Posts Tagged ‘favor’

Supreme Court rules in favor of Jan. 6 defendant, upending hundreds of J6 cases

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Joseph Fischer, a participant in the January 6 Capitol riots who challenged his obstruction conviction… Source

The Numbers Favor Our Side

For me, it’s not difficult to see what the world’s real rulers are trying to achieve. They’re trying to obtain more power and control for themselves. In fact, they’ve largely already achieved this goal. The terrifying thought is they are far from done. We know they are not finished because their most conspicuous initiative at the moment […]

This is how Khazarian bolsheviks shut down any legislation in any country that even appears to favor Russia.


Squirrel returns the favor

Squirrel returns the favor

Israel To Take ‘More Aggressive’ Stance Against Russia To Curry Favor With US

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, Israel isn’t planning to send early warning systems to Ukraine out of solidarity but is really trying to curry more favor with the US as its war with Hamas reaches the endgame, though Tel Aviv is disguising its true intentions as a signal of displeasure with Moscow’s balancing act […]

Trump Comes Out In Favor Of Holocausting Every last Semitic Palestinian. Child In Occupied Palestine

The Trickster Trumpster frontrunner for the GOP ticket for 2024 presidential election, said he supported Israel’s brutal ongoing Holocaust operations in Gaza of the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the biblical Judians in an interview with “Fox & Friends” this week. The Trickster Trumpster agreed when a host described him as being “firmly in Israel’s […]

Majority of Moldovans in Favor of Joining EU but Against Eurasian Union and NATO poll finds

    A recent poll has unveiled the sentiments of Moldovans regarding their country’s potential membership in NATO and the European Union (EU). According to a study conducted by the Viitorul Institute for Development and Social Initiatives, if a referendum were held on Moldova’s NATO membership, 55.4% of respondents would vote against it, while only […]

EVIL: Professor promotes idea of mass movement in favor of child prostitution

(NaturalNews) A Johns Hopkins University (JHU) professor has apparently advised a sex worker-activist to create a “mass movement” promoting the idea of… Source

Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st Was Illegally Suspended in Favor of a Vatican “Crown” Corporation in 1871

“Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies.  The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States.  The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776.  On July […]

“I Need to Look at Other Alternatives” – DNC is Cheating Robert Kennedy, Jr. in Primaries to Favor Biden – Kennedy Needs to “Win Almost 80% of All the States” Under Undemocratic System (VIDEO)

“I Need to Look at Other Alternatives” – DNC is Cheating Robert Kennedy, Jr. in Primaries to Favor Biden – Kennedy Needs to “Win Almost 80% of All the States” Under Undemocratic System (VIDEO) Source

Backers of endless war deplore that many Trump supporters favor using violence

Are some of Trump’s true believers are eager to adapt the violent precepts of perpetual war to American politics? Source

Once Saved by Wild Mustangs, This Alabama Woman Is on a Mission to Return the Favor

At the barn of her wide open horse ranch, Babbie Styslinger pulled out a large basket containing 130 leather tags numbered recklessly. She picked one up, felt the worn-out leather with her fingers, then lowered her head with a bit of solemn sadness, a bit of somber reflection, a bit of austere reality. “When a […]

When will we see a real change of government policy in favor of natural farming?

The union government has often voiced its support for natural farming but this is not yet seen in real change in government’s commitments. The government’s subsidies in favor of agriculture are still heavily biased in favor of chemical fertilizers or overall agro-chemical intensive farming or ‘green revolution’ type farming. This farming also tends to use […]

Judge Ruled in Favor of Father of 12-Year Old Boy who Challenged the Los Angeles Unified School District’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Judge Ruled in Favor of Father of 12-Year Old Boy who Challenged the Los Angeles Unified School District’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate July 8, 2022 ABC and CBS 0   LAUSD vaccination site.         [email=?subject=Judge Ruled in Favor of Father of 12-Year Old Boy who Challenged the Los Angeles Unified School District’s COVID-19 […]

Democrats and the young favor Palestinians over Israelis– new Pew poll

New Pew survey shows growing support for Palestinians among Democrats. More Democrats hold favorable views of Palestinians than of Israelis by 64 to 60 percent. Compare to Republicans: 78 to 37 favorability ratings for Israelis over Palestinians. And while most people don’t know what BDS is, 7 percent of Democrats support BDS while 2 percent […]

Analysts Shift House Predictions Heavily In Favor of Republicans

Analysts from the Cook Political Report, who predict the probable outcome for U.S. House of Representatives races, released its newest round of predictions on Thursday, moving ten districts heavily in favor of the Republican incumbent or candidate versus the Democrat.

Rep. Jim Jordan: Congress Ignores Biden Blunders in Favor of UFO Hearing

Jim Jordan slammed Congress on Tuesday for holding a hearing on UFOs rather than addressing some of the most pressing issues facing the nation.

Big Tech platforms censored in favor of President Biden 646 times in two years

Between March 10, 2020, and March 10, 2022, there were 646 instances where Big Tech has censored criticism of Biden, according to an analysis by the Media Research Center. In its CensorTrack database, MRC recorded over 600 cases where Big Tech platforms censored criticism of Biden. 140 of those cases involved the New York Post’s story […]

Five Important Stories Mainstream Media Has Been Ignoring in Favor Covid Fear and Divide

(Support Free Thought) – While the mainstream media continues to either outright propagandize the masses, or make abstruse any semblance of factual reporting, The Free Thought Project stays dedicated to bringing you the information they refuse to talk about. Time and again MSM pundits have demonstrated themselves to be stenographers of the State rather than the arbiters of critical […]

Report: Biden’s Agencies Purge Term ‘Alien’ in Favor of ‘Noncitizen’

President Joe Biden’s federal agencies are continuing to purge the term “alien” to describe foreign nationals living in the United States, often illegally, in favor of the term “noncitizen,” a report reveals. In April, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ordered officials to stop describing foreign nationals in the U.S. as “aliens” and instead use […]

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