Posts Tagged ‘insurrection’

MAGA Trumpism comes down to violence, driving invective, intimidation, insurrection, and invasions

Considering the Inciter-in-chief’s love of violence, who can predict whether winning or losing produces greater mayhem. Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Glorious Insurrection

Liberty Council hopes to appeal the Kim Davis case all the way to the Supreme Court and use it to overturn marriage equality. Jon Miller declares that “January 6 was glorious.” Dalton Clodfelter explicitly and unironically states “I like Hitler.” White nationalist Nick Fuentes says that while Protestants are welcome in his America First movement, […]

Lawmakers reflect on third anniversary of Jan. 6 insurrection

Saturday marks the third anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol when thousands of protestors marched from the “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, D.C., to the Capitol at the direction of former President Trump and participated in an attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election. Lawmakers on both… […]

Trump Supporters Deny ‘Vast’ Evidence About Jan. 6 Insurrection; Right Wing Watch Has Receipts

Commentary As we approach the third anniversary of the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol by Donald Trump supporters intent on disrupting congressional affirmation of his 2020 election defeat, Trump and his MAGA Republican allies continue to spread damaging lies about the election and the insurrection itself—and argue against holding him accountable for his antidemocratic […]

Speaker Mike Johnson Releases All The Jan 6th Footage And Guess What, There Was No Insurrection

19 nov 2023 Looks like the release of all the Jan 6th footage by House Speaker Mike Johnson will now prove once and for all that it was more of a tour and elbow-rubbing with cops than a violent overthrow of the government. For sure it’s far less aggressive than some of these Hamas lovers […]

‘Insurrection’: MTG Melts Down Over Peaceful Pro-Palestine Protest

Hundreds of Jewish protesters and their allies passed through security screening checkpoints in Washington, D.C. to enter the Cannon building, a congressional office complex open to the public, on Wednesday afternoon for a peaceful demonstration to demand a ceasefire in Gaza, chanting “Ceasefire Now!” and “Not In Our Name!”  But now, right-wing media and certain […]

Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Sentenced to 22 Years for Jan. 6 Insurrection

Ever since Proud Boys head honcho Enrique Tarrio found himself facing down a mountain of legal problems linked to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, he’s been hawking T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “Enrique Tarrio Did Nothing Wrong.” On Tuesday, that sentiment got a firm slapdown by Judge Timothy Kelly, who found, on the contrary, that […]

Couy Griffin: MSM is still portraying J6 as a “violent armed insurrection” even though citizens weren’t even armed

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Couy Griffin, former commissioner of New Mexico’s Otero County, lamented how the mainstream media (MSM) is portraying the Jan. 6 rally at the Capitol as a “violent armed insurrection.”He recounted the events of that day during his appearance on the Feb. 5 edition of “The Mel K Show.” Griffin told the podcast […]

Right Wing Round-Up: A Real Insurrection

Sarah Posner @ MSNBC: The major role of Christian nationalism on Jan. 6. Josh Kovensky and Hunter Walker @ Talking Points Memo: Texts Show How Members Of Congress Advanced ‘Antifa’ Conspiracy Theories In The Wake Of Jan. 6. David Moye @ HuffPost: Marjorie Taylor Greene Schools The World On What Makes A ‘Real Insurrection.’ Drew […]

Twitter manipulation of January 6 “insurrection” narrative EXPOSED through “J6 Deleted” internet sting operation

(Natural News) Jason Sullivan, a specialist in social media and Twitter, developed a social media monitoring algorithm called “J6 DELETED” that has blown the lid on the so-called “insurrection” that took place on Jan. 6, 2021, after Joe Biden “won” the election. Sullivan was subpoenaed in 2018 by the special counsel investigating the accusation at… […]

Jan. 6 Committee Exposes How Trump Fomented the Capitol Insurrection Every Step of the Way

As the ninth Jan. 6 hearing came to a close, the nine members of the select committee investigating that Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol were presented with a resolution from Vice Chair Liz Cheney: Would they vote to issue a subpoena for Donald J. Trump in relation to the attack on the Capitol? […]

How ​Christian Nationalism Fueled the Insurrection and Threatens Democracy

Public hearings by the House ​select committee investigating the Jan​. 6, 2021, insurrection have given Americans a much clearer understanding of all the ways ​then-President Donald Trump and his allies tried to keep him in power by overturning the results of the presidential election. Another public hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 28, with the […]

Brazil Bracing For Insurrection Far Worse Than US Capitol Attack

The president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), Minister Edson Fachin, declared that during this year’s presidential election, Brazil may have a more serious attack than the January 6, 2021, invasion of the Capitol in the United States. “We may have an even more aggressive episode than January 6 from here on Capitol Hill. We […]

Dems Pause January 6 Hearings To Call For Insurrection

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats have temporarily pushed pause on the January 6th hearings in order to lead an insurrection against the federal government. The post Dems Pause January 6 Hearings To Call For Insurrection appeared first on The Babylon Bee. Source

#TwoPartyIllusion Has Turned Protest Into “Insurrection”, WHO Monkeypox & CDC Caught Ignoring VAERS

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/24/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Gretchen Witchmer Led a Violent ‘Insurrection’ and Then Bragged about It, New Video Shows

Far-left Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer bragged about leading her own ‘insurrection’ in the Michigan State Capitol in 2012, newly resurfaced video shows. In the video below, Whitmer addresses a crowd of angry protestors, telling them that she wants to fight and asks them to do the same. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

The Jan. 6 insurrection showed us the limits of polarization

Image Credit: Brown University For the first time, the United States has been classified as a “backsliding democracy” in a global assessment of democratic societies by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, an intergovernmental research group. One key reason the report cites is the continuing popularity among Republicans of false allegations of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. But according […]

Right Wing Round-Up: The Christian Nationalist Insurrection

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

The Jan. 6 Insurrection Should Have Been No Surprise, and Neither Should the Next Right-Wing Coup Attempt   

While the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 was shocking, it was not surprising to Right Wing Watch or other extremism researchers and watchdogs, who repeatedly sounded the alarm about calls from far-right figures for violence and revolution both before and after the 2020 presidential election.    Two weeks before Election Day, Right Wing Watch’s Kristen Doerer, […]

Right Wing Round-Up: After the Insurrection

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

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