Posts Tagged ‘crazies’

US bankrupting over Ukraine as crazies seek WW3


Sound the alarms; someone let the crazies out and they’re now occupying the US Congress, primarily the House

This is no joke, it’s not the least bit funny, it shows that this country is in deep, deep trouble. Source

Rival Climate Crazies Battle to See Who Can Vandalise the Most SUVs

Climate crazies in two different British cities have begun competing to see which group can vandalise the greatest number of SUVs under the auspices of fighting climate change.

German Chancellor Scholz Accused of Comparing Climate Crazies to Nazis

Olaf Scholz has been accused comparing radical climate change activists to the Nazis after he criticised black bloc protesters.

UK Health Secretary Suggests Critics of Vaccine Passports Are ‘Crazies’

    UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock suggested critics of the vaccine passport policy were “crazies” after he retweeted a post which disparaged those who have security and privacy concerns about the program. Mail on Sunday commentator Dan Hodges urged people to “ignore the crazies” as he effusively praised the NHS tracking app for being […]

The lies and conspiracy theories from neocon ‘crazies’ that fueled Iraq war are subject of new history

ENOUGH ALREADY: TIME TO END THE WAR ON TERRORISMby Scott Horton318 pp. The Libertarian Institute. $19.99 Last month Foreign Affairs ran an article saying that Iran and Israel were engaged in mutual hostilities that could drag the United States into a war not of our choosing, and there was no mention in the article of […]

Pepe Escobar: As world digests the implications of Brexit, Putin goes to China

     As the whole planet attempts to digest the implications of Brexit, the real heart of 21st century action once again shifts to Beijing, where President Vladimir Putin on Saturday pays a visit to Chinese President Xi Jinping. Business will include clinching a $6.2 billion high-speed rail deal; increased supply of Russian wheat to China […]

Plastic bags and fishing nets found in stomach of dead whale

     A mature sperm whale found dead in Taiwan had vast quantities of plastic bags and fishing nets filling its stomach, highlighting the devastating toll of marine pollution. According to the Association Foreign Press (AFP) news agency, the 15-meter (49-foot) whale was first found stranded near the town of Tongshi on Oct. 15. Coastguards and […]

Climate Crazies try to piggy-back on Occupy London LSX this weekend

  Patrick Henningsen October 13, 2011 It was only a matter of time. When the Occupy Wall Street movement pitched its tent up in New York in mid September, their singularity of purpose seemed to be tangible enough- including actual real world issues and problems like mega banks ripping off the population, lobbyist running the […]

Here come the New Climate Crazies – hoping to geoengineer our planet

  Patrick Henningsen October 6, 2011 A wacky Victorian idea concocted by global warmists and climate changlings- of a 1 kilometer-long giant hose pipe attached to a blimp, has been delayed because more time and money is needed for ‘consultation’. Time to catch your breath. This week, self-styled climate scientists from Bristol University were hoping […]

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