Posts Tagged ‘khazarian’

Blinken A Khazarian Jew IsraHell “Citizen” lobbies for Starting WW3 in Which American Children Will Die As Cannon Fodder In Another Rothschild’s Pre-planned World War

Blinken a Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian member of the Talmud’s End of Times Pedophile’s Death Cult is trying hard to help start the Anti-Goyim Pre-planned World War 3 for the Rothschilds. The Khazarian Jew Blinken is caterwauling the Homosexual Jew Comedian Volodymyr Zelensky be allowed to help start Rothschild’s WW3 by using US CORPORATION […]

Non Semitic Khazarian Jews Would Walk on all Fours Necked, Backwards Through Streets of Jew York, Swastikas Painted on Each Cheek of Their A$$es & a IsraHELL Flag Sticking Out of Their Butt To Keep World Attention On Their Cult

A “Jew” is a self identifying member of the Babylonian Talmud’s Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult Religion. Most all Jews today are Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrels who’s ancestors mass infected with the Zionist Zombie Virus in the Steppes of Modern Day Ukraine & Russia in the year 0740 AD. The Judaic cult […]

This is how Khazarian bolsheviks shut down any legislation in any country that even appears to favor Russia.


LISTEN: BlackRock’s Khazarian Cabal-Installed CEO Larry Fink Proves By His Own Words That He’s A Delusional Psychopath, Pathological Liar & Corporate Sociopath—WOW!!!

JUST IN: @BlackRock CEO Larry Fink *absolutely lost it* on their latest earnings call, after the Texas Permanent School Fund pulled $8.5 billion from the woke asset manager over their continued ESG activism: — Will Hild (@WillHild) April 12, 2024 Source

Kiev’s Khazarian Mafia Now Targeting’s Editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan


Occupation of Republic of Texas Guvnor Khazarian Jew Greg Abbott Signs ‘STATE OF TEXAS’, Sub Corporation of Illegally Occupying US CORPORATION Executive Order to Punish ‘Antisemitic Rhetoric’ on College Campuses In Illegally Occupied Republic of Texas

Occupation of Republic of Texas guvnor Non Semitic Khazarian Jew Greg Abbott (R) CEO of ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ legal fiction Sub Corporation of the Illegally Criminally Militarily Occupying ‘UNITED STATES’ CORPORATION signed an Executive Order on Wednesday to require “all higher education institutions in the illegally criminally militarily occupied Republic of Texas to “review […]

Rothschild’s Khazarian Jew Attack On America Using 3ed World Criminals

I have a friend who’s nephew is a Federal Immigration Field agent working the Occupied Republic of Texas/Mexico border. Texican are the new Palestinians He told me his nephew told him they are seeing a shit load of Chinese and Yemen military age males coming illegally through the border with no or very few females. […]

KHAZARIAN CABAL: The Fake JEWS have infiltrated every government, corporation, NGO and other institutions that wield any degree of real power and/or influence.


Non Semitic Khazarian Jew Cult Members and Semitic Indigenous Palestinians argue ‘What would Jesus do?’

Quote from RT article: “Both Israel and the Palestinians have invoked Jesus Christ to support their cause as the brutal conflict in Gaza hits the five-month mark. Palestinian diplomat Riham Barghouti first invoked the memory of Jesus of Nazareth at a session of the UN Human Rights Council earlier this week, when condemning the Israeli […]

After Khazarian Satanist Benjamin Netanyahu Sealed Israel’s Fate By Planning And Perpetrating The Gaza Genocide…

…This Arab League Representative Totally Demolishes All False Claims Made By Israel About Its National Status, As He Utterly Humiliates The Illegitimate Zionist State For Committing Genocide, Before The UN’s International Court Of Justice What the viewer just heard was categorical LEGAL PROOF that the Zionist State of Israel is a patently illegitimate entity, rogue […]

KHAZARIAN CABAL: Their Rothschild Frontman, Super Stealthy MO & Greatest Challenge Ever

The Khazar-Rothschild Continuum and the Hidden Hand of History by Douglas C. Youvan, PhD. QAIE Virgo In this historical narrative, we trace the Khazars, a mysterious 8th-century group, to the powerful Rothschild dynasty. Over centuries, they subtly manipulate global events. Yet, with the rise of informed generations and decentralized technologies, their influence is threatened. The […]

The UNITED STATES VOTES Yet Again at UN To Allow the Red Russian Khazarian Invasive Species Cult Members In Occupied Palestine To Continue To Holocaust Indigenous Semitic Palestinian Descendants of Biblical Judians

The US Corporation run interference for Israel’s ongoing destruction of Gaza and the Holocaust by US taxpayer funded bombs of its people, but one might well question the motives of at least one of the principal players in this war crime, the UNITED STATES CORPORATION run by the Rothschilds who also run their private fiefdom […]

Non Semitic Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrel Invasive Species Soul-less Animals Celebrate Holocausting Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of Biblical Judians

Hundreds of videos filmed and shared by Israeli terrorist lyingly called soldiers in Gaza show the terrorist bulldozing houses and mocking Palestinian victims. Some of the Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel soul-less animals who’s anscesters mass infected with the Zionist Zombie Virus (mass converted to the Babylonian Talmud inspired Pedophile’s End of Times Death […]

ENDLESS KHAZARIAN WARMONGERING: Germans told to prepare for another war with Russia

READ HERE:   Source

Here’s how the Khazarian banksters are systematically bankrupting the US Corporation.

The 2024 Debt Spiral: How $1 Trillion in Interest Is Breaking the Federal Budget by Nick Giambruno INTERNATIONAL MAN Contrary to conventional wisdom, higher interest rates mean more inflation in the environment today. That’s because the federal interest expense increases as interest rates rise. As the federal interest expense rises, so does the budget deficit. […]

Khazarian Cabal Turning Ecuador Upside Down Via Unparalleled Acts Of Terrorism & Fearmongering

READ HERE: Ecuadorian TV crew taken hostage as camera rolls (VIDEO)   Source

Jewish Communist Dictum:- KHAZARIAN MAFIA

Jewish Communist Dictum:- “Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of” KHAZARIAN MAFIA telling you how to think! To me this video looks more like a before and after, of what plastic surgery can do for you.

Khazarian Jewish Florida State Rep. Randy Fine: ‘We Are a People That Has Been Kicked Out of Every Host Country Where We Raped & Sacrificed Their Children While Stealing The Widow’s Home With Usury & Starting Wars For 2000 Years’

Those “bad” peoples and countries which object to the Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult members stealing everything, raping the babies of the host country, using the children of the host country as sacrifices to their demonic “god” in their heathen rituals, trying to take over their […]

ZIONISM: The Khazarian Con of the Millennium…..

SOTN Editor’s Note: Sorry folks but this is gonna be a long one. There are presently two major types of wars raging across the planet right now: religious wars and economic wars.  As always, the extremely intense emotional energies associated with the religious wars are being cynically channeled and used to trigger and fuel the […]

Khazarian Jew Cult Members Who Know They ARE NOT Semitic, Still Trying To Claim Semitic Descent.

Headline:The Antisemitism Hoax Has Officially Collapsed. Jews Don’t Know It Yet, But It’s Over. Exert from a “good Jew” website article. “-The official definition of “antisemitism” before October 7, 2023 was “hating Jews for no reason.”The post-7/10 definition of “antisemitism” is “saying Jews should stop killing babies.”-” The “good Jews” are trying had to do […]

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