Posts Tagged ‘sott’

Top banker’s arrest related to big corruption scandal: IRGC commander

Asked by reporters on Wednesday about the arrest by the IRGC intelligence forces of Ali Rastegar Sorkhei, former CEO of Iran’s Bank Mellat who had been already dismissed from his post, Major General Jafari explained that a particular area of the IRGC’s intelligence activity is dealing with security threats, countering hostile infiltration attempts and tackling […]

What shape are photons?

     Imagine a shaft of yellow sunlight beaming through a window. Quantum physics tells us that beam is made of zillions of tiny packets of light, called photons, streaming through the air. But what does an individual photon “look” like? Does it have a shape? Are these questions even meaningful? Now, Polish physicists have created […]

Militarized police: Terrifying weapons are being used to crush protests

     The future of police technology has arrived, and it’s stranger and more terrifying than we could’ve possibly imagined. Conspiracy theorists’ worst fears were confirmed last month when the New York Post reported that the NYPD now maintains an undisclosed number of unmarked, military-grade vans with X-ray radiation, capable of scanning the public and looking […]

2 rare Irrawaddy dolphins die in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

     Conservation activists are calling for a more concerted effort to protect the habitat of Irrawaddy dolphins, or pesut, in Mahakam River in East Kalimantan after two of the protected species were found dead, thought to be as a result of widespread environmental problems. Save Mahakam Pesut Community activist Innal Rahman said the Mahakam pesut […]

SOTT FOCUS: Dallas police shootings: Social Engineering and the American Police State

     Social tension in the US appears to be at a boiling point. In the span of a week we have seen the deaths of two civilians – Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota – at the hands of cops. The two deaths were caught on video and have further enraged public […]

Greek activists turn a deserted hotel into a home for refugees

     ‘It was a gesture to reclaim the right of the visibility of refugees.’ Athens, Greece – The roar of children’s laughter erupts as they play tag and chase one another through the corridors, while several adults prepare the tables in the City Plaza hotel’s dining hall in preparation to break the fast for Ramadan, […]

NASA confirms that Earth has a second moon

     NASA has officially confirmed that Earth has a second moon that has been around longer than you think. It’s been confirmed that the moon is no longer Earth’s only cosmic companion. NASA reported this month that a mini-moon, affectionately named asteroid 2016 HO3, has been orbiting Earth for only about 100 years and may […]

Pepe Escobar: As world digests the implications of Brexit, Putin goes to China

     As the whole planet attempts to digest the implications of Brexit, the real heart of 21st century action once again shifts to Beijing, where President Vladimir Putin on Saturday pays a visit to Chinese President Xi Jinping. Business will include clinching a $6.2 billion high-speed rail deal; increased supply of Russian wheat to China […]

BEST OF THE WEB: "Russia and China are hated because they are protecting humanity from Western terror" – Interview with Andre Vltchek

     The AntiDiplomatico (Italy) interviews philosopher, Andre Vltchek: “Russia and China are forming an incredible defensive wall to protect humanity from Western terrorism.” Andre Vltchek has become renowned in Italy for being the co-author, along with Noam Chomsky, of the famous book Western Terrorism (Ponte alle Grazie). Alessandro Bianchi: I start from a brutal question: […]

Loading of phases 17&18 topside tomorrow

TEHRAN, June 22 (Shana) – Platform 18B of Phases 17&18 of the supergiant South Pars Gas Field will be loaded from Bandar Abbas Yard on Thursday, June 23, 2016. The topside will recover 500 million cubic feet/day of natural gas from the two phases. Construction of the structure by Iranian manufacturers saved the country some […]

Federal plan for N. Syria gains ground with US-backed forces

     As an alliance of U.S.-backed militias advance against Islamic State in northern Syria, their political allies are making progress of their own toward a new federal system of government which they hope will take root in newly captured areas. The autonomous federation being planned by Syrian Kurdish parties and their allies is taking shape […]

FBI introduced Orlando shooter to ‘informants’ – they have some explaining to do

     It is now confirmed that in addition to two investigations and two interviews, Florida terror suspect Omar Mateen was also approached by “informants” working for the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) over a period of 10 months. New York Daily News in their article, “FBI spied on Orlando gay club terrorist Omar Mateen […]

Lugansk People’s Republic calls for diplomatic ‘total mobilization’ – force Poroshenko to abide by Minsk!

     The head of the LPR, Igor Plotnitsky, has appealed to the Republic’s citizens with a statement concerning Kiev’s failure to fulfill the Minsk Agreements: Dear compatriots! Dear countrymen! Since the very beginning, we have traversed the path of goodness, lawfulness and justice. We went out to hold legal protests against the violent coup in […]

The strength of kindness

     There are many things being exposed, old wounds reopened and more and more realizing that all they say and do in the media, entertainment, government and banking system is not what it seems. We have been living in bizarroland where we ignore our elderly and sick, drug and poison ourselves as well as destroying […]

SOTT Exclusive: What is Applied Kinesiology and what can it do for you?

     I’ve seen a lot of different healers thus far in my lifetime. Obviously, being from western culture, I’ve been to conventional doctors (also known as biomedical doctors, western doctors, ‘evidence-based’ doctors [yeah, right!], etc) and like most people who’ve seen conventional doctors for any kind of chronic, non-acute condition, I found their ability to […]

First Clinton email scandal deposition: Killary was computer illiterate, didn’t use a password

     U.S. Ambassador Lewis Lukens’s sworn testimony in the case of Hillary Clinton’s privatization of the U.S. Secretary of State’s email is the first evidence to be released in the Clinton email cases, and it was published on May 26th at the website of Judicial Watch, the organization that originally brought the suit. Headlining “First […]

Collusion with terrorists is only leverage US has in Syria

     There is a simple explanation why Washington refuses to proscribe the militant groups Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham as terrorist. Because Washington relies on them for regime change in Syria. Therefore, Washington and its Western and Middle East allies cannot possibly designate Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham as terrorist; otherwise it would be a […]

Peter Dutton says ‘illiterate’ refugees would be ‘taking Australian jobs’

Immigration minister criticises pledges by Labor and the Greens to increase Australia’s refugee intake, claiming it would lead to unemployment. The immigration minister, Peter Dutton, has said refugees aren’t numerate or literate and would take Australian jobs in inflammatory comments arguing against increasing the refugee intake. Labor has said the comments are deeply offensive and […]

Put down the pills & pick up a shovel: Gardening makes you happier & smarter

     “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin Gardeners have been knowing for centuries that their hobby gives them joy and peace. In today’s fast-paced world, gardening has become a […]

Enemies after polarity, discord in Iran: Leader

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei cautioned against hostile ploys to incite polarity and rift in Iran. Creation of duality and polarity in Iran is one of the fatal blows that the enemy is seeking to deal to Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei said in a gathering of Police commanders in […]

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