Posts Tagged ‘limits’

UC protests test the limits of Zionist fiction

The aftermath of the violence at UCLA illustrates that we live in an upside-down world where we decry property damage on college campuses as we fund the genocide in Gaza, and where we advocate for free speech until it says “stop the genocide.” Source


Amal Clooney, the internationally acclaimed lawyer, is a liberal icon. She and her organization, the Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ), never shrink from pronouncing their global verdicts on human rights matters. And yet, despite being Lebanese and of Palestinian descent herself, Time magazine’s 2022 Woman of the Year has maintained complete silence on Israel’s continued […]

Netanyahu yields to Ben-Gvir, limits Muslims in al-Aqsa during Ramadan

19 Feb 2024  Source: Israeli media B y Al Mayadeen English Yoav Gallant and Benny Gantz say they are against Netanyahu’s decision, believing that it would lead to mistakes due to the circumventing of the security establishment. According to unconfirmed reports by Israeli Channel 13, the prime minister of the Israeli occupation Benjamin Netanyahu has yielded to […]

Biden tightens air pollution limits for deadly soot 

The Biden administration is tightening air pollution restrictions — a move that it says will save thousands of lives but is meeting pushback from industry which argues that it will harm the economy.  The decision to tighten the restrictions on pollution from small particles, commonly referred to as soot, comes as a reversal of the… […]

PHONONS Activate GO and rGO Beyond Limits!

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanism Agenda” from the top. SPM Ultrasounds cannot be heard by humans but they can penetrate the body. In doing so they […]

First Tel Aviv anti-war demonstration reveals the limits on protest in today’s Israel

Since October 7, Israeli police have implemented full dictatorship from the river to the sea. This has included preventing any anti-war protest within the Green Line and filling the prisons with ‘freedom-of-expression’ prisoners. Today, November 18, after a month and 11 days of massive bloodshed, there was the first anti-war demonstration in Tel Aviv. I […]

IRS Unveils New Tax Bracket Income Limits For 2024

Standard Deductions The standard deduction, which is typically used by people who don’t itemize their taxes, raises the amount of income people can earn before they have to hand some of it over to the government through taxes. Under the IRS’s newly announced annual inflation adjustments, the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly in […]

Seattle Limits Cops From ‘Knowingly Lying’ After Suspect Commits Suicide

Seattle Limits Cops From ‘Knowingly Lying’ After Suspect Commits Suicide The city of Seattle has implemented a new policy that prevents police officers from knowingly lying to influence suspects, after incidents in 2018 and 2020 may have contributed to a suicide, and incited chaos during the George Floyd protests, MYNorthwest reports. Seattle Police Department vehicle […]

Federal appeals court temporarily limits Idaho’s near-total abortion ban due to ongoing legal proceedings

(NaturalNews) A federal appeals court has temporarily limited Idaho’s near-total abortion ban to weigh in on the ongoing legal proceedings of the Biden… Source

St. Louis Democrat Mayor Announces Plan to Ban AR-15s in City Limits

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura O. Jones (D) announced plans Tuesday to ban AR-15s and AK-47s inside city limits. Source

The China and Russia ‘no limits friendship’ 2.0

Many in the West have been predicting a downturn in the China-Russia alliance in the wake of the ongoing Russian Special Military Operations in Ukraine. A recent article in the Foreign Affairs magazine pointed out ‘key’ points of disagreement between Beijing and Moscow to highlight the obvious ‘limits’ of the otherwise ‘no limits’ friendship. According […]

Barbara Malthusian Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to UN Agenda 2030

For decades, New Age guru Barbara Marx Hubbard preached a futurist gospel of “conscious evolution” guided by “love and light.” Yet, at the same time, in stark contrast, Hubbard also touted Malthusian population control. If Hubbard called for the human population to be culled, then how could she have genuinely floated her dreams of conscious […]

Video: UK Queen Slams Censorship Of Literature As ‘Imposing Limits On Imagination’

Camilla, the Queen consort of the United Kingdom, and wife of King Charles, has surprised some by urging authors and writers to resist censorship, amid an enhanced effort to edit and rewrite classic works of literature to remove anything deemed ‘offensive’. Speaking at Clarence House in London last week, Camilla said “thank you, on behalf […]

Great Reset: Individual CO2 Limits Needed to Fight Climate Change, Says German Scientist

An individual carbon dioxide limit should be applied to every person in order to establish a “planetary guardrail” in the effort to combat allegedly man-made climate change, a leading German scientist has argued. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) said this week that every person should have a limit […]

It Begins: Nigeria Limits Cash Withdrawals To $45 To Usher In WEF-Approved ‘Cashless Society’

Nigeria will soon begin restricting cash machine withdrawals to just $45 per day as part of a push to usher in a cashless society as approved by the World Economic Forum. The policy to eliminate cash transactions – which has long been a testing ground of the New World Order – follows the launch of […]

Far-Right Bolsonaro Will Test The Limits Of Brazilian Democracy This Week

Last week, an ominous set of billboards suddenly appeared across Brasilia, the Brazilian capital. “It’s now or never,” some read. “The second independence,” others said over a raised fist painted in a Brazilian flag motif. They all pointed to a specific date: Sept. 7, Brazil’s independence day. An already-fraught election season will reach its tensest […]

The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits

What are the roots of the technocratic and transhumanist policies currently being pushed onto society? In this essay, Matthew Ehret traces two centuries of British imperial grand strategists who adapted Thomas Malthus’ system of scientific governance of useless eaters in opposition to the deeper creative impulses of the human species. Source

Joe Biden ‘Deeply Disappointed’ by Supreme Court Striking Down Gun Limits in New York

The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 against a New York law requiring “proper cause” to obtain a concealed carry license in the state.

SEAL Who Shot Osama bin Laden: There Should Be Limits on ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’

Robert J. O’Neill, the SEAL Team Six member who shot and killed Osama bin Laden, tweeted on June 2, 2022, that “shall not be infringed” should have limits.

NYT: Joe Biden ‘Faces Limits’ to Infringe upon Second Amendment 

The New York Times wrote Thursday that President Joe Biden “faces limits of his power” to infringe upon the Second Amendment — as the president vowed to curb the right to keep and bear arms. 

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