Here come the New Climate Crazies – hoping to geoengineer our planet

Patrick Henningsen
October 6, 2011

A wacky Victorian idea concocted by global warmists and climate changlings- of a 1 kilometer-long giant hose pipe attached to a blimp, has been delayed because more time and money is needed for ‘consultation’. Time to catch your breath.

This week, self-styled climate scientists from Bristol University were hoping to launch their big new toy in Norfolk, England. Their mad plan, which entails launching a helium-filled blimp, tethered by a 1 km long hosepipe which will spray reflective particles into the air, is part of a growing movement of bored scientists, known as geoengineering. By simulating this new man-made “volcanic eruption”, this team of career-academic climate hacks are hoping to save humanity from certain doom.

The new crack-team of climate engineers is led by the likes of David Whelan, “a man who spent years in the US defence department working on the stealth bomber”. Apparently, he’s Boeing’s chief scientist, a man who spends his days working on “ways to find new solutions to world’s most challenging problems”.

Whelan is supposed to be top dog in a Specially Convened Taskforce, touted by climatists as “the cream of the emerging science and military”.

Joining him is Stanford University atmosphere scientist Ken Caldeira from the  National laboratory at Livermore, CA , home to Reagan’s pricey “star wars” failure. Low and behold, he also manages billionaire Bill Gates’s Geoengineering Research Budget.

The team of Victorian-style climate inventors is rounded out by David Keith, a Canadian who has a company developing a machine…  that sucks CO2 out of the air. No joke (well, it’s not meant to be anyway).

This is definitely the ‘A Team’ of climate crazies.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

They are part of a new bizarre hydra head, a science fiction movement which has managed to claw in some millions in state funding. This is the new “Geoengineering lobby” that has somehow sprouted out of the IPCC’s now discredited elite climate club, and it includes various academics, former ambassadors, an assistant secretary of state, military engineers and a “chief US climate negotiator”. As if climatism couldn’t get any more divorced from reality.

Put simply, this new A Team of “US expertise”, is merely group of men who hope to do what every other charlatan has managed to do behind the battle cry of Al Gore’s sermon of climate doom and holy jihad against the planet- that is, position themselves for vast potential future profits for their institutions and geo-engineering companies.

The spell cast over the guilt-ridden middle classes of North America and Europe, of apocalyptic prophecies and sea levels rising- is fast wearing off, and climatists do know this. Thus, the dash for climate cash has never been more desperate than it is today.

During a cash-strapped global economic crisis, you’d think we couldn’t afford to play around with expensive toys used to fight imaginary enemies… you’d think.

Thanks to one reader, known here as Battle Hymn, who asked simply, “What is the “environmental” movement doing for the planet?

His answer:

Spraying sulfur in the atmoshphere
Blanketing the skies with chemtrails of barium and aluminum
Deforesting millions of acres to grow corn for ethanol
Demanding that we fill our landfills with mercury-laden compact flourescent lightbulbs
Openly advocating dispersing sterilants into the drinking water
Ramping up production of batteries with extremely toxic byproducts for hybrid vehicles
Demanding regulations that cause our jobs to shipped to foreign nations
Driving up our energy costs

Apparently, some governments still have got money to burn.



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49 Responses to “Here come the New Climate Crazies – hoping to geoengineer our planet”

  1. I havn’t seen chemtrails in months, I am wondering what is going on.

  2. To counter this global freezing project i am going to buy my cows extra beans to eat…i am all for global warming the closer to winter we get. (thanks goodness for Lord Monkton and the Alex Jones news team for opening my eyes to the farce of global warming!!!)

  3. We will eventually depart this extended warming period and enter another ice age. When we do they will blame this too on global warming and having a high standard of living.
    Wake up sheeple. Look at the climate data for the last 800,000 years. Global warming is our rarely seen friend we want to pal around with.
    If we have the capacity to cause global warming, we should do so to the best of our ability.
    Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to do so. We as a society are so weak and stupid we can’t even tell the current economic crisis all revolves around the gradual dilution of our sound money into nothingness. As a scientist I weep watching these communists around us try to lower our standard of living so they can feel better about nothing.
    Don’t believe me…download the GISP data for yourself and open your eyes.

  4. First of all, “climate change” is perfectly NORMAL and has been happening looooong before Homo Sapiens have even existed.

    The last Ice Age ended about 20,000 – 12,000 years ago depending on the source. Manhattan and the surrounding area was under hundreds of feet of ice a microsecond ago compared to the scale of geologic time. Now it is a bustling city filled with millions of people. Without “global warming” human life simply wouldn’t exist or it would be down to a mere 10,000 tribesmen hanging near the Equator.

    You can’t grow crops on sheets of ice. Areas that were glaciated are now farmland today. If glaciers melt and areas flood, then humans move like they always have.

    This idea that paying high taxes to people like Al Gore, so he can wave a magic wand and make the climate stable for the first time in recorded geologic history is asinine. Bill Gates funds crackpots like David Keith who setup front companies to geoengineer earth. Most proposals will cause acid rain from injecting SO2 directly into the atmosphere, or deliberately make it impossible to have agriculture without a genetic modification to cope with the geoengineering.

    The endgame is to permanently blot out the sun with aluminium oxide and sulphur dioxide to imitate the effects of a supervolcano that erupted. (look up… geoengineering Mount Pinatubo… and read hundreds of white papers) Earth will look like Hell and be permanently dark and the only way to grow crops will be to get Monsanto GMO seeds, and use artificial lighting. The artificial lighting will have its own IP address (hence the need for IPv6) and it will be hooked up to the Smart Grid. This will prevent peasants from growing their own crops for good and you will be 100% dependent on the fascist global cybernetic dictatorship for food.

  5. It amazes me that people refuse to be good stewards of our planet because of political ideology. It really is quite sad.

    • I don’t think that’s usually the case. Take my family, for instance. We recycle plastic, glass, metals, and paper products. As a result, we produce less than a tall kitchen bag of waste each week. We also use incandescent lightbulbs, so that we aren’t filling the landfills with toxic mercury-laden CFL’s. We don’t use ethanol, because that causes deforestation (not to mention rather ruthless landgrabs in third world countries). We minimize our reliance on electricity, especially anything using lithium based or nickel-cadmium batteries; because the manufacturing of those batteries produces toxic byproducts that require thousands of years to decay.

      And we are staunch constitutionalists who see through the largest scam of our time: the fraud that CO2 emmissions are harmful. So you would probably think that we weren’t good stewards of the land, if you believe the mainstream media, when it is entirely apparent that we are better stewards of the land than most self-proclaimed “environmentalists”.

      • Oh, and one other thing…we also buy organic as much as practical, because organic farms are far better for the environment.

      • Congratulations Battle Hymn. Yes, your political ideology keeps you ignorant of reality.

        It’s not “the mainstream media”, it’s science regardin CO2. Research a little for yourself- not blogs, not Infowars, but actual peer-reviewed science journals.

        It’s mildly amusing to note that the majority of people here that refuse to believe that CO2 is a toxin believe whole-heartedly that fluoride is.

        Again, ideology trumps science, apparently.

        • Yes a toxin that we exhale and plants inhale, part of the life cycle. Nonsense created to control people’s lives and de industrialize the planet.

  6. sterilization fine……go to Mexico city..there is a such thing as overpopulation….you assholes. and if you don’t think so your an idiot.

    • Sterilization is already available on a voluntary basis. Anyone who advocates involuntary sterilization for the purpose of population control should be sterilized or euthenized, lest they be hypocrites.

      Low Fertility and
      Population Ageing
      Causes, Consequences,
      and Policy Options
      This is straight from the horse’s mouth. Meanwhile they tell ideologues like you that there is a overpopulation crisis. I doubt you’ll read it. Just go ahead and off yourself as an example to like minded people to fix this “overpopulation crisis”. Or is it just for other people and not you and your ilk?

    • i think you meant “you’re” and idiot…which begs the question….

      • then i go and use the wrong conjuction…i’m an idiot!

  7. if its fraud then arrest them. climate fraud is fraud. who has the minerals to make an arrest. i have a badge for you if you have the minerals. but the pay stinks.

  8. Green jobs are the biggest fraud perpetuated by big business.

    Did you know that Sarah Palin was planted as McCain’s running mate for a reason? They had no plans of winning the election. Why do you think she announced that she’s not running the same day as the death of Steve Jobs was reported on? Turns out there’s a lot to her story that the media isn’t reporting on. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot and learn the biggest story in the history of the world before it magically disappears.

  9. Hey guys, while I agree with many thing on this site concerning the crooks that bankers are, and also while I am not a greenpeace member, I think there is a limit to denial.

    I live in Quebec, so I can tell you some years ago you would not have dreamed of crossing the Antartic. Now IT IS melting. There is no questions about it.

    So much it melted that our Canadian government massively invested to protect this new ”Northern route”. Ya the very same government who exploit Alberta sand oils but deny there is any change in the north. No change but then how come they got more freakin armed forces up there than on both coasts, all the while prospecting the new unfrosted ressources.

    So please, yes people try to capitalise on the climate warming but I can tell you the oil companies and elites are way upper in that money making scam. Take a look at Power Corporation, and you’ll know who is behind Canada and France, the very same who entertain that denial trend.

    Note that I am not saying that ecologists alarmists are better for capitalising on it, but there is no way they can ever achieve the results of Power Corporation denial.

    The best way is to do like me, freeze your balls and travel up there. When you will see entire villages struggling to keep their house from sinking into what used to be the permafrost and talk with the locals about it, then maybe you will understand how crooked is everyone on both side.

    • if is physically impossible to flood the planet. impossible. also, global warming is not man made. not even close. i hope your balls freeze to death with your stupidity.
      oh , and my name is Shaun Almeida and i live in toronto. you know where that is right quebec? blasted fool. get a clue.

      • You are going to tell me that Power Corporation don’t run the show?

        I don’t care how and if man is reponsible to what is happening in the north but you are a freakin moron if you think it is still frozen up there.

        Even more of a moron if you think there is no cargo boats using that road even now and that power corp is not planning on building oil terminals up there.

    • The glaciers on Greenland today did not form until around 1500 AD. Confirmed by historical record and ice core analysis. The “northern route” was wide open from 1000 AD through 1400 AD.

      Antarctica had vegetation growing on its shores in 4000 BC. Confirmed by fossil evidence.

      The climate changes, with or without man. Our time is much more wisely spent adapting to change, rather than trying to control it.

    • depressed, climate change is cyclical, as is history, every thing repeats and has throughout time. This time around there are those ( as there probably was in the past ) who choose to capitolize on the natural accuring cycles of our planet and at the same time force more financial slavery upon humanity.

      • Not denying that, my comment is meant to mainly say it is melting up there. I don’t really care who’s fault it is. I am adressing thoses who deny that simple fact.

        In no way I am saying it is man’s fault or nature’s fault. The only hard fact here is: It has melted enough that it is now called the “Northern Route” by the very same government that would tell us it is still frozen.

        While you rage against theses ecolo nerds, the real sharks are moving up there to plunder the ressources. I am merely pointing to the real ennemy there: Power Corporation ( yes, they own total and Shell, same bunch that are waging war in Lybia right now in France name. )

        • Power companies are in charge and I have always contended that they really want to create an ice age and force us to consume even more. In my part of the world it was getting warm for a while back in the 90′s but now for the past 7 years or so it has been much colder than normal. What I am saying is that you can’t base what you see regionally to the entire globe. I’m not saying that climates don’t change, that would be ridiculous, it’s just completely unfounded that global warming is caused from humans and it has been leaked that most of it is fraudulent. Combine that with the fact that sooo many of the people who are the biggest proponents of climate change stand to make a huge profit from it, especially if the earth “accidentally” were to cool down. It just stinks to high heaven!

  10. my cat is smarter than these idiots.


    Listen to the lyrics!!




    visit: ronpaul2012 dot com

    4. COPY, POST, PRINT, and HANDOUT “Ron Paul’s ‘Ten Principles of a Free Society’
    (posted below)


    6. BRING EARLY AMERICAN FLAGS (Betsy Ross, Gadsden, Fort Moultier, Washington Cruiser, etc.) or perhaps The Second American Revolution Flag usrevolution2 dot com




    1. Rights belong to individuals, not groups; they derive from our nature and can neither be granted nor taken away by government.

    2. All peaceful, voluntary economic and social associations are permitted; consent is the basis of the social and economic order.

    3. Justly acquired property is privately owned by individuals and voluntary groups, and this ownership cannot be arbitrarily voided by governments.

    4. Government may not redistribute private wealth or grant special privileges to any individual or group.

    5. Individuals are responsible for their own actions; government cannot and should not protect us from ourselves.

    6. Government may not claim the monopoly over a people’s money and governments must never engage in official counterfeiting, even in the name of macroeconomic stability.

    7. Aggressive wars, even when called preventative, and even when they pertain only to trade relations, are forbidden.

    8. Jury nullification, that is, the right of jurors to judge the law as well as the facts, is a right of the people and the courtroom norm.

    9. All forms of involuntary servitude are prohibited, not only slavery but also conscription, forced association, and forced welfare distribution.

    10. Government must obey the law that it expects other people to obey and thereby must never use force to mold behavior, manipulate social outcomes, manage the economy, or tell other countries how to behave.


    • 8. Punch an SEIU member in the nads.

  13. Man didn’t cause the climate “problems”, they are much bigger than us little humans and just part of the natural course of things bigger than ourselves. So humans can’t fix them….but they sure can make money off it in the meantime. Isn’t that all that counts anymore?

  14. Only after eugenics became entrenched in the United States was the campaign transplanted into Germany, in no small measure through the efforts of California eugenicists, who published booklets idealizing sterilization and circulated them to German official and scientists.

    Hitler studied American eugenics laws. He tried to legitimize his anti-Semitism by medicalizing it, and wrapping it in the more palatable pseudoscientific facade of eugenics. Hitler was able to recruit more followers among reasonable Germans by claiming that science was on his side. While Hitler’s race hatred sprung from his own mind, the intellectual outlines of the eugenics Hitler adopted in 1924 were made in America.

  15. So what is the “environmental” movement doing for the planet?

    Spraying sulfur in the atmoshphere
    Blanketing the skies with chemtrails of barium and aluminum
    Deforesting millions of acres to grow corn for ethanol
    Demanding that we fill our landfills with mercury-laden compact flourescent lightbulbs
    Openly advocating dispersing sterilants into the drinking water
    Ramping up production of batteries with extremely toxic byproducts for hybrid vehicles
    Demanding regulations that cause our jobs to shipped to foreign nations
    Driving up our energy costs

    • Good comment, I included it in the article above. Many thanks!

      • Wow. Thank you.

        Good article!

    • on purpose lol

  16. Hello, I submitted the astrochaffing concept to the war room on climate change at the UN with richard branson.

    Chaffing blocks radiation. It would be possible to chaff in space to actually control the amount of sun reaching the surface.

    A small particle could be used for massive surface area, a 15×50 nm particle 1-2 atoms thick could be used to create a cloud. Simple Bentonite would work. There would be no adverse effect from spillage of the bentonite returning to the atmosphere.

    There is no reason to spray anything in the atmosphere.

    The US navy has rail gun technology that could be used to launch small items into space, a kilo of atom thick nano particles would have MASSIVE surface area.

    if there was actually a need to reflect sunlight, this would work fine. I am postin here because I know spooks read this site.

    • We cycle through 20k year warm cycles and 100k year ice ages. And you want to cool the earth? What do you want, a permanently frozen earth?

      • No, the logic behind blocking the sun is from the air fleet standdown on 9/11. It was first observed that contrails blocked large amounts of sunlight and that in that 3 day period the avrg temp went up 1 degree. It was also discovered in the same time that photons knock water molecules off the surface of water upon impact.

        • Okay, so when you want to warm the earth, how do you get those reflective particles out of orbit?

        • you deploy them at different hieghts, they will fall on their own. Orbit decay will take care of it. Deploying Astrochaff at speed or at the apogee would produce different clouds. I imagine you could create belts or geostationary clouds that would fall back to earth at whatever natural speed.

          The speed of nature: whatever was measured in your observation.

          So you put a few clouds up and observe, use your measurements to gauge the amount of chaff and how long it stays up.

        • Well I hate to belittle your work, but I prefer we allow the climate to cycle naturally, and spend our resources on adaption to change, rather than attempting to control change.

    • That’s nice, technology that could be utilized and abused in order to do things like; block out the sun. How does one control these particle formations once they are deployed to orbit? Curious, does this require some sort of nano-tech to control each individual atom sized particle?

      • The lenght of time these nano particle would remain in space would depend on how high up. the altitude would affect the decay of the orbit. I believe rail gun technology could be used instead of a traditional launch platform making it cost effective and rapidly deployable, altitudes could be selected as needed.

        • That’s all well and good to get the little guys up there, but I believe control is the issue. Not initial control, which as you stated could be established by the projected altitude but the long term control, i.e throughout the lifetime of the orbit. “Battle Hymm” made an ideal point above about how they are to be eradicated, but I would go one further to ask how one makes behavioral changes once deployed?

        • Wotlos,

          bentonite is tiny flat rods formed in the hot gasses of a volcano that later fell to earth.

          Normally, they are ionized, so the dorks at haarp could probably influence them, but you wouldn’t need to.

          These particles could easily fall back to earth without any toxic effects to the environment. Bentonite tends to clean anything it touches, and is safe to eat and is often eaten to detoxify the body. There is bentonite in your toothpaste. I have used it to cure keratitis and my finding is being researched in Australia.

          The nano sized particles are made of sillicon, aluminum, silver and a host of other elements in trace. They are self assembling and stable in the environment. There wouldn’t need to be any type of cleanup.

          Astrochaffing would work 100%, all of what I’ve written can be verified.

          I sent it several years ago to the UN and Richard Branson,.. but instead, they went and put blankets on iceberges or whatever

  17. Spraying sulfates into atmoshpere produces acid rain.

    • You’ve got no idea how hippies would loooove if it rained acid!

  18. Quick, save the environment by polluting the hell out of it!

    • You sir are completely on the dot. We live in a backwards world.

  19. Gravity—what is sprayed into the air will eventually come down. There is no escape the solar flares.

    • The Palladians just use radiant barrier made from gold.. I thought everyone knew that. That’s why the Mayans collected the stuff.

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