Posts Tagged ‘management’

Poland’s new pro-EU govt has seized control of public broadcasters, firing  management boards & taking channels off-air

Described by former Education Minister Przemysław Czarnek as “Stalinist.” This is censorship at its most blatant and surely not a good sign. We had the slightly more subtle version in NZ with yours truly claiming to be the one source of truth … Source

Libya: lack of a unified crisis management hinders international aid, says Presidential Council

Libya’s Presidential Council said on Sunday that the lack of a “unified crisis management system” in the country has disrupted international aid efforts related to the flood disaster that struck the east of the country on 10 September. “International support for those affected by the flood disaster that struck eastern Libya requires the gaining of […]

Watershed management on 30m ha of land to be implemented

TEHRAN – Some 30 million hectares area of land across the country will undergo watershed management by the next two years, Mohammad-Hassan Nami, the head of the National Disaster Management Organization, has said. Source

How Indigenous Land Management Practices Are a Blueprint for Climate-Resilient Agriculture

How Indigenous Land Management Practices Are a Blueprint for Climate-Resilient Agriculture in Counter Solutions — by Daniel Ross — 28/03/2023  As a rapidly warming world strains at the shortcomings in industrial farming, key lessons can be taken from Indigenous practices. Several Hollywood action films center around an impending apocalypse in the form of an asteroid […]

Herbs for Pain Management: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet

Herbs for Pain Management: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet Posted on January 30, 2023 By Amy Allen The act of living often results in pain of some kind: emotional, physical, or a combination of the above. Whether it’s breaking a leg or a paper cut, it hurts. So how do we deal with it? This […]

Enforcement Management Unit (formerly Sheriff’s Office)

It seems that the current Sheriff’s Office Victoria, which previously operated as just Sheriff’s Office Current website: falls under the umbrella company called the Department of Justice and Community Safety today, while it was previously the Department of Justice and Regulation, today secretly opeerates as the Enforcement Management Unit, from 1994 to present. Above screen […]

Budget for watershed management seen to jump fourfold

Budget for watershed management seen to jump fourfold – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN- The national budget bill for the next Iranian calendar year 1401, which starts on March 21, 2022, has allocated 16 trillion rials (about $53 million), which is nearly fourfold of the budget for the current year. According to the bill, a plan has been […]

Integrated Pest Management: How to Sustainably Keep the Pests Out

By Jayne Rising Today’s agriculture relies heavily on the use of pesticides. Even home gardeners don’t seem to have a problem applying Preen to keep the morning glory from sprouting and Sevin to eradicate what does grow. Unfortunately, while pesticides do have their uses, they also have many, many drawbacks. Pesticides are toxic to both […]

Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale Imprisoned In Communications Management Unit Designed For Terrorists

Above Photo: Daniel Hale ( Daniel Hale is the first person accused of an unauthorized disclosure of information to be imprisoned in a Communications Management Unit by the United States government. Drone whistleblower Daniel Hale, who pled guilty to violating the Espionage Act, was transferred from a jail in Virginia to a communication management unit […]

A 9/11 Excerpt From ‘The Management Of Savagery’

Day Of The Planes. In “The Management Of Savagery,” Max Blumenthal Explores The Saudi Connection To The 9/11 Attacks, The Islamophobic US Backlash, And The Neocon Push To Destabilize The Middle East. Two hours’ drive from Kandahar, in the southern Afghan desert city where the Taliban were born and where Osama bin Laden maintained his […]

Biden’s Pick for Bureau of Land Management Director Designed Ad Saying a Baby is an “Environmental Hazard”

Tracy Stone-Manning is an extremist who believes babies are ruining the environment (so it sure would be good to get rid of them), and she will likely be the new BLM director. link Share now! Source

6 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Time Management

Here at Calendar, we’re all about time management. Time is so precious and valuable, and it only makes sense to take care of it. However, time management is so much more than just a lot of effort. Despite your best intentions, you could be sabotaging your own time management without even realizing it. This article […]

$23m allocated to waste management in coastal provinces

TEHRAN – A total of 1 trillion rials (nearly $23 million at the official rate of 42,000 rials) has been earmarked to tackle the issue of waste management in northern coastal provinces, deputy head of Iran’s municipalities and village administrators said. Highlighting that solving the waste problem in the country requires the participation of the […]

Cuomo leans on crisis management playbook as walls close in

“Go buy some time, and hope that things calm down” was how the official described the administration’s current approach to overcoming the scandals. The strategy was reflected in a call Cuomo held with reporters on Sunday, in which he said state government has work to do and pledged he is “not going to be distracted.” […]

‘Gertler and associates would come to the bank, and a teller would take a sack and a bill counter up to management’

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Arizona’s $24-Million Prison Management Software Is Keeping People Locked Up Past The End Of Their Sentences

The Arizona Department of Corrections is depriving inmates of freedom they’ve earned. Its $24 million tracking software isn’t doing what it’s supposed to when it comes to calculating time served credits. That’s according to whistleblowers who’ve been ignored by the DOC and have taken their complaints to the press. Here’s Jimmy Jenkins of KJZZ, who […]

US-funded media outlets in Middle East under new management again

Government-funded global media uncontrolled by the government – in a world of Al Jazeera, China Central Television and Russia Today, it seems a paradox. For more stories from The Media Line go to The US Agency for Global Media (USAGM) oversees the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe and other federally funded international broadcasters, […]

Trump Fires Kissinger: Prison Planet has change in Management DR MICHAEL SALLA NOVEMBER 29, 2020. On November 25, President Donald Trump sacked 11 members of the influential Defense Policy Board. One was Dr. Henry Kissinger who has a long history of advising U.S. Presidents on national security issues. Less known is his involvement in the MJ-12 Group set up to manage the UFO […]

Struggling with Time Management? A More Mindful, Spiritual Approach Can Help

November 29th, 2020 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World If there’s one thing most adults agree on, it’s that there never seems to be enough time in the day. Everyone is busy in their own way, and even though most of us are aware of basic time management techniques, living them is […]

US Murder Machine Now Under Competent Management

Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th president of the United States is now all but certain. In order to have any chance of successfully advancing his legal narrative of electoral shenanigans President Trump would have to both (A) really want to remain president and (B) have the backing of sufficiently large power structures, neither of which appear to […]

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