Posts Tagged ‘revenge’

MAGA Martyrdom Machine Portrays Felon Trump as Victim, Vows Revenge

Former President Donald Trump, top Republican officials, MAGA movement leaders, and dominionist religious-right figures, all reacted badly to Trump’s May 30 conviction on 34 felony counts. A jury of citizens found that he repeatedly broke the law while trying to prevent embarrassing information about his sexual dalliance with a porn star from hurting his 2016 […]

Revenge Of The Next Pandemic

Revenge Of The Next Pandemic By Brother Nathanael Kapner What does Murray Stahl, Larry Fink, James Rothenberg, and Samuel Langer, have in common? They own lots of stock in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA Clot Shot. And they’re all Jews. The media is run by Jews too. Capitol Hill is run by Jews who fill the […]

Trump touts word cloud showing ‘revenge,’ ‘dictatorship’ as what voters think his victory would bring

Former President Trump on Tuesday shared a “word cloud” from a recent poll showing the former president’s political plans to be most associated with the terms “revenge” and “dictatorship.” The word cloud, originally posted Tuesday by Daily Mail to visualize the results of their latest survey, shows voters most frequently described Trump’s political plans for… […]

KEVIN’S JUVENILE BUT VERY DANGEROUS REVENGE! “Nancy Pelosi At Least Stuck Around” – Matt Gaetz Responds to Kevin McCarthy’s End of Year Resignation Leaving Republicans With a One Seat Majority (VIDEO)

“Nancy Pelosi At Least Stuck Around” – In TGP Exclusive Matt Gaetz Responds to Kevin McCarthy’s End of Year Resignation Leaving Republicans With a One Seat Majority (VIDEO) Source

Accused 2017 ‘Vault 7’ Leaker Set Up By CIA With Fake Child Porn Charges In Revenge For Greatest Intel Leak In U.S. History

Accused 2017 ‘Vault 7’ Leaker Convicted of Hosting Child Porn on Server Maintained While in CIA Employ Source

Fear of Iran’s revenge

In a commentary, Vatan-e-Emrooz wrote about the seizure of an oil tanker carrying the Iranian oil by the United States in April. It said: In Ordibehesht (April) of this year, the United States forced the tanker Suez Rajan, which was carrying Iranian crude oil to China, to change its route to the United States in […]

Revenge of the Praetorian Guard 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL There was no censorship, but it’s good that they censored misinformation.  Defenders of the Covid regime have adopted this Doublethink in response to Judge Terry Doughty’s recent injunction against the government’s collusion with Big Tech. As Orwell describes in 1984, they “hold simultaneously two opinions which cancel out, knowing them […]

Israeli Airstrikes Kill IRGC Member In Syria, Iran Vows Revenge

Successive unprovoked Israeli airstrikes against Syria, which have picked up in frequency since the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, were reported to have killed a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). This escalatory incident comes only a week after US airstrikes killed as many as 7 in Syria’s eastern province […]

IRGC Says Revenge on Gen. Soleimani’s Murderers is “Definite”

January 2, 2023 In a statement commemorating the third anniversary of Martyr Soleimani, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) considered revenge against the perpetrators and murders of Martyr Soleimani as certain. The statement said that the three years since the martyrdom of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani the discourse of Resistance and anti-Arrogance around the world […]

The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits

What are the roots of the technocratic and transhumanist policies currently being pushed onto society? In this essay, Matthew Ehret traces two centuries of British imperial grand strategists who adapted Thomas Malthus’ system of scientific governance of useless eaters in opposition to the deeper creative impulses of the human species. Source

IRGC Member Assassinated In Tehran, Iran Vows Revenge

This Sunday two gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on the car of a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), assassinating him in broad daylight. Iran has described the act as a terrorist incident and President Ebrahim Raisi has vowed a response to the attack, which is believed to have been carried out by […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Revenge of the Nerds

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

Iran vows revenge for Soleimani killing if Trump not put on trial

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi vowed revenge on Monday for the US assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani two years ago unless former US President Donald Trump was put on trial, reports Reuters. Iran and groups allied with it in Iraq have been holding events to honour Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force, the overseas […]

Settlers launch attacks across West Bank, vow revenge following deadly shooting

A wave of settler violence spread across the occupied West Bank in the early hours of Friday morning, severely injuring several Palestinians and causing damage to their property, in a series of “revenge” attacks following the killing of an Israeli settler.  In the early hours of Friday morning, a group of Israeli settlers, allegedly dressed […]

Meta Asks Users To Submit Their Intimate Photos To Prevent ‘Revenge Porn’

Meta has come up with an idea to prevent your explicit photos and videos from being used as ‘revenge porn’ on Facebook and Instagram. Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, has partnered with a UK nonprofit to build a tool that lets you submit your most intimate photos to a central website in order for […]

Opinion | Gavin Newsom and the Revenge of California’s ‘Anger’ Lobby

The specifics are almost perverse. But there’s a larger story to be told here, too, and one flush with irony. The recall was originally a progressive reform, part of a suite of tools given to the voters of California 110 years ago by a governor determined to wrench power out of the hands of wealthy […]

The System’s Revenge

Above Photo: Craig Murray. Getty Images. Edinburgh – Legal precedent will be set tomorrow as Craig Murray will be the first person to be imprisoned on the charge of jigsaw identification in the UK, and indeed in the entire world. Scotland’s second most senior judge, Lady Dorrian, sentenced Murray to 8 months of incarceration following […]

Iraqi resistance vows revenge after murderous US airstrikes

النيأ العظيم === [embedded content] Islam and Muslims مفهوم الحرية واستعمال العنف [embedded content] الاسلام والمسلمون [embedded content] Islamic jurisprudence crisis أزمة الفقه الإسلامي [embedded content] Pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith أركان الإسلام وأركان الإيمان [embedded content] More here (1 to 44) The Qur’an, Morality and Critical Reason (PDF) Source

Heavy barrage hits Tel Aviv, Beersheba; Hamas calls it revenge for slain leaders

Hamas operatives fired large fusillades of rockets at the Tel Aviv area and Beersheba and toward Eilat’s airport on Thursday afternoon, in what the terror group said was an act of revenge for its commanders who were killed in Israeli strikes this week. Dozens of rockets were fired in the attacks, which triggered sirens throughout […]

‘Where are they getting all their hatred from?’ Amid Jewish-Arab violence, some seek revenge

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

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