Posts Tagged ‘yahweh’

RH – Yahweh’s Solar Calendar Proven from Many Sources, Part 1

EURO FOLK RADIO RH – Yahweh’s Solar Calendar Proven from Many Sources, Part 1 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share What is God’s Calendar, and Why Does It Matter? Share this: Source

YCP – The Name of Yahweh in Paleo-Hebrew and Aramaic

hebrew – Why isn’t the Tetragrammaton used in Exodus 3:14? – Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange   The post YCP – The Name of Yahweh in Paleo-Hebrew and Aramaic appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

VOCI – How the Jews and Judeos Have Misrepresented the Name of Yahweh Meet The Man Responsible For The Letter “J” –     The post VOCI – How the Jews and Judeos Have Misrepresented the Name of Yahweh appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

The Murderous Cult of Yahweh Ben Yahweh

Yahweh Ben Yahweh started a cult that promoted black supremacy (complete with black jesus) and the subjugation of the “White devils”.  Source

GTR – Ezra, Part 1: Racial Segregation Demanded of Judah and Israel by Yahweh

Genesis To Revelation GTR – Ezra, Part 1: Racial Segregation Demanded of Judah and Israel by Yahweh Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Universalists take heed! Share this: Source

VOCI – Yahweh’s 70th Jubilee in 2025

The post VOCI – Yahweh’s 70th Jubilee in 2025 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

YAHWEH is not your GOD

“Yahweh … what a weird name … especially to the ears of a western audience. Do I mean that it might not sound as weird for non-westerners … like Arabs of the Middle East for example? You bet I do” By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat On this website, you must be ready for discoveries that will […]

From TUT :Yahweh’s Chosen Assassins–Ukrainian Jewish oligarch says he placed ‘death curse’ on Putin

August 17, 2022tuteditor The ‘Pulsa Denura’ ritual has previously been directed against at least three Israeli politicians. ed note–several important ‘protocols’ to factor into this one… First and foremost is to counter the ‘but, but, but…’ that is SURE AS SHINOLA to erupt from the usual suspects, meaning the various ‘experts’ on Judah-ism who will […]

The Hocus-Pocus Book of Daniel, or How Jews and Super Spook Yahweh Subvert Nation States

In this pathetic bible story Daniel follows the kikes’ regular S.O.P., ingratiating himself with the king, not unlike what Joseph did to the Pharaoh a thousand years earlier. (The jews never forget a trick, if it worked before.) Attaching themselves to the rulers of a state is the jews first step in their program of […]

RH – Astounding Discovery at Mt Ebal, Plus the Name of Yahweh in Scripture

EURO FOLK RADIO RH – Astounding Discovery at Mt Ebal, Plus the Name of Yahweh in Scripture Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share [embedded content] Share this: Source

Oldest Instance of the Name of Yahweh at Mt Ebal (Deut. 27 Curses) on a Lead Tablet

This video explains the nature of the Mt. Ebal tablet memorializing the curses contained in Deut 27, as spoken by Israelites.  Tremendous archeological discovery, proving the antiquity of the Hebrew Bible. [embedded content] The name of YHWH is given around the 20 minute mark. These are the verses memorialized on the lead teblet: Deu 27:11  […]

YCP – Yahweh’s Circle of the Earth, Part 1

YAHWEH’S COVENANT PEOPLE YCP – Yahweh’s Circle of the Earth, Part 1 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Reading from the booklet, The Circle of the Earth, Units in Creation, (A Key to the Pattern of History), by Michael D. Bennet…concerning the biblical measurement system […]

YCP – The Day of Yahweh’s Indignation

YAHWEH’S COVENANT PEOPLE YCP – The Day of Yahweh’s Indignation Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

ACH (1525) Pastor Bob Jones – The Legacy Of Yahweh’s Truth

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1525) Pastor Bob Jones – The Legacy Of Yahweh’s Truth Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on May 28 2021, Andy is joined by Pastor Bob Jones, for a show entitled, “The Legacy Of Yahweh’s Truth.” […]

May Yahweh make His face shine on you

May Yahweh bless you and protect you;may Yahweh make His face shine on youand be gracious to you;may Yahweh look with favor on youand give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26) The priestly blessing was recited every day in the Holy Temple, as the Kohanim stood on the steps leading up to the Temple Sanctuary and blessed all […]

Trust Yahweh’s Plan: How the QAnon Movement Preys on Bible Dupes

For years the QAnon movement has been telling all of their followers to blindly “trust the plan,” as the white hats have everything under control and will be draining the swamp real soon. Recently it has come to light just how similar the Q movement is to Operation Trust from the early Soviet Union. However, […]

GTR – Genesis 3, Part 3: The Distinction Between the Words Yahweh and Elohim

EURO FOLK RADIO GTR – Genesis 3, Part 3: The Distinction Between the Words Yahweh and Elohim Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share

“I am the Lord God Dionysus”: Parallels between Yahweh and Dionysus

For anyone familiar with the Bible, the story of the Israelite god Yahweh is a simple one. Yahweh appears to Abraham in the book of Genesis and enters into a covenantal alliance with him. Abraham’s deity, however, is quite distinct from the other gods of Canaan. He is an invisible god not to be associated […]

‘Face of Yahweh’ claim sets off archaeological brouhaha

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‘Face of Yahweh’ claim sets off archaeological brouhaha

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