Posts Tagged ‘fort’

TakeDown9955 – WORLD WAR 3

TakeDown9955 – WORLD WAR 3 Mafia Records & Cougz Entertainment Presents. source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

Idlib hospital bombing: From "Russia definitely did it" to "forces loyal to Assad maybe did it" to "we’re working with the Russians to find out who did it"

     The Department of State did not back the accusations that Russian jets were responsible for airstrikes that killed at least 23 people in Syria’s Idlib province, and said the US was working with Russia to figure out what happened. “We’re still looking into what happened in Idlib. We don’t have a great sense of […]

Magnitude 5.5 earthquake hits near the island of Crete in Greece

     Greek authorities say a strong earthquake with preliminary magnitude 5.5 has occurred off the southern island of Crete, but no damage or injuries have been reported. Athens University’s Geodynamic Institute says the undersea quake struck at 11:36 a.m. Wednesday, 30 kilometres (19 miles) south-southeast of Crete’s southeastern tip. Greece is one of the world’s […]

Collusion with terrorists is only leverage US has in Syria

     There is a simple explanation why Washington refuses to proscribe the militant groups Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham as terrorist. Because Washington relies on them for regime change in Syria. Therefore, Washington and its Western and Middle East allies cannot possibly designate Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham as terrorist; otherwise it would be a […]

Peter Dutton says ‘illiterate’ refugees would be ‘taking Australian jobs’

Immigration minister criticises pledges by Labor and the Greens to increase Australia’s refugee intake, claiming it would lead to unemployment. The immigration minister, Peter Dutton, has said refugees aren’t numerate or literate and would take Australian jobs in inflammatory comments arguing against increasing the refugee intake. Labor has said the comments are deeply offensive and […]

Turkey’s ruling AKP nominates Yildirim as new premier

Turkey’s governing Justice and Development Party (AKP) has formally tapped Transport Minister Binali Yildirim as its sole candidate to be the party’s new chairman and thereby automatically the next prime minister. AKP spokesman Omer Celik made the announcement at a news conference after a meeting of the party’s executive board in Ankara on Thursday. Following “a consultation […]

Reports of a ‘mini explosion’ in Glasgow as ‘power surge’ affects underground cables

     Power surges to electricity cables under Buchanan Street left 115 properties without power – and sparked reports of explosions in Glasgow. Fire crews were called to the scene on Tuesday at around 8am after reports of loud bangs and smoke. Communters reported hearing two bangs and witnessed smoke rising from a drain close to […]

Burgerville Workers Aim To Take Fight For $15 To Next Level

Print Friendly Above Photo: Dressed in his work uniform, Jordan Vaandering looked like any other fast food employee heading into another long shift. But that day, April 26, was far from ordinary for the 25-year-old Burgerville employee. Since Vaandering makes under $10 per hour working at the drive-through, he had decided to come forward as a […]

ROFLMAO: “It’s a Crisis … Our Ideas and Values and Principles”

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 8, 2016 He’s holding a Bible. What more do you people want? So, this whole “Trump is not a real conservative” thing has me a bit rattled. It’s nauseating to try and grasp. Washington Post: Donald Trump’s looming nomination has spurred some leaders of the conservative movement — for generations, the […]

US deploys over 200 soldiers in S Yemen, stations assault ship

The United States military has deployed more than 200 US Marines in the port city of Mukalla in the central province of Hadramout, Yemeni media say. The forces were deployed in the important seaport and oil terminal on Saturday, Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah news website reported. The amphibious assault ship USS Boxer with more than 1,200 sailors and […]

USGS: Volcano ‘recharging’ as earthquake swarm strikes Mount St. Helens, Washington

     In the past eight weeks, more than 130 small earthquakes have trembled beneath the surface of Mount St. Helens. At this point, “there is absolutely no sign that it will erupt anytime soon, but the data we collect tells us that the volcano is still very much alive,” the U.S. Geological Survey said. Seismologists […]

Refugee camp destroyed near Aleppo; the West a little too quick to blame Assad

     The UN has condemned the bombing of a Syrian refugee camp in Sarmada, a city 30km from Aleppo, in which dozens of civilians, including women and children, were allegedly killed or injured. A video has emerged showing the aftermath of attack. Sarmada is located in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province close to the Turkish border […]

NATO’s new European commander proves to be ‘even worse warmonger’ than Breedlove

     NATO’s new chief military commander in Europe, Curtis Scaparrotti, vowed to continue his predecessor’s policy of opposing Russia. In Moscow he is seen as an even bigger warmonger by some officials. US Army General Scaparrotti assumed command of the NATO Allied Command Operations from Air Force General Philip M. Breedlove, who is retiring after […]

Turkish ground op in Syria unlikely due to presence of Russian air force – Lavrov

“I do not think that anyone will decide to play dangerous games and carry out any provocations due to the fact that there are Russian Aerospace Forces stationed [in Syria],” Lavrov said when asked about the possibility of a Turkish or Saudi Arabian incursion. The Foreign Minister stressed that “it’s necessary to educate, those who […]

Severe thunderstorms with flash flood risk expected to hit from Texas to Missouri

     Parts of the central and southern United States will face the return of severe thunderstorms. Some of the storms can cause property damage and flash flooding into Thursday. Severe weather will erupt as a cold front slices into surging warm air. Storms will initiate across eastern Texas to part of the central Plains and […]

Trooper Filmed Shooting Unarmed Man Grabbing License Pleads Guilty

A South Carolina state highway patrolman recorded by his dash-cam shooting an unarmed man after he asked him to retrieve his license back in Sept. 2014, has now pleaded guilty in the case. The footage shows 31-year-old Lance Corporal Sean Groubert pull into a Circle K gas station on Broad River Road in Columbia, behind […]

Researchers discover the built environment has a microbiome

     The human microbiome, a diverse collection of microorganisms living inside us and on our skin, has attracted considerable attention for its role in a broad range of human health issues. Now, researchers are discovering that the built environment also has a microbiome, which includes a community of potentially-pathogenic bacteria living inside water supply pipes. […]

Syrian ceasefire bulletin: Reconciliation committee head kidnapped by moderate terrorists

     General information on the application of measures for the reconciliation of opposing sides In the course of last 24 hours, ceasefire agreements have been achieved with commanders of 5 armed formations with total staff up to 450 men active in vicinity of Mahajjah (Daraa province). In total, 42 ceasefire application forms have been signed […]

Russian Man Comes Back From The Dead To Join Wake Party

According to a local Russian newspaper, Khasanskie Vesti, a Russian man from Vladivostok in eastern Russia “came back” to life in a morgue after doctors had declared him dead the night before. Sputnik reports: A man was drinking vodka with his friends when suddenly after yet another shot he suddenly dropped dead. Like actually dead. His friends became […]

Phoenix Police Kill Man for Throwing Rocks

“Sticks and stone may break bones” is how the saying goes. Today, the Phoenix police added their own verse, “but if you throw them at us we’ll kill you.” That’s what got 41-year-old Lonnie Niesen shot and killed, by police, in front of the Cactus Park police station the day after Christmas. Police said he was […]

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