Posts Tagged ‘imprisoned’

WOWZER! JK Rowling Could Be Imprisoned For “Misgendering” Trans People Under New Law

READ HERE: Author JK Rowling could be prosecuted for “misgendering” trans people under Scotland’s odious new hate crime law that comes into force today, an SNP minister has admitted. Source

Imprisoned Russian Opposition Leader Navalny Located In Penal Colony 3 Weeks After Contact Lost

Associates of Alexei Navalny say he has been located at a prison colony above the Arctic Circle nearly three weeks after contact with him was lost. Source

Allies Of Imprisoned Kremlin Foe Navalny Say They Haven’t Heard From Him In Days

At HuffPost, we believe that everyone needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive news subscriptions. That is why we are committed to providing deeply reported, carefully fact-checked news that is freely accessible to everyone. Our News, Politics and Culture teams invest time and care working on hard-hitting […]

Israel approves MULTI-DAY CEASEFIRE DEAL: Hundreds of imprisoned Palestinian women and children to be released in exchange for 50 Israeli hostages

Israel approves MULTI-DAY CEASEFIRE DEAL: Hundreds of imprisoned Palestinian women and children to be released in exchange for 50 Israeli hostages The Israeli emergency war cabinet of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to a multi-day ceasefire deal with Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups in Gaza, which will see 50 Israeli hostages and hundreds […]

Elon Musk Comments On Man IMPRISONED For Posting Hillary Clinton Memes On Twitter

Elon Musk has raised some serious questions after a man was sentenced to prison for the crime of posting memes about Hillary Clinton on Twitter during the 2016 election. Trump supporter Douglass Mackey, also known as “Ricky Vaughn,” was handed a seven month sentence for sharing the memes that claimed Democrats could vote for Hillary by […]

Australian Mother Imprisoned 20 Years Freed Over Doubt She Killed Her 4 Children

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — An Australian woman who spent 20 years in prison was pardoned and released Monday based on new scientific evidence that her four children died by natural causes as she had insisted. The pardon was seen as the quickest way of getting Kathleen Folbigg out of prison, and a final report from […]

Saudi Arabia Frees American Imprisoned Over Critical Tweets

Saad Almadi, a dual U.S.-Saudi citizen, is now at home with family members who live in Riyadh, his son said. Source

Imprisoned Serial Killer Cured His Child Rapist Cellmate in California Of Raping Children

My Viet Nam vet brother has mentioned when he was in Viet Nam he read an article which explained how Arkansas cured rapinst. With shock therapy. High voltage shock therapy. No electrocuted rapist ever became a repeat offender. Bet this perverted child raper is premaritally cured of raping children now! The Ole Dog! Imprisoned Serial […]

Thessaloniki: Albanian imprisoned for threatening Russian wife with knife because “she watched the neighbours having sex”

A 38-year-old man who threatened his 28-year-old wife with a knife and tried to hit her because he thought she was peeking through the window to watch a couple having sex in the opposite apartment was found guilty by the three-member Criminal Court of Thessaloniki. The 38-year-old was found guilty of attempted grievous bodily harm, […]

Mumia: Unjustly Imprisoned For 40 Years

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – On July 3 people in Philadelphia and dozens of other cities across the U.S. and around the globe marked the 40th anniversary of the unlawful and unjust imprisonment of Pennsylvania political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, including 29 years on death row. Now imprisoned for life in the general population, Abu-Jamal is still fighting […]

Kosovo war veterans imprisoned for witness intimidation by specialised court

It is the first verdict handed down by the Kosovo Specialist Chambers after it was established in 2015.

Unvaxxed in Austria Could be Imprisoned For a Year

People in Austria who remain unvaccinated could find themselves imprisoned for a year, according to critics of an amendment to an administrative law. Susanne Fürst of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), which voted against the amendment, warned that it could be used to punish the unjabbed with much harsher sentences. The amendment raises fines from […]

Rights Defenders Remain Imprisoned After Lifting of Egypt’s State of Emergency

Repressive Laws Remain After Insufficient Step Towards Religious Freedom 11/10/2021 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi lifted the nation’s state of emergency on October 25, which had been in effect since April 2017. However, the lifting is insufficient to address the ongoing human rights abuses committed by the government, particularly […]

Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale Imprisoned In Communications Management Unit Designed For Terrorists

Above Photo: Daniel Hale ( Daniel Hale is the first person accused of an unauthorized disclosure of information to be imprisoned in a Communications Management Unit by the United States government. Drone whistleblower Daniel Hale, who pled guilty to violating the Espionage Act, was transferred from a jail in Virginia to a communication management unit […]

Imprisoned Murderer Solves Ancient Math Problem

A living genius recently solved an ancient mathematical problem, first tackled by Greek mathematician Euclid over two millennia ago. However, the brain behind the impressive solution is an imprisoned murderer. Incarcerated murderer, 40-year-old Christopher Havens, has resided in a US prison near Seattle for the last nine years. From the confines of his cell, and […]

Man Forcibly Imprisoned in Mental Asylum For Different Opinion on COVID

The Premier of Victoria has asserted that authorities “won’t hesitate” to go “door-to-door” to carry out mandatory COVID tests on Australians. Daniel Andrews made the comments during a press conference as Australia continues to pursue a ludicrous ‘zero COVID’ policy that mandates draconian lockdowns in response to just a handful of new cases. “We’re not […]

‘NOOOOO!!!’ Screams Imprisoned Elon Musk As Evil Clone Praises China, Denounces Bitcoin

‘NOOOOO!!!’ Screams Imprisoned Elon Musk As Evil Clone Praises China, Denounces Bitcoin UNDISCLOSED—”Huh? Where am I?” billionaire Elon Musk said in a slurred voice as he awoke from a tortured rest. He winced and groaned as he felt anew the pain from the bruises on his face and all over his body. He tried to […]

Kamala Harris Combats High Unfavorability By Releasing All The Children She Has Imprisoned In Her Gingerbread House

Kamala Harris Combats High Unfavorability By Releasing All The Children She Has Imprisoned In Her Gingerbread House FORBIDDEN WOODS—Recent polls have shown a low favorability rating for Vice President Kamala Harris. To combat this, she has taken the unusual step of releasing all the children she had imprisoned in her gingerbread house deep within the […]

‘Imprisoned But Free’: Letter from jailed Palestinian leader Khalida Jarrar to her late daughter, Suha

On Tuesday July 13th, the family and friends of Palestinian human rights advocate Suha Jarrar laid her to rest in the city of Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank. Missing from her funeral was Suha’s mother, Palestinian leader, feminist icon, and political prisoner Khalida Jarrar. Despite numerous appeals from Palestinian rights groups, the Israel Prison […]

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