Posts Tagged ‘necessary’

The Trump ‘Assassination’ Fiasco: Logic and Critical Thinking Are Necessary Here

The Trump ‘Assassination’ Fiasco: Logic and Critical Thinking Are Necessary Here July 16, 2024 By: Gary D. Barnett “In America, as soon as you are born, you are brainwashed. Starting with your parents, then by religion, then by the public school system, and then by government via the news media.” ~ James Thomas Kesterson Jr […]

Molly’s Law, gender based law not necessary?

Molly Ticehurst, 28, was found dead in a Forbes home early on April 22. (Supplied: Gofundme) The media, and government, have jumped on the fact that one woman died in the hands of her abusive partner, using her as the excuse to put in new law, not focusing on the factual failure of the judiciary. […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: By Any Means Necessary

Eric and Lara Trump will be joining Amanda Grace, Robin Bullock, Jackson Lahmeyer, Clay Clark, and others for a Night of Prayer for the Trump Family and the Nation on Jan. 14. Stew Peters says that Jews have infiltrated and overtaken the U.S. government and must be “removed from power by any means necessary.” Andrew […]

The Coming Death Of The Rothschild Controlled US Empire Is A Blessing, and Necessary

God is a made up human word.It is not the name of the Source of all that is.It is not the name of the Light which gives life.It is not the name of the Creator of all that is. But it is the name used by spiritually blind ignorant sheep humans to speak a name […]

Liberation struggles, slave revolts, and revolutions are bloody but necessary

7 Nov 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English Robert Inlakesh The Palestinian people have the right, given 75 years of massacres, ethnic cleansing, land theft, torture, and abuse, to fight their occupier through any means necessary. Palestinians should enjoy the same rights and standards as the rest of humanity. This statement seems self-evident, but many who […]

Oregon School Declares Core Skills No Longer Necessary Because Minorities Aren’t Testing Well

School officials in Oregon have decided that proficiency in reading, writing and math are no longer necessary in order to graduate, reasoning that minority children are not testing well and therefore the current standards are “discriminatory”. Yes, really. Oregon students will no longer need to be proficient in reading, writing, and math to graduate. They’re […]

There’s a HUGE and necessary anti-war protest happening now on Capitol Hill right now’ (Video)


Haley says battle in Gaza will be ‘hard’ and ‘long,’ but ‘necessary’

Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley said the battle in Gaza and Israel will be “hard” and “long,” but “necessary” in a social media post Thursday evening. “At the UN, I saw how Israel was criticized. It will be worse this time,” she posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “The battle in Gaza… […]

The “Air Vaccine” Is Here, No Needle Necessary To Get mRNA Technology Into Humans

A team from Yale University has developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The method has also been used to vaccinate mice intranasally, “opening the door for human testing in the near future.” Source

Kamala Harris Says She’s Ready To Become Commander-In-Chief “If Necessary”

Kamala Harris, the least popular Vice President in American history, is ready to serve as POTUS, should President Biden’s health takes a turn for the worse. In an interview oublished on Wednesday Harris told AP: “Joe […] The post Kamala Harris Says She’s Ready To Become Commander-In-Chief “If Necessary” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Targeting Palestinian children is necessary for Israeli settler colonialism

Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid is based on the extermination of the indigenous population and the elimination of their hope of living freely. Palestinian children represent that hope. Source

Macron: ‘I have no regrets pushing for this necessary reform’

France’s President Emmanuel Macron stood by his government and condemned violence in a much-anticipated interview over pension reforms. Source

SYRIZA: Dialogue with Turkey, based on international law, is necessary

Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance MP and former minister Giorgos Katrougalos said that dialogue with Turkey is necessary, on the condition that it is based on international law. “A dialogue to defuse the tension with Turkey based on the international law is necessary but it must be held on the basis of our agenda, not of… […]

US Vows to Help Ukraine Regain its Lands ‘by Force if Necessary’

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba that if necessary, Washington will assist Ukraine in “regaining control of its land by force if necessary.” Vladimir Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, has frequently indicated that he wants to annex all of Russia’s claimed regions, including Crimea. According to a readout of […]

‘Putin believes it is necessary’: Muscovites react to troops call-up

Muscovites have given a guarded response to Vladimir Putin’s partial military mobilisation, the first of its kind in Russia since World War II.  For now, around 300,000 experienced reservists are being asked to serve. Putin’s call-up, which comes as Kyiv makes progress with a counteroffensive in north-east Ukraine, has sparked a mixed response in the Russian capital. […]

The Dr. Hotze Report: Magnesium supplementation is necessary for better health – Brighteon.TV

(Natural News) Drs. Steven Hotze and Carolyn Dean believe magnesium supplementation is absolutely necessary for good health. Hotze and Dean discussed the importance of magnesium during the Sept. 12 episode of “The Dr. Hotze Report” on Brighteon.TV. Magnesium is necessary for the functioning of over a thousand enzyme systems that drive a variety of biological reactions […]

Health Ranger Report with Dr. Carrie Madej: Strengthening the mind and body necessary for recovery following a serious accident – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) To fully and quickly heal following an accident that caused serious injuries, Dr. Carrie Madej recommends a holistic approach that strengthens both mind and body and also relies on the power of prayer.Madej talked about this on the July 26 episode of the “Health Ranger Report” with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, […]

Nearly one in three Americans say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against the government

A majority of Americans say the U.S. government is corrupt and almost a third say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against it, according to a new poll from the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics. Source

Biden Casually Says Food Shortage “Going To Be Real” As Necessary “Price” Of Anti-Russia Sanctions

Nothing to see here… only the President of the United States speaking at an emergency summit of NATO heads making somewhat overly casual sounding references regarding likely massive energy and food shortages… Source

LA Times Columnist Says Mocking Anti-Vaxxers Deaths is “Necessary”

The Los Angeles Times published an article by columnist Michael Hiltzik which says mocking the deaths of anti-vaxxers is “necessary”. Yes, really. As Chris Menahan notes, the URL of the original article suggests the first headline was even worse and that it was subsequently changed by an editor. The first incarnation was called ‘Why Shouldn’t […]

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