Posts Tagged ‘level’


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CORRUPTION at the HIGHEST LEVEL: Multimillion Dollar Scheme to GAG Trump REVEALED

CORRUPTION at the HIGHEST LEVEL: Multimillion Dollar Scheme to GAG Trump REVEALED Source

France Raises Terror Alert Warning To Highest Level After Moscow Massacre

France has raised the country’s terrorist alert to the highest level following the attack on a packed music venue in Russia, where at least 137 people were killed. France’s terror alert system has three levels. The highest level is declared if it is assumed that an attack is imminent. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to […]

Trump Promises Christian Nationalists ‘[Political] Power At A Level That You’ve Never Used It Before’

Former president Donald Trump delivered a campaign speech at the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Tennessee on Thursday, promising the right-wing Christian audience that they will wield political power “at a level that you’ve never used it before” if he is returned to the White House in 2024. Trump’s audience and the larger convention were […]

America needs a Cabinet-level ‘Secretary of Digital’

America needs a holistic approach to combat the many threats posed by emerging technologies. Source

Every country in the world is hiding the record level data

Below is a collation of videos from Pierre Kory MD’s substack of the recent and very sabotaged meeting organized by Andrew Bridgen at the British Parliament … reasonably well attended by Brit MPs. (Listen to Andrew Bridgen & NZ whistle blower Barry Young’s interview with Liz Gunn). The globalist narrative is being further exposed as […]

Protests At UN Climate Talks See ‘Shocking Level Of Censorship’

Activists protested at the COP28 summit in Dubai, calling for a Gaza cease-fire and the release of detainees in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. Source

Two high-level FDA officials who approved Moderna’s COVID”vaccines, now work for Moderna.

What could be more dangerous in the field of medicine than government officials knowingly licensing dangerous medical experiments on the population, and then suddenly taking up new positions with the pharmaceutical companies that they were supposed to regulate? This revolving door of corruption is currently taking place between the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and […]

Israel PURPOSELY targeting innocent women and children in Gaza to level fertility playing field: “the plan is to kill the children”

Israel PURPOSELY targeting innocent women and children in Gaza to level fertility playing field: “the plan is to kill the children” As political activist Karl Denninger says, demographics are destiny. And in order to maintain its stranglehold over the Western-dominated global political structure, Israel is purposely murdering innocent Palestinian women and children, as well as […]

FOIA’d Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at White House, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, Yet Publicly Covered Up Findings.

October 18, 2023 • by Amy Kelly DailyClout received the third, 131-page release of documents from Attorney Edward Berkovich’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The FOIA request stated: “I request emails sent by and received by Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis […]

Israeli Airstrikes Level Apartments In Gaza Refugee Camp As Ground Troops Battle Hamas

The Israeli military said a large number of militants were killed, including the commander overseeing Hamas operations in northern Gaza. Source

These Next-Level Gifts Are for True Food Freaks Only

If you’re a gustatory enthusiast, there’s a decent chance your friends are, too. And while we’re sure that you’re a trailblazer within your community, you probably have at least one friend who’s always been a superior cook to you. She was drinking Fernet and using a microplane since birth, or he doesn’t even flinch when […]

COVID-19 Bioweapon Vax an Extinction Level Event


These Are The Most Sought-After Entry Level Jobs In 2023

These Are The Most Sought-After Entry Level Jobs In 2023 In the fast-paced realm of job hunting, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. And if you are an entry-level job applicant, the pressure is a notch higher. New entrants in any job market today compete with groundbreaking technology like ChatGPT in addition to their peers. In […]

Microsoft next level of spying – Camera must be present!

Microsoft has gone to the next level of spying with its Windows 11 (spyware) operating system. Now all devices except desktop PCs must be equipped with a “Forward-facing” camera with a minimum spec sheet. See original document within the link: See also video, Please Stop Using Windows:  It’s all part of the 5-eyes Nanny […]

EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT: The Coming AI-Conducted Wars Across The Planet

: The Future Of AI Is War… And Human Extinction As Collateral Damage By Michael T Klare A world in which machines governed by artificial intelligence (AI) systematically replace human beings in most business, industrial, and professional functions is horrifying to imagine. After all, as prominent computer scientists have been warning us, AI-governed systems are prone […]

This Is Why The Global Food Crisis Is About To Go To A Whole New Level…

This Is Why The Global Food Crisis Is About To Go To A Whole New Level… Posted by Lou on July 21, 2023 We are transitioning from an era of plenty to an era of great suffering, but most people in the general population still have absolutely no idea what is coming. Michael Snyder July […]

Mortgage Rates Soar to Highest Level for the Year

U.S. home mortgage rates soared towards 7 percent this week, pushing away many potential home buyers as affordability pressures for some pushed home ownership further out of reach. The average rate on the popular 30-year fixed mortgage hit 7.22 percent on July 6, reaching its highest point since November, according data published by to Mortgage News […]

Azerbaijan-Iran ties at lowest level: envoy 

TEHRAN – The ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Israel has said that relations between Tehran and Baku are at an all-time low.   Source

Is the world undergoing an extinction-level population COLLAPSE? The very survival of the human race may be at stake

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) People are no longer having children, and trends suggest that a worldwide population collapse is now in motion because of it.Both in the industrialized world and in the developing world, birth rates are barely remaining stable, at best. At worst, and this seems to be the case for most countries, population numbers […]

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