, located in the city of Hefei, reports that it can generate a stable magnetic field with a strength of 45.22 tesla, which is more than a million times stronger than the magnetic core of the Earth. Source

China, Thailand and Laos: Economic Friendship Growing Stronger

Today, China aims to become a major foreign economic partner for as many countries as possible. It is well known that an efficient logistics system is an important factor for economic growth. This is why China is developing the One Belt, One Road Initiative, as well as many other significant infrastructure projects. On July 5, […]

A Stronger Russia Humiliates the West

When Russia was arbitrarily excluded from the ‘Group of eight’ (G8) in 2014, many in the West saw this as a step toward a more cohesive western bloc – the so-called G7 – that could collectively – and effectively – counter Russia through a homogenous response combining economic and military means. The response the West […]

Philippines: Outgoing Duterte Asks Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to Fight ‘Stronger’ War on Drugs

Outgoing Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday urged incoming Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to exert “stronger pressure” on the nation’s illicit drug industry during his upcoming administration, the Manila Bulletin reported.

We can expect stronger Algeria-Iran ties as Israel plans to establish a base in Morocco

Bilateral relations between Algeria and Iran have grown ever since ties were restored 21 years ago. They were initially severed in 1993 after the North African country accused Tehran of supporting the armed wing of the Islamic Salvation Front during the civil war, brought on by the Algerian military’s decision to cancel elections the year […]

New Harvard HCW study shows recovered immunity is far stronger than vaccine protection

By Steve Kirsch A new study from Harvard (Continued Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination among Urban Healthcare Workers during Delta Variant Predominance) tracked vaccinated and unvaccinated Massachusetts healthcare workers and showed 0 infections in 74,557 person-days for previously infected patients compared to 49 infections out of 830,084 person-days for fully vaccinated patients. In short, if you’ve […]

Lifting ‘cruel’ sanctions will lead to stronger Iranian involvement in regional arrangements: FM

Lifting ‘cruel’ sanctions will lead to stronger Iranian involvement in regional arrangements: FM – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Iran’s foreign minister on Wednesday expressed hope that a lifting of Washington’s “illegitimate” and “cruel” sanctions will lead to closer interactions between Iran and the 21-member Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). “More than two decades of active work […]

Russian-Indonesian Relations Grow Stronger Amid Geopolitical Instability

Indonesia, a country of 270 million people and ASEAN’s largest economy, is actively involved in the affairs of Southeast Asia and seeks to maintain peace, stability and economic development in the region for its own security and to accelerate its economic growth. For its part, the Russian Federation, whose foreign policy objectives include strengthening its […]

Ambassador: Iran-Russia ties will become stronger during Raisi administration

Ambassador: Iran-Russia ties will become stronger during Raisi administration – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — The meeting of the ambassadors of the Islamic countries in Russia was held on the sidelines of the twelfth international economic meeting “Russia and the Islamic World” in Kazan, the capital of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan on Thursday. In the meeting […]

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