Posts Tagged ‘crashing’

Biden Mideast agenda comes crashing down in Gaza

For years, many analysts of United States foreign policy have argued that our myopic and lock-step support for Israel harms our interests in the Middle East. Their case has been powerfully boosted by the reactions to our policy toward Israel’s merciless bombardment and invasion of the Gaza Strip. Israel’s actions have undermined American credibility and […]

Criminals In Washington Are Intentionally Crashing Into Vehicles To Carjack Them

Just when you thought you’d seen it all: now, criminals are intentionally wrecking vehicles in order to carjack them, according to a new report from KIRO7.  Bellevue Police in Washington are alerting motorists to a new carjacking tactic taking place in their jurisdiction, the article says. Officers responded to an attempted carjacking near the crossroads of Bel-Red Road and […]

Missouri Man Accused of Deliberately Crashing U-Haul Truck Into Security Barrier Near White House

WASHINGTON—A Missouri man flew to Washington, rented a U-Haul truck, and drove straight to the White House, where he crashed the truck into a security barrier and began waving around a Nazi flag in the culmination of a six-month plan to “seize power” from the government, authorities said Tuesday. Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, removed the […]

Donald Trump Hits Back at Ron DeSantis: ‘Take a Look at His Polls, Which Are Crashing’

Former President Donald Trump shot back at Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Thursday by pointing to polling numbers after the governor recently criticized him. Source

Clyburn: If GOP Wins, ‘We Are Going to See this Democracy Come to a Crashing Halt’

House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said Friday on “The Situation Room” that if Republicans led by former President Donald Trump win majorities in next week’s midterm elections, we are “going to see this democracy come to a crashing halt.” Source

Crown Prince Mocks Biden As Mentally Challenged Amid Crashing US-Saudi Relations

Just when you thought the Saudis couldn’t humiliate the Biden administration any more, the Wall Street Journal reports that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is reportedly talking massive trash about the US president behind closed doors. Source

Bidenflation Sends Consumer Sentiment Crashing to Lowest Level in Over a Decade

The steeper than expected decline in consumer sentiment was caused by a drop in assessments of current conditions and an even sharper decline in hope for the future.

Police sergeant arrested for DUI after crashing car

Image Credit: City of Dunwoody Accused of driving his personal vehicle into a utility pole, an off-duty Georgia police sergeant was recently arrested for driving under the influence and placed on administrative leave. The sergeant was suspended and placed on probation after being arrested on a previous DUI charge in July 2018. At approximately 11:55 […]

Watch: Former Donald Trump casino brought crashing to the ground

A spot on the Atlantic City Boardwalk where movie stars, athletes and rock stars used to party and a future president honed his instincts for bravado and hype has been reduced to a smoking pile of rubble. The former Trump Plaza casino was imploded on Wednesday morning after falling into such disrepair that chunks of […]

Gab Social Media Crashing Down, Barely Loads Pages because of 750% Increase in Traffic after Trump Ban, the free speech friendly social network, says traffic has increased by more than 750 percent in the past few days, following the blacklisting of President Donald Trump from most mainstream tech platforms. “Our traffic is up 753% in the past 24 hours. Tens of millions of visits,” said Gab in response to a question […]

Car seen crashing into gate of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office

A car with slogans scrawled on its sides crashed into the gate of the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Wednesday, a Reuters witness said. Berlin police do not suspect an extremist attack, a spokeswoman told Reuters on Wednesday. “We are not working on the basis of this assumption at the moment,” she […]

Flying Dragon, Crashing Eagle

November 23, 2020 by Pepe Escobar and first posted at Asia Times Four geoeconomic summits compressed in one week tell the story of where we stand in these supremely dystopian times. The (virtual) signing of RCEP in Vietnam was followed by the equally virtual BRICS meeting hosted by Moscow, the APEC meeting hosted by Malaysia, and the G20 this past […]

Drunk driver jailed after dashcam captures him crashing into house (VIDEO)

Michael Mills, 29, was sentenced to 12 months in prison in Penrith Local Court on Tuesday for a number of offences related to the crash, including his blood-alcohol level which was four times over the legal limit. READ MORE: Teetotaller wrongfully charged with drinking and driving wins $1mn NYC lawsuit The damning footage showed Mills […]

Military Industrial Complex Stocks Sent Crashing as North and South Korea Achieve Peace

When North Korea’s Kim Jong-un shook hands with South Korea’s Moon Jae-in for the first time on Friday, they put thousands of people both at home and around the world at ease, as they agreed to a peace deal that has the power to break the tension that has been between the […]

Self-driving cars could easily turn into self-crashing cars that deliberately target and kill humans, expert warns

(Natural News) There has been a lot of hype surrounding self-driving cars and their potential to change the way humans use roads for a very long time. However, with all of the hope that they can change things for the better, there are also some reasons to fear for your safety while […]

The Control Matrix Is Crashing Because The Truth Seekers Are Winning

The way the masses view the world is a farce. Every single mainstream perspective is either purposely deceptive, or completely misses the point. Even the people in places of influence who we’re meant to trust have either sold out, or are just plain ignorant to the facts. There’s no need to have a heavy heart though; the […]

Netanyahu hints Israel has stopped hijacked planes crashing into European cities

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We can rest assured that israel DID NOT stop any ‘hijacked’ airliners from crashing into European cities

PM tells NATO ambassadors that Israeli intel has thwarted ‘several dozen major terrorist attacks,’ some involving civil aviation ed note–Judea, Inc has everything to gain and nothing to lose by having airliners hijacked by ‘Islamic’ terrorists crash into European cities. In the first case, it bolsters the narrative the Jewish state needs to maintain in […]

Exile in Thailand Better Than Exile at Home – US Retiree

Marcus who retired to Bangkok says the many drawbacks are manageable compared to the increasing “insanity of the West.”       (Disclaimer– We are not endorsing sexual mores described herein.)   by Marcus  I am a retired businessman from the USA, now living in Thailand for 10 years.  This is encouragement for other […]

The Occult Definition of Government

Pao L. Chang, GuestWaking Times The word government is a word that we hear all the time, so we are well aware of what this word implies. However, at deeper levels, most of us have no clue as to what the word government truly means. To find the deeper meanings of the word government, we […]

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