Posts Tagged ‘occupying’

US Which Illegally Invaded Iraq Based On Lies & Will Not Stop Illegally Occupying Iraq Destroys 3 Iraqi Freedom Fighter Bases In Iraq After Multiple US Occupation Terrorist Troops Wounded In Christmas Day Attacks

The US Which illegally invaded Iraq based on Damned lies the little baby raping political whhores in sopdom & Gomorrah on the Potomac made up themselves, even after murdering Iraq’s head of state, bombing the country back to the Stone Age, scattering cancer and birth defects causing depleted uranium all over the country, Holocausting over […]

The Death of the Jew Controlled US Empire Occupying America

2002 One word aptly describes the current state of the American empire: schizophrenia. Take Washington’s relationship to its subjugated white majority. One branch, the Department of Defense, appears to be quietly acknowledging that it can’t win wars if patriotic white men refuse to enlist. This epiphany is completely out of sync with the Department of […]

Anti-war Code Pink group calls Israel an occupying force – “U.S.-backed Israeli apartheid regime inflicts daily settler violence and terror on Palestinians”

(NaturalNews) Code Pink, an anti-war group that was formed back in 2002 to oppose the United States invasion and “liberation” of Iraq, is stirring the pot on… Source

Occupying & Evicting Genocidal Churches

Occupying and evicting genocidal churches: Historic footage of how it all began   Squamish elder Kiapilano (right), Kevin Annett (center) and the nasty priest who assaulted us (left) Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Vancouver, March 16, 2008 On March 16, 2008, Squamish elder Kiapilano and Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice led fifty mostly indigenous people […]

Rothschild’s Private Fiefdom Illegally Occupying Palestine Does War Crime Airstrikes Against Syrian Capital-AGAIN

Air defenses around Damascus were activated early on Wednesday, in order to repel a missile attack from the Illegal Rothschild’s private Fiefdom Occupying Palestine, the Syrian news agency SANA has reported. Demonic Religious cults have always been detrimental to humanity. The red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrels who mass converted to the End […]

German MP wants US troops Which Have Been Occupying Germany Since 1945 Kicked Out

OTHER LOSSES: The Shocking Truth Behind the Mass Murder of Disarmed German Soldiers and Civilians Under General Eisenhower’s Command The No Combat Coward Ike “redesigned” German POW’s as “former POWs” so they would not be covered by the Geneva Convention so he could Holocaust them using starvation, no shelter, no winter cloths in open fields […]

Sound the alarms; someone let the crazies out and they’re now occupying the US Congress, primarily the House

This is no joke, it’s not the least bit funny, it shows that this country is in deep, deep trouble. Source

Top US “general” visits Illegally Invading & Illegally Occupying Thieving Terrorist toops in Syria

Chairman of the USA Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley has defended the ongoing occupation as necessary to ensure US can steal Syria’s oil while Holocausting innocent Syrian women, children and Syrian military personnel. Last night while I was tossing and turning unable to sleep considering what an evil shit hole Sodom & Gomorrah on […]

Pure Evil: US Illegally Occupying Syria While Holocausting Syrians & Stealing Syria’s oil Tells Other Countries Not to Work with Syria’s Assad on Earthquake Relief as Death Toll Passes 50,000

The State Department on Monday reaffirmed its opposition to countries upgrading their ties with the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, even if it is an effort to aid Syria’s earthquake relief. “Our position on the Assad regime has not changed. Now is not the time for normalization. Now is not the time to upgrade […]

Conflict Forced Them From Their Homes. Now the Military Is Occupying Their Land.

JAFFNA, Sri Lanka:  Using a bat made of coconut tree bark, 15-year-old Gunasekaram Shatheeskumar was playing with his friends outside his house. Three stones were on the ground to create a baseball-style setup.  Minutes later, they heard explosions and a helicopter overhead. Shatheeskumar, his mother, grandmother, and younger siblings fled. That was 33 years ago, and […]

Al-Houthi: US plans were paving way for controlling, occupying Yemen

September 20, 2022  Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  The leader of Ansar Allah movement asserts that the US was working to escalate chaos in Yemen, but the Yemeni people thwarted these plans. The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, said on Tuesday […]

Al-Houthi: US plans were paving way for controlling, occupying Yemen

September 20, 2022  Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  The leader of Ansar Allah movement asserts that the US was working to escalate chaos in Yemen, but the Yemeni people thwarted these plans. The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, said on Tuesday […]

Al-Houthi: US plans were paving way for controlling, occupying Yemen

September 20, 2022  Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  The leader of Ansar Allah movement asserts that the US was working to escalate chaos in Yemen, but the Yemeni people thwarted these plans. The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, said on Tuesday […]

Turkish President accuses Greece of ‘occupying de-militarised’ islands

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused Greece on Saturday of occupying islands in the Aegean Sea that have a demilitarised status, and said Turkey was prepared to “do what is necessary” when the time comes, reported Reuters. Historic rivals while also being fellow members of NATO, Turkey and Greece have been at odds over issues ranging […]

Turkish President accuses Greece of ‘occupying de-militarised’ islands

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused Greece on Saturday of occupying islands in the Aegean Sea that have a demilitarised status, and said Turkey was prepared to “do what is necessary” when the time comes, reported Reuters. Historic rivals while also being fellow members of NATO, Turkey and Greece have been at odds over issues ranging […]

Rothschild’s red Russian Khazarian IsraHell Illegally Occupying Palestine attacks Aleppo international airport –Again!

When you have a rabid mad dog, you put it down to protect humanity and God’s other creatures it is trying to speed it’s evil virus of physical and spiritual death to. ‘Like A Red Shield Dragon Falling From The Sky In Flames’ Like a Red Shield dragon falling from the shy in flames-Israhell will […]

U.S. must stop backing terrorists, occupying northeastern Syria: diplomat

TEHRAN- Iran’s deputy permanent representative to the UN urges an end to the U.S. occupation of Syria and its backing for terrorism, stating that the U.S. has illegally stationed military personnel in Syria’s energy-rich northeastern region under the guise of combating terrorism. The comments were made by Zahra Ershadi on Monday during a United Nations […]

The War Criminal CEO of USA Corporation Illegally Occupying by Military Force Iraq, Syria and The Republic of Texas Calls for ‘War Crimes Trial’ For Putin

Matthew 7:5“Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Hey hands all over little girls Biden. Get your illegal occupation troops out of Iraq, Syria and the Occupied for 158 years Republic of Texas before […]

War Criminal US Illegally Occupying Syria while Stealing Syria’s Oil Makes Illegal War on Syrians With Strike On “Rocket Sites” Near US Illegally Occupied Syrian Oil Fields

THE REOCCURRING NIGHTMARE OF US WAR CRIMINAL POLITICAL PROSTITUTES RESPONSIBLE FOR ILLEGAL WAR CRIMES IN SYRIA, IRAQ, IRAN, YEMEN, AFGHANISTAN, PALESTINE AND AMERICA KEEP HAVING! Late in the day Tuesday (local time) the US military carried out what’s being described as a “preemptive strike” against rocket sites in eastern Syria that “posed a threat” – […]

Unvaccinated Patient Occupying Room Where TikTok Videos Are Normally Filmed

Ugh, well this is annoying: Paul Kading, a man who has not yet gotten vaccinated because he’s anti-science and also has a heart condition where the vaccine could possibly kill him, was just admitted to Mercy Hospital. And now, he’s taking up the room where the nurses like to film their TikTok videos. The man […]

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