Posts Tagged ‘nationalists’

It’s Not Gonna Be By Choice: Christian Nationalists Lay Out Their Agenda

Christian nationalists and right-wing fascists have never been shy about their agenda, but lately many of them have become increasingly bold in laying out the future they envision for this country. For instance, during a recent podcast, Christian nationalist pastor Douglas Wilson declared that, “In the republic I envision, Hindus would not be able to […]

Christian Nationalists’ Anti-LGBTQ Plan: Allow Anyone To Sue Teacher, Librarian ‘Groomers’

When the National Association of Christian Lawmakers held its National Policy Conference at Liberty University earlier this month, participants on one panel discussed ways to take advantage of the far-right majority’s control of the Supreme Court to “unwind” the separation of church and state. During a separate session, participants, led by radical right-wing conspiracy theorist and […]

The Christian Nationalists At WallBuilders Insist Christian Nationalism Is Nothing To Worry About

The Christian nationalist pseudo-historians at WallBuilders dedicated Monday’s episode of their “WallBuilders Live” radio program to dismissing concerns about Christian nationalism. They did so by intentionally misrepresenting what Christian nationalism actually is, with David Barton, who is in many ways the intellectual father of the modern Christian nationalist ideology, creating a definition that was so […]

Right Wing Round-Up: What Christian Nationalists Want

Time is ticking! Year-end is here, and with our generous 4X-match, your donation to fight back against Trump Republicans will go four times as far! Stand with us to uphold Norman’s legacy in defending democracy, protecting free speech, and safeguarding our rights from an increasingly hostile right-wing. Act now – let’s make 2024 a year […]

Trump Promises Christian Nationalists ‘[Political] Power At A Level That You’ve Never Used It Before’

Former president Donald Trump delivered a campaign speech at the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Tennessee on Thursday, promising the right-wing Christian audience that they will wield political power “at a level that you’ve never used it before” if he is returned to the White House in 2024. Trump’s audience and the larger convention were […]

In Win For Hindu Nationalists, Modi Opens Controversial Temple Built On Mosque’s Ruins

The Indian prime minister hopes the temple in Ayodhya, where Hindu mobs destroyed a mosque three decades ago, will help him win a third term. Source

NJP’s Eric Striker Calls for White Nationalists to Send Money to Arab Groups

I still see some people promoting the National Justice Party, despite the group being led by Mike Peinovich, Source

Christian Nationalists Launch ‘Major Push’ to Take Advantage of the Far-Right Supreme Court

Earlier this month, Right Wing Watch reported that religious-right activists are seeking to take advantage of the far-right majority’s control of the Supreme Court to start enacting Christian nationalist policies all across the nation. Emboldened by recent Supreme Court decisions upholding prayer in schools, crosses erected on public lands, and flying Christian flags on public buildings, right-wing activists […]

Scottish nationalists ‘tearing apart’ amid another arrest

Police in Scotland arrested the SNP treasurer on Tuesday in connection with a long-running probe into party finances. Source

Right Wing Round-Up: When Christian Nationalists Take Control

David Siders @ Politico Magazine: What It Looks Like When the Far Right Takes Control of Local Government. Jack Jenkins @ Religion News Service: How big Christian nationalism has come courting in North Idaho. Chuck Tanner @ IREHR: Far-right “Constitutional Sheriffs” Group Launches Effort to Infiltrate Illinois Law Enforcement. Jake Lahut @ The Daily Beast: […]

Debunking Common Slanders of Nationalists in Ukraine

Since the start of Russo-Ukrainian war, we have seen many supposed nationalists in the West cheering on the Neo Bolshevik Eurasian war machine, as it maims and slaughters tens of thousands of White Ukrainians. Even though Ukraine is a homogenous White country where patriotism and ethno-nationalism is quite mainstream, we see a majority of nationalists […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Christian Nationalists ARE the Republican Party

Gab founder Andrew Torba has a warning for the GOP: “[You] are not to disavow us, [you] are not to condemn us because we are 80 percent of the Republican Party. Christian nationalists are the Republican Party, and they’re going to start doing the will of God.” Scott Lively has written an open letter to […]

EuroPride: Nationalists join church protest in Belgrade against Europe’s largest LGBT event

Thousands marched in the Serbian capital on Sunday night against Europe’s biggest Pride event, which organisers vow will go ahead despite a move by President Vučić to ban it.

Israel’s murky relations with far-right nationalists trigger diplomatic storm

Israel has made a desperate bid to salvage its reputation in the Balkans after its ambassador endorsed a proposal to change Bosnia’s election laws even though the change is expected to harm the interests of the local Jewish communities and the Muslim majority. The change, it is believed, will also strengthen the position of far-right […]

“Let Your Village Burn!” – Racism, Violence Abound In Israeli Nationalists’ Jerusalem March

In the latest iteration of an incendiary tradition, thousands of nationalist Israelis marched through the Muslim Old City quarter of Jerusalem on Sunday. Along the way, the mostly young, orthodox Jewish throng chanted racist, genocidal slogans and attacked Palestinians and their property.

The War in Ukraine Is Being Waged to Kill White Nationalists

Putin has made it very clear that he intends to “denazify” Ukraine. Some people are putting out videos showing “proof” of “real Nazis” in Ukraine, as if that is a bad thing. There are legitimate White nationalists (White Ukrainians who want to keep their country for themselves), and these are the people Putin and Zelensky […]

Israel officials co-ordinated with Jewish ultra-nationalists to crackdown on Palestinian protesters, HRW says

A report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) into abusive and discriminatory policing found that Israeli officials co-ordinated with far-right Jewish ultra-nationalists during May’s civil unrest in the mixed Jewish and Palestinian city of Lod. Released today, the report found that Israeli law enforcement agencies used excessive force to disperse peaceful protests by Palestinians in Lod […]

Turning Point USA’s ‘America Fest’ Aims to Reach Gen Z With Christian Nationalists, Conspiracy Theorists, and Country

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec wants you to hang out with him at Turning Point USA’s “America Fest,” billed as the “biggest event in the conservative movement” in Phoenix, Arizona, Dec 18-21. At least that’s what he says on Twitter, where he offers a promo code for the event and insists it “makes a great […]

Why a nationalists’ alliance in the EU parliament is necessary

    The leaders of Europe’s nationalist parties met in the Polish capital, Warsaw, on Saturday in an attempt to thrash out an agreement for greater co-operation. The overall objective of the gathering at the Regent Warsaw Hotel was to form a supergroup in the European Parliament, which would become the second-largest in the EU’s […]

Radical Hindu Nationalists Brutally Attack Christian Community in India

Radicals Use Extreme Violence to Make Village “Christian-Free” 11/08/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a Christian community in India’s Chhattisgarh state was brutally attacked by a mob of radical Hindu nationalists over the weekend. The attack left nine Christians seriously injured, including three who are currently hospitalized […]

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