Posts Tagged ‘assassins’

Shadows and Conquest: The Mongols vs The Order of Assassins (Video)

Hidden away in the rugged peaks of Persia and Syria, the Order of Assassins maintained its power by operating in the shadows, striking only when the time was right.  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Video History Important Events Read Later  Source

From TUT :Yahweh’s Chosen Assassins–Ukrainian Jewish oligarch says he placed ‘death curse’ on Putin

August 17, 2022tuteditor The ‘Pulsa Denura’ ritual has previously been directed against at least three Israeli politicians. ed note–several important ‘protocols’ to factor into this one… First and foremost is to counter the ‘but, but, but…’ that is SURE AS SHINOLA to erupt from the usual suspects, meaning the various ‘experts’ on Judah-ism who will […]

The Notorious Hashshashins, the Original Assassins of Persia

When it comes to legends, none is quite as moviesque as that of the Hashshashins, who in the Middle Ages inspired fear in the hearts of leaders with the Middle East. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Asia History Important Events Famous People Read Later  Source

Gold Coin Minted by Assassins of Julius Caesar To Sell For Millions

A remarkable artifact from the final days of a decaying Roman Republic is going on auction in Zurich, Switzerland on May 30th 2022.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

History Of Assassins: When Human Hunter-Killers Began Hunting Humans

For at least 200,000 years Homo sapiens were hunter-gatherer-fishers and at the end of the last Ice Age, about 10,000 years ago, they flipped from being the number one prey food on the planet to being the apex predator. Read more Section:  News History Read Later 

About MKUltra—MKUltra’s Are Assassins

by Admin · Published January 10, 2022 · Updated January 10, 2022 I will tell you that Mk-Ultra is worse than any nightmare; nightmares are dreams that God has graciously allowed us to wake from. For many there is no waking from a lifetime of government sponsored mind slavery, abuse, and trauma. Source

Tehran to Take Legal Action against General Soleimani Assassins

The Iranian Foreign Ministry reminded the US government of its “definitive international responsibility” for the assassination of top commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, saying it has adopted measures to hold the contributors and perpetrators of the terrorist crime accountable. The ministry on Friday issued a statement on the occasion of the second anniversary of Lt. […]

The Murder of Haiti President Moise By British Empire Assassins Explained By LaRouchePac Member

Haiti, Cuba – Who’s Next?July 14 (EIRNS) — Was the murder of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse just a pawn’s gambit by the British and the U.S. targeting Cuba and the Caribbean Basin as a whole? President Moïse was assassinated on July 7, in a black op carried out by a collection of mercenaries, many of […]

United States Assassins Murder Haitian President; Time For the American People to WAKE UP-Their Gov’t is a Crime Syndicate!

Comment: Now that the Anti Vaccine President is Dead Vaccines are being RUSHED to Haiti. Coincidence? NO!!!! Sins That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance: THE HAITI PRESIDENT REPORTS ARE CRAZY: THIS SOUNDS LIKE A MOVIE! 13h  · The Haiti Reports Are Pretty Crazy! It’s Like A Movie.The Haiti Reports Are Pretty Crazy! It’s Like A Movie. …See More […]

Lt. Commander Narut Openly Admitted at NATO Meeting Navy PROGRAMS ASSASSINS (MKUltra)

måndag 19 oktober 2015 27. Lieutenant Commander Thomas Narut According to the Sunday Times story, naval psychologist Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut was assigned to the U.S. Regional Medical Center at Naples, Italy. When he first made public the navy’s part in programming assassins, he was attending a NATO conference in Oslo on “Dimensions of Stress […]

Very Good Information Towards the End But MKUltra Are Assassins…the Rest Are Mind Controlled But NOT MKUltra Sadly Either Xtreme Reality is Another Zionist Shill or Just Really Has it Wrong on Russia & China. Michelle Malkin is Definitely a Zionist Shill. 100% Supporting the Lies of the ZIONIST Mafia Owning Media.

[embedded content] Comment: She has a lot of info wrong in the video that I have confirmed with a real MKULTRA and Monarch. She is also wrong about Russia Invading Crimea. How can they Invade Crimea when they are already there with a military base in Crimea before the so called invasion With Crimea’s Agreement? […]

Used As Elite Assassins, Spies, Black Operations MKUltras….Tortured Into Submission (A Private Army For the Elite Globalists-Highly Classified CIA/Military Project)

by Admin · Published February 9, 2021 · Updated February 9, 2021 blob:

CIA’s Satanic Mind Control Program: Forcing People to Become Assassins With Near Death Tortures, Drugging Them Out of Their Minds, Hypnosis & All Types of EVIL!

Comment: This maybe a limited hangout or outdated. THEY LEFT OUT USING HUMAN ENDOCRINE CHEMICALS which is how mind control became the HUGE success it is today. Nonetheless, this article has some very good information in it. Based on Three Books by Top Mind Control Researchers | Bluebird by Colin Ross, MD | Mind Controllers […]

The Identity Of The Assassins Of Gandhiji As Disclosed By Sardar Patel

The world is mourning the 73rd anniversary of MK Gandhi’s assassination by the Hindutva terrorists on January 30, 1948. RSS, the most prominent flag-bearer of the Hindutva politics and cadres of which rule India today reacts angrily whenever the truth is spoken or written that the criminals who assassinated Gandhiji were not only part of […]

About MKUltra Assassins

Comment: MKUltra Assassin Answered Directly to U.S. Presidents: Herbert Walker Bush, Carter, Reagan and others. How would these Presidents not know about this criminal abuse of children? To make an MKUltra Assassin: Posted by u/RandalTurner7 months ago MK in MKUltra was believed to stand for Mind Kontrol with Kontrol being the German spelling of control. […]

How The CIA Succeeded In Creating Mind Controlled Assassins

By Reed Tucker July 23, 2016 | 5:43amEnlarge Image Matt Damon plays the titular character in “Jason Bourne,” a man brainwashed by the government.Universal Pictures Next Friday, Matt Damon returns for a fourth outing in the film “Jason Bourne,” as the superspy continues to investigate his fuzzy past and piece together all the terrible things he’s done. Bourne’s […]

Hollywood Celebrities Know All About Mind Controlled Assassins & Call MKUltra’s SKIS (Service Killer in Service/Slavery)

Randy Turner Not just one programmer. William Colby, George Bush Sr. Jimmy Carter took part with Bush and a guy named Bill Day when I was torture programmed combined with sexual stimulation which is how they create the alternates. Colby used a drug called Endocrine on me as did a number of Hollywood celeb Icons. […]

Physicists speculate that dark energy is the reason time moves forward

     For years, physicists have attempted to explain dark energy – a mysterious influence that pushes space apart faster than gravity can pull the things in it together. But physics isn’t always about figuring out what things are. A lot of it is figuring out what things cause. And in a recent paper, a group […]

Possible meteor spotted over Phoenix

     Phoenix – A light in the sky was spotted over the Valley on Saturday night and some are wondering what it was. One of our viewers was able to record the sudden burst of light in the sky before it suddenly disappeared. Some witnesses said it looked like a meteor falling from the sky […]

Loud boom heard over Central Kentucky

     Many across central Kentucky heard or felt what was similar to an explosion on Thanksgiving evening around 9pm. After investigating and gathering information, I believe there is a high probability that this was a meteor or meteors that broke the speed of sound, creating a “sonic boom”. A sonic boom is the sound associated […]

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