Posts Tagged ‘Dragon’

Like A Red Shield Dragon Falling From The Sky In Flames

‘Like A Red Shield Dragon Falling From The Sky In Flames’ Like a Red Shield dragon falling from the shy in flames- Israhell will light the night sky with her burning shame- Exposed as FAKE Hebrews, Liars, Fakes Frauds, bunch of pedophile- Slaughtering the Indigenous Semitic Palestinians in their own domiciles- A demon god’s promise […]

Ye Olde Dragon Slayer: The Legend of St George (Video)

In a time long ago, in a land far away, there lived a legendary hero whose name echoed throughout the ages. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Europe Video History Ancient Traditions Famous People Read Later  Source

Nidhogg, the Chaos Bringing Dragon of Ancient Norse Mythology

A dark dragon, feathered, with corpses strewn about its body. An ancient evil that nibbles away at the structure of the universe itself. The “curse-striker.” A beast constantly engaged in a battle of wits with eagles, communicating with them by… a squirrel? All this and more is part of the mythology of Nidhogg in Norse […]

How Iran took out seven-headed dragon of arrogance

TEHRAN— In his meeting with the participants of the 7th General Assembly of the AhlulBayt World Assembly (ABWA) in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on Saturday, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei made important remarks about how Iran pushed back the “7-headed dragon” of arrogance. During the meeting, the Leader said, “The […]

Nancy braves the Chinese dragon and wins?

August 02, 2022 Source So, it appears that Pelosi landed in Taiwan. This is a HUGE victory for the invincible USA and China with all its hollow threats has now lost face.  That is how those evil commies are – they only understand the language of force, and when faced with the united forces of […]

Argentina’s ‘Dragon of Death:’ South America’s Largest Pterosaur!

A team of paleontologists have discovered the fossilized remains of a new species of airborne reptile in the Andes Mountains of western Argentina. Dubbed the “Dragon of Death” by its discoverers,  Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Read Later 

BL- Dr. Wesley Swift: America Battles the Dragon, Pt 2

EURO FOLK RADIO BL- Dr. Wesley Swift: America Battles the Dragon, Pt 2 Play EpisodePause Episode Mute/Unmute EpisodeRewind 10 Seconds1xFast Forward 30 seconds SubscribeShare Share this: Source

The Chivalric Order of the Dragon, the Medieval Shield of Christendom

Medieval chivalric orders are the fabled and idealized stuff of legend. Upstanding knights, standing in defense of their faith and of the innocents, with their sophisticated manners and shining suits of armor. For a medieval peasant boy, these chivalrous men were likely the object of utmost admiration. But were they so perfect in reality? The […]

Dragon Sharks, Fish Flippers And Other Real Life Monsters Of The Primordial Soup

From the human perspective oceans appear endless and unchanging, but in reality they are in a constant state of flux, continuously evolving over vast periods of time. Many modern humans seem oblivious to the fact that their way-back ancestors crawled from the oceans and that for three billion years the majority of the planet’s life […]

‘Dragon Man’ Skull Found in China May Be ANOTHER New Human Species

In the latest edition of the journal The Innovation , a team of evolutionary scientists led by Professor Qiang Ji from Hebei GEO University in Shijiazhuang, China have announced the discovery of a new human species . Their startling conclusion is based on the results of a sophisticated computer analysis of a strange human-like skull […]

Sigurd the Dragon Slayer

By Donald A. MackenzieFrom Teutonic Myth and Legend [1912] WHEN Helgi won his kingdom and his bride, Sinfjotle returned again unto Hunaland. Thereafter he set to warring in distant realms, and he achieved widespread renown and won much treasure. Now it chanced that his eyes fell with love upon an alien maid of exceeding great […]

SpaceX Crew Dragon arrives with 4 astronauts at space station

Four astronauts who lifted off from Earth on Friday docked at the International Space Station. They were greeted with hugs from colleagues at the space station. They travelled in the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour capsule. They will replace four astronauts already aboard the space station and who will travel back to Earth later this week. […]

Lion-dragon alliance: a serious threat to U.S. influence in region

TEHRAN – The signing of a 25-year cooperation document between Iran and China has become the subject of debate by many political and economic experts and scholars and even ordinary people all over Iran. The agreement, dubbed the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, covers cooperation in a variety of areas including politics, economic, security, defense, culture, agriculture, […]

Thebes, A City Formed by The Warriors Who Sprang from a Dragon’s Teeth

In ancient times, Thebes was one of the major Greek city states, and a rival of Athens. Later on, however, Thebes fell to the Macedonians, and was eventually conquered by the Romans. The post-Classical history of Thebes is perhaps less well-known. Whilst the site prospered during the Byzantine and Frankish times, it went into went […]

Female dragon dancers scale-up ambitions in Vietnam

Lion and dragon dancing has been normally seen as a male pursuit in Vietnam, but young female performers are challenging that assumption. At the Tu Anh Duong troupe in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta city of Can Tho, young women are training hard every day as group prepares for Tet, the Vietnamese New Year holiday which falls […]

Indian State Renames Dragon Fruit ‘Lotus’ Fruit to Distance from China

India’s western state of Gujarat has changed the name of a locally-grown variety of dragon fruit to “lotus” fruit to avoid the original name’s association with China, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported on Wednesday. “The name dragon fruit is not proper, and due to its name one thinks of China. So we have […]

An Ox, an Ass … a Dragon? Sorry, there were no Animals in the Bible’s Nativity Scene

From nativity plays to crèche sets to Christmas cards, animals are ubiquitous in our vision of the birth of Christ – but according to the Bible, not a single animal was there. Where did all these animals come from, and why are they now so central to the story? Only two parts of the Bible […]

Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club – (228) Dragon Whispers In Ear Of Henry Ford

Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club – (228) Dragon Whispers In Ear Of Henry FordBLACKBIRD9 EFR simulcasts Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Live on Weds 8pm-10pm US est. Welcome to Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club’s Wednesday Podcast, Dragon Whispers In Ear Of Henry Ford.  Tonight we examined The Fourth Industrial Revolution model of The Great Reset 2030. In the First Hour  we […]

Flying Dragon, Crashing Eagle

November 23, 2020 by Pepe Escobar and first posted at Asia Times Four geoeconomic summits compressed in one week tell the story of where we stand in these supremely dystopian times. The (virtual) signing of RCEP in Vietnam was followed by the equally virtual BRICS meeting hosted by Moscow, the APEC meeting hosted by Malaysia, and the G20 this past […]

Sanctions Fail & America Loses; Enter the Chinese Dragon

9 Oct, 2020 13:17Get short URL ©  Getty Images / designer491 Follow RT on By Rachel Marsden, columnist, political strategist and host of an independently produced French-language program that airs on Sputnik France. Her website can be found at rachelmarsden.comSanctions-obsessed neoconservatives in the Trump administration led by Mike Pompeo and since-fired John Bolton have inadvertently created and strengthened partnerships […]

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