Posts Tagged ‘gretchen’

Leaked audio PROVES FBI involvement in Gretchen Whitmer false flag “kidnapping plot”

Leaked audio PROVES FBI involvement in Gretchen Whitmer false flag “kidnapping plot” It went largely unnoticed after the Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping plot” failed, but there were plans in the works around the same time as the January 6 “insurrection” at the United States Capitol to also storm the State Capitol in Michigan. Just […]

Lawsuit: Gretchen Whitmer Administration Used Coded Message to Conceal Email from Public

By JORDAN DIXON-HAMILTON A consultant for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D-MI) administration sent a message to a Whitmer adviser in a different language as part of a “calculated” effort to “conceal” the message from public records, a lawsuit alleges. The communication discussed the 2021 lead water crisis in Benton Harbor, Michigan, a town whose residents […]

Gretchen Witchmer Led a Violent ‘Insurrection’ and Then Bragged about It, New Video Shows

Far-left Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer bragged about leading her own ‘insurrection’ in the Michigan State Capitol in 2012, newly resurfaced video shows. In the video below, Whitmer addresses a crowd of angry protestors, telling them that she wants to fight and asks them to do the same. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Vetoes Michigan Election Integrity Bills: They ‘Perpetuate the Big Lie’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) used her veto powers to quash four bipartisan election integrity bills over the weekend, claiming the bills “suppress the vote” or “perpetuate the ‘Big Lie.’” Whitmer vetoed House Bills 4837, 4838, 4492, and 4528, ceremoniously announcing her decision during the annual Detroit NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner. Whitmer claimed during the dinner that a “coordinated […]

Poll: Gretchen Whitmer Approval Falls to 48%

A poll of registered Michigan voters found Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) approval has fallen below 50 percent. The survey, conducted by left-leaning Public Policy Polling July 5-6, shows the Democrat governor’s approval declined to 48 percent. Forty percent of respondents said they “strongly disapprove” of Whitmer’s job performance. President Joe Biden slightly outpaces Whitmer. Fifty-two […]

Gretchen Whitmer Administration Acknowledges Nursing Home Deaths ‘Could Be’ Undercounted

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Director Elizabeth Hertel acknowledged Thursday that coronavirus-related nursing home deaths “could be” undercounted in the state. The Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) appointee disputed to the House Oversight Committee previously reported data that could indicate there has not been a full accounting of all deaths in long term […]

Gretchen Whitmer Leaves Door Open to Extending Coronavirus Restrictions Past July 1

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) picked two dates on the calendar — June 1 and July 1 — to repeal the remaining coronavirus restrictions, but she appeared to be leaving the door open on whether she will stick to the final one. On Tuesday, Whitmer was asked if she will potentially alter her order lifting […]

Gretchen Whitmer Apologizes, Admits She Made ‘Mistake’ in Violating Coronavirus Orders at East Lansing Bar

Michigan. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) apologized after Breitbart News busted her Sunday for violating her own coronavirus orders at an East Lansing bar. Breitbart News obtained a photo showing Whitmer and her appointed chief operations officer, Tricia Foster, among a group of 13 people at the Landshark, a dive bar in the college town, on […]

Exclusive Photo: Gretchen Whitmer Violates Own Coronavirus Orders at Dive Bar

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) hit the bar this weekend and violated her own coronavirus orders, according to a photo Breitbart News has exclusively obtained. Whitmer and a large group of friends, including her appointed chief operations officer, Tricia Foster, visited the Landshark in East Lansing, violating her restaurant orders in the process, according to […]

Gretchen Whitmer Story Unravels: Florida Plane Not Authorized for Charter Flights

The private jet Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) said she chartered for her secret trip to Florida in March is not approved to be chartered, the FAA told the Detroit Free Press Monday. The new problems arose when Whitmer’s chief of staff, Joanne Huls, attempted to explain away the flight Friday by saying a related […]

Gretchen Whitmer’s Approval Dips Below 50% as Scandals Mount

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) job approval dipped below 50 percent, according to a new poll. Progress Michigan, a far-left advocacy group, asked 820 Michigan voters May 5-6, 2020 about Whitmer’s job performance and 49 percent said they approved, six percent said they “somewhat” disapproved, and 43 percent “strongly” disapproved. Meanwhile, 51 percent said they […]

Gretchen Whitmer Accused of ‘Leveraging’ Her Office for ‘Personal Benefit’ in Private Plane Scandal

Before Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) used a private plane to take a multi-day trip to Florida, other politicians were indicted for similar circumstances. Deadline Detroit’s Charlie LeDuff reported: When Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was outed last month for a secretive trip to Florida in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, her office claimed Michigan taxpayers […]

Gretchen Whitmer Falsely Smears Breitbart News as ‘White Nationalist Website’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) falsely smeared Breitbart News as a “white nationalist website” recently, a lazy liberal trope employed to dismiss its reporting. During the April 12 edition of the MIRS Monday podcast, Whitmer was asked, “Have you had any days off?” She was also asked where she would have gone for spring break. […]

Democrat Fascist Gretchen Whitmer: ‘2-Year-Olds Must Now Wear Anti-Oxygen Face Masks’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has unveiled a new cruel and unusual coronavirus restriction on toddlers which will force children as young as two to wear masks. Michigan Capitol Confidential reported the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), headed by Elizabeth Hertel, who just returned from an Alabama beach vacation, issued the facist order. You can […]

Watch: Hundreds Rally for Michigan Restaurateur Jailed over Gretchen Whitmer Coronavirus Orders

HOLLAND, Michigan — Hundreds of supporters rallied for Marlena Hackney Saturday, the Michigan restaurateur jailed after refusing to comply with coronavirus orders. Hackney, an immigrant who fled communist Poland as a teenager, was arrested Friday on a misdemeanor contempt of court charge. She was denied bond and remains in an Ingham County jail. Her restaurant, […]

Gretchen Whitmer ‘Emits Real Guffaw’ over Prospect of Arresting Donald Trump for Coronavirus ‘Violations’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) revealed in a recent interview she struggles with how to make residents do as she tells them. In an interview with Steve Friess of Hour Detroit, Whitmer, who was recently elected vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, expressed her displeasure with President Trump when he would hold rallies in […]

Michigan ‘Let Them Play’ Files Suit Against Gretchen Whitmer Administration over Winter Sports Ban

A group of Michigan student athletes and parents made good on a promise  Tuesday to sue Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) administration if she did not immediately begin winter school sports. Let Them Play Michigan filed suit against Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Director Elizabeth Hertel alleging the bans on contact sports, including basketball, […]

Gretchen Whitmer’s Health and Human Services Director ‘Abruptly’ Resigns

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) Health and Human Services director “abruptly” resigned Friday and did not receive a “thank you” from the state’s chief executive. Robert Gordon, who came to Michigan from the Obama administration, announced via Twitter that he was out: Today, I am resigning from the Whitmer Administration. It’s been an honor to […]

Gretchen Whitmer Taunts Political Opponents on Social Media — Then Calls to ‘Unify’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer posted two photos on social media this week to taunt her political opponents. On Thursday, upon the news Education Secretary Betsy DeVos had resigned, Whitmer posted a photo of herself wearing an anti-DeVos shirt: 👋 — Gretchen Whitmer (@gretchenwhitmer) January 8, 2021 In the photo, which was accompanied by a […]

Governor Gretchen Whitmer Uses Santa Zoom Call to Tell Kids Not to Visit Their Families at Christmas

A Reuters photo essay celebrates how residents of Wuhan are enjoying nightclubs and street parties without the need for masks or social distancing even as much of the rest of the world continues to labor under lockdown. The article notes how young people living in the original epicenter of COVID-19 are now frolicking around in […]

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