Posts Tagged ‘formerly’

After losing top advertisers, Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter) SUES Media Matters

After losing top advertisers, Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter) SUES Media Matters Elon Musk’s X Corporation, the entity overseeing the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter), has initiated legal action against progressive activist group Media Matters. According to the lawsuit filed in Texas federal court, Media Matters conducted a “fraudulent attack” on X […]

The Painless Extinction of Formerly Free Australia 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The Demise of Frogs If you place a frog in cool water and slowly raise the temperature, it’s said that you can boil it without it noticing and fighting to free itself. I never tested this, as I liked frogs too much. During my childhood in southeast Australia, I could […]

Enforcement Management Unit (formerly Sheriff’s Office)

It seems that the current Sheriff’s Office Victoria, which previously operated as just Sheriff’s Office Current website: falls under the umbrella company called the Department of Justice and Community Safety today, while it was previously the Department of Justice and Regulation, today secretly opeerates as the Enforcement Management Unit, from 1994 to present. Above screen […]

Ukraine: Zelensky Proclaims ‘Beginning of the End of the War’ in Formerly Occupied Kherson

President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the embattled region of Kherson, southern Ukraine, on Monday, declaring that the expulsion of Russian troops there was “the beginning of the end of the war” between the two countries. Source

Study: 55 Formerly Unknown Chemicals Found in Pregnant Women

April 1st, 2021 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World The phrase “better living through chemistry” is a variation on an advertising campaign used by the DuPont Chemical Company1 in the mid-1930s until the early 1980s. In 2014,2 it became the title of a “comedy” that portrays the life of a man bullied by his father […]

Joe Biden’s Secretary of State Nominee Formerly Advised Big Tech, Wall Street

President-Elect Joe Biden’s nominee to head the State Department, Antony Blinken, formerly advised the nation’s largest tech conglomerates and Wall Street firms, financial disclosure reports find. Blinken, while at WestEx Advisors, which he co-founded, advised clients such as Big Tech corporations like Facebook, Uber, and LinkedIn, as well as Wall Street firms such as Blackstone, […]

Formerly Orthodox ‘The Good Doctor’ character inspired by creator’s family

Writer and producer David Shore didn’t have to look far when developing a key new character for his hit ABC-TV series “The Good Doctor.” He went straight to his nieces and nephews, the children of his Orthodox rabbi brothers. The show, which returns with new episodes on Jan. 11, focuses on Shaun Murphy (played by […]

Brother Yun, Formerly Imprisoned for Proclaiming Jesus, Personifies Research on Benefits of Singing

(ChinaAid) — Throughout the Webinex ChinaAid hosted Dec. 5, “Let the Church Rise …,” Brother Yun, previously imprisoned and suffering for more than 10 years in numerous Chinese prisons for proclaiming the name of Jesus, smiled as he sang out several times, “Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.” … The Bible tells us that Paul rejoiced in suffering, […]

Enter the Dragon, Exit the Turkey (Formerly American Eagle)

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US streets full of formerly-middle class

The world is now seeing the economic uncertainty of the US, but for many Americans it has been apparent for quite some time. Economic despair has been spreading across our nation and it can be seen by the rising number of middle class Americans losing their homes.  In some cases, joblessness and inability to pay […]

US streets full of formerly middle class

RT Aug 17, 2011 The world is now seeing the economic uncertainty of the U.S. but for many Americans, it has been apparent for quite some time. Economic despair has been spreading across our nation and it can be seen by the rising number of middle class Americans losing their homes. In some cases, joblessness […]

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