Posts Tagged ‘involvement’

DESPICABLE COWARDS! No Admission by Israel of Involvement in Last Night’s “Attack” on Iran

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Iran to US: Involvement with ‘Israel’ will put your forces under fire

April 12, 2024 Source: Axios By Al Mayadeen English Iran has communicated via mediators that the safety of US forces in the region is directly linked to the US’ involvement in Israeli activity against Iran. Iran sent a message to the White House through mediators, explaining that if the United States gets involved on “Israel’s” […]

Leaked audio PROVES FBI involvement in Gretchen Whitmer false flag “kidnapping plot”

Leaked audio PROVES FBI involvement in Gretchen Whitmer false flag “kidnapping plot” It went largely unnoticed after the Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping plot” failed, but there were plans in the works around the same time as the January 6 “insurrection” at the United States Capitol to also storm the State Capitol in Michigan. Just […]

US troops in Iraq ‘on standby’ to support ground involvement in Israel’s Gaza war: US media

US forces in Syria’s northeastern Hasakah province near the border with Turkey Press TV – Jan 31, 2024 US military personnel have been put on standby in Iraq to support a possible ground involvement in the Israeli war on the besieged Gaza Strip, The Intercept found. According to a January US Air Force personnel memo obtained […]

Warmongers Start Push For U.S. Involvement In Iran Following Hamas Attack

Following the deadly coordinated attack on innocent civilians in Gaza by Hamas terrorists, U.S. hawks have begun their usual warmongering push, looking to reengage America in Middle Eastern conflict. GOP Senator Lindsey Graham was head of the line, bandying around threats to Iran that “we are all going to come after you” if there is […]

Will GOP oppose Biden’s pick for Israel ambassador over his involvement in Iran deal?

Biden has nominated former former Obama offical Jack Lew as ambassador to Israel. GOP lawmakers are criticizing the pick over his connections to the Iran deal. Source

Poll: 60% Say Joe Biden Covering Up His Involvement in Family Deals 

Sixty percent of voters believe President Joe Biden is working to cover up his involvement in his family’s business deals with foreign adversaries, a Rasmussen Reports poll found Monday. Source

Tunisia: democracy activists criticise Italian involvement

The general coordinator of the Swiss Initiative to Support Democracy in Tunisia has criticised President Kais Saied and his involvement with the Italian government led by right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. "Meloni is only focusing on migration and is pushing Saied to play the role of a regional policeman to protect the Italian and EU […]

FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking (video)

By Medeea Greere May 21, 2023Updated:May 21, 2023 16 Mins Read Bombshell: FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your […]

Robert Kennedy Jr Stands Up To The CIA About Their Involvement In JFK Assassination

9 may 2023 “When Congress – ten years later – investigated the crime with much more evidence than the Warren Commission had at its disposal, Congress found that, yeah, it was a plot — it was a conspiracy,” shared RFK Jr. He continued. “There were multiple people involved. And most of the people in that […]

President GW Bush Supports US Involvement in Ukraine – Forgets How Afghanistan Ended Under Biden

“It’s a big club, and you and I are not in it!”. George Carlin. The last president who did not bend over and take the Rothschil’d Israhell dick up their ass while doing treason against America/Americans was JFK. They blew his brains out in front of a standing room only crowd. Every “president since then […]

George W Bush Fully Supports US Involvement in Ukraine

Former president George W Bush thinks the United States should jump into the Ukraine War. But then this is the same war mongering criminal who not only invaded Iraq, but also got the US into […] The post George W Bush Fully Supports US Involvement in Ukraine appeared first on News Punch. Source

Georgia’s Involvement in Foreign Wars and Conflicts Comes Home to Roost

Mass shootings are mostly a Western thing, and most commonly American, where with distressing frequency a new shooter brings about carnage and raises calls to ban assault weapons. But the same is now happening in places such as Georgia, which is paying the price for trying to improve its lot by being uncritical US ally, […]

Khazarian Jewish Involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution

The Bolshevik Revolution in the Soviet Union was not primarily a Russian Revolution. Instead, it was primarily led by a non-Russian, Jewish ethnic minority that hated Russians and the Czar for their alleged anti-Semitism.[1] This article documents some of the evidence indicating that Jews were the driving force behind Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution. Jewish […]

JFK assassination expert drops major bombshell regarding CIA involvement and alleged shooter Lee Harvey Oswald

(Natural News) An expert on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in the early 1960s says he can prove the Central Intelligence Agency was aware of it, and accused shooter Lee Harvey Oswald may have been an asset. “This is an extraordinarily serious claim and it has profound implications for the official story,” JFK […]

Russia Warns US That Its Deeper Involvement in Ukraine Brings Growing Risks

Russia is trying to make the United States understand that Washington’s increasing involvement in the Ukraine conflict carries growing risks, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Tuesday, according to Russian news agencies. Moscow has repeatedly complained that Western military support for Ukraine is dragging out the conflict, now in its 10th month, while […]

Russia says UK navy blew up Nord Stream, London denies involvement

Russia’s defence ministry said on Saturday that British navy personnel blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines last month, a claim that London said was false and designed to distract from Russian military failures in Ukraine. Russia did not give evidence for its claim that a leading NATO member had sabotaged critical Russian infrastructure amid […]

Students occupy University of Sheffield to protest involvement in arms trade

Students occupy University of Sheffield to protest involvement in arms trade Students occupy University of Sheffield to protest involvement in arms trade — Freedom NewsA group of students at the University of Sheffield have occupied the Diamond (a prominent engineering building) to protest the University’s relationship with arms companies. The University claims to have divested from […]

KGB Involvement In The 9/11 False Flag

Yes, 9/11 was mostly done by Israel, however Russia’s role is almost never talked about in 9/11 truth circles. This video by Johnny Gat does a good job breaking down the role of Russia in the attacks. On the week before 9/11, Russian war planes harassed US aircraft in the North Pacific and Alaskan arctic […]

Iran Denies Involvement But Justifies Salman Rushdie Attack

While Iran hasn’t focused on the writer in recent years, a decades-old fatwa demanding his killing still stands. Source

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