Posts Tagged ‘dialogue’

Two Christians Beaten after Muslim-Christian Dialogue

Musa Kirongosa received hospital treatment for five days after hardline Muslims beat him in eastern Uganda on Nov. 13, 2023. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Two Christians in eastern Uganda were hospitalized after hardline Muslims beat them for their presentation at a religious dialogue, one of the victims said. Musa Kirongosa, 32, […]

A Revealing Dialogue with a Former CDC Scientist

Note: this piece was coauthored with Martin Neil and Jonathan Engler Dr Norman Pieniazek is a molecular biologist, geneticist, and epidemiologist with 147 publications in virology and parasitology. Before he retired, he spent 24 years working at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the USA. He has also spent time abroad including […]

SYRIZA: Dialogue with Turkey, based on international law, is necessary

Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance MP and former minister Giorgos Katrougalos said that dialogue with Turkey is necessary, on the condition that it is based on international law. “A dialogue to defuse the tension with Turkey based on the international law is necessary but it must be held on the basis of our agenda, not of… […]

US Remains Open to Dialogue Despite North Korea’s Repeated Missile Launches: Official

The United States remains open to dialogue with North Korea despite the growing tensions caused by the latter’s missile launches and warplanes deployment near the border of South Korea, a U.S. official said Friday. North Korea fired a short-range ballistic missile into the sea and blasted about 560 artillery shots into the maritime buffer zones […]

Parties to Astana dialogue hold informal meeting in New York

TEHRAN — A trilateral meeting was held on Wednesday between foreign ministers of the countries that are parties to the Astana process on the developments in Syria. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 77th United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. The meeting, which was attended by the foreign ministers of […]

Parties to Astana dialogue hold informal meeting in New York

TEHRAN — A trilateral meeting was held on Wednesday between foreign ministers of the countries that are parties to the Astana process on the developments in Syria. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 77th United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. The meeting, which was attended by the foreign ministers of […]

Parties to Astana dialogue hold informal meeting in New York

TEHRAN — A trilateral meeting was held on Wednesday between foreign ministers of the countries that are parties to the Astana process on the developments in Syria. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 77th United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. The meeting, which was attended by the foreign ministers of […]

Parties to Astana dialogue hold informal meeting in New York

TEHRAN — A trilateral meeting was held on Wednesday between foreign ministers of the countries that are parties to the Astana process on the developments in Syria. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 77th United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. The meeting, which was attended by the foreign ministers of […]

UN chief affirms Iran’s position on regional dialogue

TEHRAN — Continuing his consultations on the fourth day of his trip to New York, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi met with Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations on Thursday. During the meeting, the president emphasized the importance of the UN’s position in giving nations a role to solve their problems and prevent […]

Iraq groups hold 2nd round of dialogue to resolve political crisis

Iraq’s rival political groups held a second round of national dialogue on Monday in an effort to resolve the country’s months-long political crisis Anadolu News Agency reports. The office of Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, reported the news, without providing any further details. The first round of the dialogue was held on 17 August, but was […]

Coordination Framework calls on Sadrist movement for dialogue

29 Aug 2022 The Coordination Framework in Iraq comments on Monday’s events in the Green Zone and calls on the Sadrist movement to join the dialogue process. The Iraqi Coordination Framework said Monday it was closely following up on the demonstrations of the Sadrist movement, which led to attacks on the state’s institutions. “Today’s developments […]

The Futility of Dialogue with Idiots and Liars

August 26, 2022 Source The entire crisis could have been avoided with much less loss of life if the NATO powers had responded to Russia’s long-held security concerns. Two weeks ago, the Strategic Culture Foundation proposed an urgent, simple test: stop the artillery shelling on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. The ZNPP – Europe’s largest […]

Panama: Government And Protesters Resume Dialogue With Little Progress

Dialogue between government and protesters in Panama continued for the second day on July 22, discussing the cost of the basic food basket, one of the main causes of the protests that have rocked the country over the past three weeks. The protest leaders proposed a reduction of 30% of prices of the items of […]

Egypt main opposition group differs on view of national dialogue

Members of the Egyptian Civil Democratic Movement, the largest opposition group in the country, are experiencing major internal differences over plans to participate in the national dialogue initiative proposed by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi about three months ago, Arabi21 news site reported. The site quoted unnamed sources within the movement as saying that "there are […]

Iran calls for regional dialogue including Saudi Arabia and Turkiye

The head of the Strategic Council for Foreign Policies in Iran, Kamal Kharazi, called yesterday for regional dialogue with Saudi Arabia, Turkiye, Egypt and Qatar to resolve political and security differences in the region, Anadolu has reported. Kharazi is a senior adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He told Al Jazeera that Qatar […]

Ecuador: Government And Indigenous Movements Very Far From Dialogue

On the 10th day of the national strike in Ecuador, the president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), Leonidas Iza, presented four conditions to the government of Guillermo Lasso before entering negotiations. The most significant condition was the end of police repression and cancellation of the nationwide state of exception. The indigenous […]

Shangri-La Dialogue on the Issues of International Security

A new (19th) Shangri-La Dialogue was held in Singapore on June 10-12 to discuss regional security issues. It was initiated and co-organized by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies, which is rightly seen as one of the world’s most respected “think tanks” specializing in research on a wide range of issues summarized by the […]

Maduro Announces Reactivation Of Dialogue With The Opposition

Above Photo: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, on March 7, announced the reactivation of the dialogue process with the opposition, as well as the restoration of contact with the US government. Venezuelan Presidential Press / Twitter. After Meeting With US Government. The dialogue process between the socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro and the opposition had […]

Tunisia’s Ennahda calls for national dialogue

Tunisia’s Ennahda Movement, on Wednesday, called for a comprehensive national dialogue to form a political front to resume democracy and restore legitimacy, Anadolu News Agency reports. The Movement, which held the majority of seats in the country’s disrupted parliament, called on “all anti-coup forces to unite efforts and options and to conclude a common ground […]

Iran accuses Israel of opposing regional dialogue

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh has accused Israel of opposing regional dialogue and making efforts to thwart the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear agreement concluded between Tehran and world powers. Speaking to reporters on Monday, Khatibzadeh said that Tel Aviv has opposed the nuclear agreement from the beginning. He added, however, that […]

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