Posts Tagged ‘murderous’

Murderous Work on mRNA Technology Wins the Nobel Prize: Dr. Robert Malone Responds

Originally Published on Vigilant News Messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, which gained widespread attention due to its role in the development of COVID-19 “vaccines” (and the excess mortality that followed), is poised to revolutionize the medical field, according to the Mockingbird media. Now, the development of mRNA technology has won the ultimate prize in medicine, the […]

Anne Perry, Crime Writer With A Murderous Past, Dead At 84

Perry died Monday in Los Angeles from complications of a stroke and several heart attacks. Source

The Murderous Cult of Yahweh Ben Yahweh

Yahweh Ben Yahweh started a cult that promoted black supremacy (complete with black jesus) and the subjugation of the “White devils”.  Source

Doctors in Hospital Adhered To Murderous CDC Protocols That Killed This Woman’s Husband and Possibly Thousands of Innocent Americans

Doctors in Hospital Adhered To Murderous CDC Protocols That Killed This Woman’s Husband and Possibly Thousands of Innocent Americans Source

Chinese Knife Money: Making Markets feel Murderous?

The days of ‘cash as king’ are fading. Today, credit, debit, and digital currency have begun to slowly replace cash as the primary forms of payment, but it was not always so. Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News History Ancient Traditions Read Later 

Democrats, Tanking with Hispanics, Pressure Biden to Give Murderous Venezuelan Regime a Break

CARACAS — A group of 18 “Progressive” Democrat members of Congress sent a letter to President Joe Biden this week urging him to drop sanctions against the authoritarian socialist regime of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela.

Madeleine Albright’s legacy is a reminder that Clinton’s Iraq policy was murderous too

Madeleine Albright has died at the age of 84. She was Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State from 1997-2001, the first woman to ever hold that position. From 1993-1997 she was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. For some the enduring legacy of Albright won’t involve anything she did during her historic political career. […]

Why is Jeffrey Goldberg trying to rehabilitate the murderous Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman?

Observers are puzzled — and disturbed — at why the Atlantic just published a long article that tries to rehabilitate Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader, the murderous crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. The magazine’s top editor, Jeffrey Goldberg, was present in Saudi Arabia for the two interviews with the crown prince that are a major […]

The jewish Gulag System: Murderous Slave Labor Penal Colonies

The Gulag: Communism’s Penal Colonies Revisited Daniel Michaels During the twentieth century it became common practice for nations to detain citizens whose loyalty to the state was considered unreliable or suspect in times of war or “national emergency.” To sequester such persons Britain, the United States, and Germany all established centers, variously called (often depending […]

Murderous Fantasies: The US Intelligence Effort Against Assange

If there was any reason to halt a farcical train of legal proceedings, then the case against Julian Assange would have to be the standard bearing example.  Since last year, the efforts by the US government to pursue his extradition to the vicious purgatory of American justice has seen more than a fair share of […]

MintPress News Confronts Senator Cruz On Murderous US Sanctions

Above Photo: Ben Rubinstein / Twitter. Las Vegas — On Saturday, MintPress News’ Ben Rubinstein ran into Senator Ted Cruz at Las Vegas’ McCarran International Airport. Recognizing the senator’s long-standing support for economic warfare on the Global South via unilateral coercive measures, or sanctions, Rubinstein jumped at the chance to confront Cruz. “Senator, can you tell […]

Iraqi resistance vows revenge after murderous US airstrikes

النيأ العظيم === [embedded content] Islam and Muslims مفهوم الحرية واستعمال العنف [embedded content] الاسلام والمسلمون [embedded content] Islamic jurisprudence crisis أزمة الفقه الإسلامي [embedded content] Pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith أركان الإسلام وأركان الإيمان [embedded content] More here (1 to 44) The Qur’an, Morality and Critical Reason (PDF) Source

Murderous Media and US Medical Establishment Ignore Plunging Fauci-Virus Cases in India Due to HCQ and Ivermectin Campaign

Ask yourself why this is not headline news. Because your lives are not important. The drive toward vaccine passports is. Direct from Worldometers, May 19 Lest one not be familiar with Fauci’s and the medical establishment’s criminal suppression of life-saving hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, watch Dr. Peter McCullough and the education of Tucker Carlson, below. Published […]

The Jester of God and Murderous Heretic of 14th-Century Italy

“Penitenzàgite! (Do penance) “, shouted Gherardo Segarelli, a young and eccentric peasant, with flaming, hallucinated eyes and a long beard, as he wandered barefoot, wrapped only in a cloak, in the streets of Parma, Italy in 1260.  The period of the 13th and the beginning of 14th centuries was marked by the development of the […]

Israel’s ‘murderous assault on nonviolent protesters’ in Gaza – an interview with Norman Finkelstein

     The Real News’s Aaron Maté. discusses the March of Return protests with Norman Finkelstein, author of many books, including his latest, Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom. Norman Finkelstein says that while Palestinian protesters in Gaza have bravely resisted their ghettoization under merciless Israeli fire, international solidarity is falling short With the final demonstrations […]

Forget They Were Murderous Bastards, They Were Good To Their Jewish Mothers

Jewish Magazine interviewed Robert Rockaway, professor emeritus at Tel Aviv University, about a book Robert wrote over 25 years called But He Was Good to His Mother: The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters (1993). Rockaway, who interviewed notorious gangsters in preparation for his book, details the lives of crime bosses such as Arnold Rothstein, Dutch Schultz, Bugsy […]

Mexico’s Murderous Election Sees 82 Killed—So Far

“Democracy” as it is practiced in the Third World (and soon coming to white nations if the nonwhite invasion is not halted) is a murderous affair, as evidenced by the fact that at least 82 candidates and office holders have been murdered in Mexico since campaigning began last September in the run up to the […]

Jewish sages– ‘Gentiles are Immoral, Weak, Abusive, Untrustworthy, and Murderous’

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Freshening Stalin’s Murderous Image & The Great Purge Show Trials For Nuremberg

From Wear’s War After Germany’s defeat in WWII, the Nuremberg and later trials were organized primarily for political purposes rather than to dispense impartial justice. Wear’s War brings to you each week a quote from the many fine men and women who were openly appalled by the trials. All of these people were highly respected and prominent […]

Communism’s Murderous Trail of Destruction

A century ago this week, communism took over the Russian empire, the world’s largest state at the time. Leftist movements of various sorts had been common in European politics long before the revolution of Oct. 25, 1917 (which became Nov. 7 in the reformed Russian calendar), but Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks were different. They were […]

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