Posts Tagged ‘unified’

Right Wing Round-Up: A Unified Reich

Allison Quinn @ The Daily Beast: Trump Shares ‘Unified Reich’ Campaign Video During Lunch Break The 30-second video was shared on his Truth Social account while he was on a lunch break from his hush-money trial. Hafiz Rashid @ The New Republic: Russian TV Has a New Propaganda Star: Tucker Carlson The former Fox News […]

Libya: lack of a unified crisis management hinders international aid, says Presidential Council

Libya’s Presidential Council said on Sunday that the lack of a “unified crisis management system” in the country has disrupted international aid efforts related to the flood disaster that struck the east of the country on 10 September. “International support for those affected by the flood disaster that struck eastern Libya requires the gaining of […]

Unified by national leaders and results-driven storylines, Democrats show up the obstructionist, do-nothing right 

Dems make the future palatable,/ The right twists it intolerable. Source

‘Let’s Speak Of The Unseen…’, The Unified Field

SACRED GEOMETRY: ‘Let’s Speak Of The Unseen…’, The Unified Field – By Kingsley L. Dennis SM  Source – “…There is a meaning to life. There is a meaning to everything for existence is pure meaning…We are pure existence. We are all that is and all that ever will be. We are in a dance, a conversation, a relationship, with […]

Newport-Mesa Unified Candidate Kristen Valle Wants to Invest in Children

Kristen Valle, a candidate in the Nov. 8 election for the Newport-Mesa Unified’s Board of Education, is calling on the entire community to invest in its children. Valle, 34, a sales and marketing professional who currently works for a healthcare organization, told The Epoch Times she noticed an increase in anxiety and depression among children […]

Newport-Mesa Unified Candidate Kristen Valle Wants to Invest in Children

Kristen Valle, a candidate in the Nov. 8 election for the Newport-Mesa Unified’s Board of Education, is calling on the entire community to invest in its children. Valle, 34, a sales and marketing professional who currently works for a healthcare organization, told The Epoch Times she noticed an increase in anxiety and depression among children […]

Newport-Mesa Unified Candidate Kristen Valle Wants to Invest in Children

Kristen Valle, a candidate in the Nov. 8 election for the Newport-Mesa Unified’s Board of Education, is calling on the entire community to invest in its children. Valle, 34, a sales and marketing professional who currently works for a healthcare organization, told The Epoch Times she noticed an increase in anxiety and depression among children […]

Newport-Mesa Unified Candidate Kristen Valle Wants to Invest in Children

Kristen Valle, a candidate in the Nov. 8 election for the Newport-Mesa Unified’s Board of Education, is calling on the entire community to invest in its children. Valle, 34, a sales and marketing professional who currently works for a healthcare organization, told The Epoch Times she noticed an increase in anxiety and depression among children […]

Newport-Mesa Unified Candidate Kristen Valle Wants to Invest in Children

Kristen Valle, a candidate in the Nov. 8 election for the Newport-Mesa Unified’s Board of Education, is calling on the entire community to invest in its children. Valle, 34, a sales and marketing professional who currently works for a healthcare organization, told The Epoch Times she noticed an increase in anxiety and depression among children […]

Black Mom Sues LA Unified Over Cotton-Picking Project at Elementary School, Lawsuit Says

By Summer Lin From Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES—A Black parent filed a civil rights lawsuit last week against the Los Angeles Unified School District and the Board of Education, saying that a cotton field was set up at an elementary school in 2017 that was intended to teach students about the experiences of slaves. […]

Judge Ruled in Favor of Father of 12-Year Old Boy who Challenged the Los Angeles Unified School District’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Judge Ruled in Favor of Father of 12-Year Old Boy who Challenged the Los Angeles Unified School District’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate July 8, 2022 ABC and CBS 0   LAUSD vaccination site.         [email=?subject=Judge Ruled in Favor of Father of 12-Year Old Boy who Challenged the Los Angeles Unified School District’s COVID-19 […]

The Palestinian People Are Under Attack, But Unified – And This Time They’re Fight Back

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Gaza is still under Israeli attack, and for the first time ever it seems that armed groups in the enclave have given a tough response as Palestinians throughout historic Palestine rise up against their occupier. At least 67 Palestinians […]

The debate over Judaism and Zionism that roiled, then unified University of Iowa

JTA — When the University of Iowa student senate debated a bill to give special representation to Jews on campus, Nick Nachtman voted no. Other minority groups had been given their own seats in the Undergraduate Student Government, chosen by their respective student organizations. The Jewish senator would be chosen by students at Hillel. In Nachtman’s […]

NATO’s ‘Unified Front’ At Breaking Point

NATO’s ‘Unified Front’ At Breaking Point Last month, a Turkish warship came one step away from firing missiles at a French naval vessel off the coast of Libya. In response, Paris suspended its involvement in Operation Sea Guardian — a multinational maritime effort to provide security in the Mediterranean Sea and halt the arms trafficking fueling Libya’s ongoing civil […]

13 Truck Drivers Take Unified Action To Help Prevent Suicide

Next Story Just after midnight on April 24th, police in the Oak Park area of Michigan became aware of an unidentified man teetering on the edge of a bridge that spanned the I-696 Freeway. Among the precautionary measures taken by the police is one that may surprise you: a distress call put out to drivers of […]

Iraqi Kurdistan’s KDP and Gorran meet to discuss unified front

nsnbc : The Kurdistan Democratic party (KDP) and the Gorran (Change Movement) in Iraq’s Kurdistan Autonomous Region are meeting on Thursday in Sulaimani to […]

The Unified Field Theory as Explained by Nassim Haramein

Nathaniel Mauka, Staff WriterWaking Times Nassim Haramein is a rogue physicist who thinks way outside the box. In fact, when he was just nine years old, traveling on a long bus ride to get home from school, when he realized that the Universe was just a bunch of “dots.” What came from an experience of astral projection […]

Through The Eyes Of The Gaian Child “Unified Cosmology”

content description Source Article from

Why Nationalism and a Unified Country Terrifies Wall Street

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 3, 2017 Basically another good video from Black Pigeon. He’s not mentioning Jews, presumably because he doesn’t want to get his channel shut down. Obviously at this point, no one is “unaware” of the Jewish problem, because we and our troll brothers have forced the issue so hard. […]

Organic, Conscious Café Reduces Food Waste and Feeds the Hungry

Organic, Conscious Café Reduces Food Waste and Feeds the Hungry WakingTimes | July 17, 2016 | 0 Comments Source Article from

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